Starfield Shattered Space

Best Pilgrim Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Pilgrim Background in Starfield. Find out the best Pilgrim build, the best traits for Pilgrim, its starting skills, and how to play as a Pilgrim!

Best Pilgrim Build

Best Skills for Pilgrim

Starfield -  Astrodynamics Skill
Starfield -  Astrophysics Skill
Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Starfield -  Environmental Conditioning Skill
Environmental Conditioning
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
Starfield -  Gastronomy Skill
Starfield -  Gymnastics Skill
Starfield -  Nutrition Skill
Starfield -  Piloting Skill
Starfield -  Scanning Skill
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
Starfield -  Spacesuit Design Skill
Spacesuit Design
Starfield -  Surveying Skill
Starfield -  Weight Lifting Skill
Weight Lifting
Starfield -  Wellness Skill

With your background as a Pilgrim, you likely have skills that helped improve your journey across the stars. Physical Skills like Fitness, Weight Lifting, and Wellness come to mind. It's also great to be able to take on different planetary conditions, making skills like Boost Pack Training, Gymnastics, Environmental Conditioning, and Spacesuit Design great options.

Your journey will not be limited to surface exploration so acquiring skills related to your ship is a great investment. Piloting and Astrodynamics are great to expand your space journey.

With the goal of exploration, an extensive scanning skill is a must for a smoother experience. Skills like Surveying, Scanning, and Astrophysics can greatly help in determining your next destination. With all that traveling, you'll also benefit from picking up a trade skill or two. Utilizing Scavenging, Gastronomy, and Nutrition can make your journeys more worthwhile.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Pilgrim

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Elegance Elegance Pistol Phys .43 Ultramag
Starfield - Magsniper Magsniper Rifle Phys 6.5mm MI

A Pilgrim's best weapon choice is a Magsniper scoped weapon to clear any terrain you'll wander to of any threats, and Elegance as a pistol for close encounters.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Pilgrim

You'll want to equip yourself with good gear to bolster your defense during your travels. Anything that can reduce all types of damage should work well in most cases.

Best Armor Sets

Pilgrim Best Traits

Best Traits for Pilgrim

Starfield -  Extrovert
You're a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions. but more when adventuring alone. (Can't be combined with Introvert.)
Starfield -  Hero Worshipped
Hero Worshipped
You've earned the attention of an annoying "Adoring Fan" who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly. On the plus side, he'll join your ship's crew and give you gifts...
Starfield -  Raised Universal
Raised Universal
You grew up as a member of the Sanctum Universum. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the Sanctum Universum in New Atlantis, but lose access to the House of the Enlightened chest. (Can't be combined with any other religion trait.)

Any religion trait, such as Raised Universal, is highly recommended for this build as part of your background, not just for their benefits but also to expand your character. You could also pick Extrovert if you wish to take on your new journey with a companion. Hero Worshipped fits the bill as a wanderer whose name has reached the better part of the universe.

Best Traits

Pilgrim Starting Skills and Overview

Pilgrim Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Surveying Skill
Humanity now has access to untold alien worlds, and the ability to decipher all that data while on the ground has become an essential skillset.
Starfield -  Gastronomy Skill
Access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients, and there is almost no limit to the delicious foods and drinks a talented chef can prepare.
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
There are those who can find just about anything, and their success is usually dependent on knowing how, and where, to look.

Pilgrim Description

Pilgrim Flavor Text
Wayfarer, wanderer, seeker...transient. You've been called many things during your travels, and learned something those others could never understand - the journey IS the destination.

List of All Backgrounds and Starting Jobs

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Builds

List of All Builds

All Background Builds

Background Builds
Beast Hunter Bouncer Bounty Hunter
Chef Combat Medic Cyber Runner
Cyberneticist Diplomat Explorer
File Not Found Gangster Homesteader
Industrialist Long Hauler Pilgrim
Professor Ronin Sculptor
Soldier Space Scoundrel Xenobiologist

Other Builds

Stealth Sniper Space Pirate Space Cowboy
Unarmed Pacifist -


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