Starfield Shattered Space

Entangled Walkthrough and Choices

Starfield - Entangled

Entangled is a main quest in Starfield. Learn how to get to the lab and save both Director Patel, Rafael, and everyone in their universe!

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Final Glimpses Unearthed

Entangled Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location Nishina Research Station, Freya III
Recommended Level 40
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest Final Glimpses
Next Quest Unearthed
Rewards EXP: 800
Credits: 11800
Experimental Nishina Helmet (x1)
Experimental Nishina Spacesuit (x1)

Entangled Walkthrough and Objectives

Entangled Objectives ▼
1 Investigate the Distress Signal
2 Enter Nishina Research Stationr
3 Follow Ethan
4 Speak to Rafael
5 Speak to Rafael
6 Speak to Director Patel
7 Follow Maria
8 Get to the Lab
9 Speak to Rafael
10 Get to the Lab
11 Speak to Ethan
12 Speak to Maria
13 Assist Maria
14 Stand in the Distortion
15 Find a Probe Control Unit
16 Recalibrate the Distortion
17 Speak to Maria
18 Speak to the Director
19 Take the Elevator
20 Override the Lockdown in the Facilities Section
21 Override the Lockdown in the Accelerator Section
22 Override the Lockdown in the Storage Section
23 Get to the Lab
24 Disengage Power Interlocks or Switch Universes
25 Shut Down the Probe
26 Take the Artifact
27 Speak to Director Patel or Rafael

1-2. Investigate the Distress Signal

Starfield - Investigate Distress Signal

Go to the Nishina Research Station on Freya III in the Freya Star System. Speak to Ethan Hughes via the intercom by the entrance. He will let you in but your companion would have to stay outside.

Freya Star System Location, Planets, and Stats

3. Follow Ethan

Starfield - Follow Ethan

Follow Ethan to meet with the Director. As you go along the way, you'll be briefly transported to an alternate parallel universe where the station is in ruins. Cataxi creatures will emerge from the ground and attack you before being sent back to the previous universe.

4. Speak to Rafael

Starfield - Speak to Rafael

You'll again return to the ruins where you can find and speak to Rafael. Unfortunately, the conversation will be cut short as you'll return to Ethan. Continue following him all the way up to the Director's office.

5. Find the Director's Office

Starfield - Find the Director

While making your way up to the second floor of the station, you'll again return to the ruins. You'll then have to find your way to the Director's Office while in the ruined version of the station. Enter through the right door and climb up the stairs.

6-7. Speak to Director Patel

Starfield - Speak to Director Patel

Once you're thrown back to the peaceful version of the station, talk to Director Patel and a conversation between you, the Director, and Maria will ensue.

7-9. Follow Maria and Get to the Lab

Starfield - Jump Down the Gap

Follow Maria out of the office and you'll be transported back to the ruins. Turn around, head right, and go through the Emergency Door.

Fight the Cataxi creatures and jump down through the gap on broken floor. Talk to Rafael to receive the Nishina Pantry Keycard.

10. Speak to Rafael (Get to the Lab)

Starfield - Head Out the Main Hall and Talk to Rafael

Use the keycard to unlock the pantry nearby. You'll be warped back to the station briefly - while you're here, head out to the Main Hall to find yourself teleported back in the ruins again. Defeat the Cataxi and talk to Rafael.

11. Speak to Ethan (Get to the Lab)

Starfield - Enter the Ruined Office

Enter the destroyed office area nearby to warp back to the station's security room. Talk to Ethan and tell him you're trying to get to the fabrication lab so he can open the lab's doors for you.

Exit the room and make your way towards the lab on the second floor. Along the way, you'll be hopping back and forth between the station and ruins. While in the latter, be prepared to fight the Cataxi as they'll appear and attack you each time you're there.

12-14. Assist Maria

Starfield - Assist Maria

Talk to Maria in the fabrication lab and assist her with setting up the Probe Control Unit. Stand in the distortion when prompted to. While Maria is testing out the unit, you'll jump back to the ruins.

15-17. Find a Probe Control Unit

Starfield - Find the Probe Control Unit

While in the ruined version of the lab, you'll find the Probe Control Unit on a table next to one of the computer terminals. Grab the unit and recalibrate the distortion located at the corner of the lab by interacting with it.

With the Probe Control Unit, you'll be able to shift between the two universes at will by using the distortions scattered around the station.

18. Speak to the Director

Go and speak to Director Patel. You will be asked to make an important decision on which universe to save. You don't really have to choose now as this can be decided later on.

Should You Save Director Patel or Rafael's Universe?

19. Take the Elevator

Starfield - Take the Elevator on the Ruined Universe

Use the Hand Scanner that will lead you to the correct distortion to enter. Once in the ruins, take the elevator that will take you down to the research level.

Get Supplies (Optional Objective)

Before leaving for the ruins, you can get supplies by speaking to Doctor Tatiana Barakova just one floor below the Director's office to get three Medpacks and a Trauma Pack. This should help you later on in the quest should you find yourself low on health.

List of All Aid and Recovery Items

20. Override the Lockdown in the Facilities Section

Get Past the Blocked Path

Starfield - Ruined Universe Blocked Path

Upon exiting the elevator, warp through the first distortion that you'll see as the path ahead is blocked. Once you made it through, you'll find that the Nishina Particle Lab is locked. Enter through distortion near the locked door to go back to the ruins.

Unlock the Nishina Particle Lab

Starfield - Particle Lab Keycard

On the ruins universe, go inside the lab and grab the Nishina Particle Lab Keycard on top of a shelf. Return to the previous universe and use the keycard to unlock the particle lab.

Proceed Down the Lab

Go down one floor using the stairs and destroy all the turrets and robots in the hallway. Enter the distortion in the room to your right. This is the only room that's open in the hallway so you can't miss it!

Use the Facilities Computer to Override the Lockdown

Follow the objective marker that leads to the generator room to find the Facilities Computer. Access it and override the lockdown.

21. Override the Lockdown in the Accelerator Section

Enter the Room Below the Locked Accelerator Section Door

Starfield - Robot Room

Proceed through the emergency door outside of the facilities section. At the end of the hallway you'll find that the Accelerator door locked.

Go down one floor using the stairs to find yourself in a room filled with hostile turrets. Head up the catwalk and enter through the only distortion found here.

Unlock the Nishina Utility Closet

Starfield - Nishina Utility Closet Keycard

Enter through the Emergency Door and jump down to get the Nishina Utility Closet Keycard. For the next part, you'll be going through various distortions to reach the utility closet.

  • First, use the distortion near the table where you found the keycard.
  • Second, climb up the stairs and use the distortion.
  • Third, use the distortion at the middle of the room.

Once you're back on the normal universe, you can find the Nishina Utility Closet next to the room where the Accelerator computer can be found.

Open the Locked Accelerator Section

Enter the distortion found inside the utility closet, then another distortion located in the same room after that. Access the Accelerator Mainframe and open the Accelerator room.

Use the Accelerator Computer to Override the Lockdown

Go back to the Accelerator Room earlier to find it open. Access the Accelerator Computer and override the lockdown.

22. Override the Lockdown in the Storage Section

Head to the Tunnel Access

Starfield - Accelerator Room Tunnel

From the Accelerator Section, follow the objective marker that leads to the Tunnel Access and use the distortion inside.

Head inside the cave and keep following the path until you reach the end where another distortion can be found that will lead you back to the station. Enter it and head left to find yet another distortion at the end of the room.

Make Your Way to the Storage Section

Starfield - Exit Through the Gap in the Cave

Exit through an open gap leading up to another cave and fight your way past the Cataxi creatures. Jump down the slope to find yourself in a lab. At the end of the lab, use the distortion to warp to the Storage Section on the station universe.

Use the Storage Room Computer to Override the Lockdown

Access the Storage Room Computer and override the lockdown.

23. Get to the Lab

Starfield - Storage Room Distortion

Proceed to the Storage Room and enter the distortion inside to go the ruins again. Climb up the stairs go through the two emergency doors to finally reach the lab.

24-25. Disengage Power Interlocks or Switch Universes

Starfield - Disengage Interlocks

To disengage the power interlocks, approach them and interact with the switch when prompted. They'll be scattered across the lab marked by your objective markers. Once all interlocks have been disengaged, shut down the probe.

NOTE: Be sure you have decided on which universe to save as shutting down the probe in the universe you're currently on will kill all those on the other one!
How to Save Both Universes

26. Take the Artifact

Starfield - Take the Artifact

After shutting down the probe, you are now free to take the artifact.

27. Speak to Director Patel or Rafael

To claim your rewards, speak to Director Patel or Rafael, depending on which universe you saved.

Entangled Choice Guide

Should You Save Director Patel or Rafael's Universe?

Saving Director Patel Rewards You with Gear

Choosing to save Director Patel's universe by disengaging the interlocks on the station will reward you with the experimental Nishina Helmet and Spacesuit gear, as well as 11800 Credits.

As a result, Rafael will die and you'll ultimately lose your chance of getting him to join your crew.

List of All Armor and Gear

Saving Rafael Allows You to Hire Him to Your Crew

If you decide to save Rafael's universe, you'll be able to hire him to your crew and you'll receive 14800 Credits.

However, this decision will lead to the deaths of Director Patel and everyone on the Nishina Research station, and you won't be able to get the gear rewards.

Crew Explained: What Do Crew Members Do?

Save Both Universes

You can save the two universes and receive both rewards by reading a text log from Rafael's body that contains instructions on how to tinker with the lab computer in order to save both universes!

Saving both universes will reward you with gear from Director Patel , as well as the opportunity to hire Rafael to your crew.

How to Save Both Universes

  • Find Rafael's body in the Control Room on the normal universe. Grab the Probe Calibration Protocol Text Log from his corpse and read it.
  • Access the Lab Computer, then initiate Degaussing. This should be done on both universes.
  • Degauss the selected interlocks shown on the screen. To Degauss, switch the interlocks off and on.
  • Next, open up Frequency Calibration. For the normal universe, select 40GHz, while on the ruined universe, select 24GHz.
  • Activate the Primary Calibration Control. Do this again on both universes.

Entangled Previous and Next Quest

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Final Glimpses Unearthed

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


1 Shantariaover 1 year

You know, there is an option to save both universes ?


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