Starfield Shattered Space

Revelation Walkthrough and Rewards

Starfield - Revelation Walkthrough

Revelation is a main quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Revelation, rewards, and how to complete it.

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Missed Beyond Measure One Giant Leap

Revelation Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location NASA Launch Tower, Earth
Recommended Level 75
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest Missed Beyond Measure
Next Quest One Giant Leap
Rewards EXP: 5100
Credits: N/A

Revelation Walkthrough and Objectives

Revelation Objectives ▼
1 Go to Masada III
2 Hail the Scorpius
3 Defeat the Starborn Ships
4 Land at the Buried Temple
5 Find the Artifact
6 Defeat the Starborn
7 Defeat the Ecliptic Soldiers
8 Find a Way to Open the Door
9 Find the Artifact
10 Enter the Anomaly
11 Leave the Anomaly
12 Find the Artifact
13 Defeat the Starborn
14 Find a Way to Open the Door
15 Find the Artifact
16 Enter the Anomaly
17 Find a Way Out of the Anomaly
18 Leave the Anomaly
19 Find the Artifact
20 Leave the Anomaly
21 Find the Artifact
22 Defeat the Starborn
23 Find the Artifact
24 Defeat the Hunter/Emissary
25 Take the Artifacts

1. Go to Masada III

Starfield - Masada III

Get aboard your ship and travel all the way to Masada III in the Masada Star System. If it's too far from your current location and your fuel capacity can't reach it in one trip, you might have to jump to a closer star system along the way first.

Masada III Planet Location and 100% Survey Guide

2-3. Defeat the Starborn Ships

Starfield - Scorpius

You'll arrive outside the planet with the Scorpius waiting for you. Regardless of the dialogue options you choose, you'll have to blast your way through a squadron of Starborn Ships.

Space Battles Combat Guide

4. Land at the Buried Temple

Starfield - Buried Temple

Land at the Buried Temple area of the planet and make for the objective marker until you reach the military base.

5-7 Fight Your Way Through Starborn and Ecliptic Soldiers

Starfield - defeat the Starborn

As you get deeper into the base, you will be ambushed by multiple waves of Starborn and Ecliptic Soldiers. Survive and defeat all targets until you are stopped by a locked door.

Combat Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

8. Find a Way to Open the Door

Starfield - Ecliptic Base ID Card

Two markers should appear after clearing all the enemies: one for the door and another for an Ecliptic Base ID Card. Pick this card up and insert it on the card reader near the door to unlock it.

9-14. Continue Searching for the Artifact

Get through the next rooms while following the new objective marker. If you need, you can search around for some useful items like health packs and weapons.

The marker will lead you to an Anomaly, teleporting you inside a cave that, fortunately, has a linear path to the exit. A few more steps and you will encounter another group of Starborn.

14. Getting the Ecliptic Base Key

Starfield - Ecliptic Base Key

An optional objective will be added here where you can disable the turret defenses through the control room. The key to the control room is an Ecliptic Base Key found on a table outside it. This will also be used to open the next locked door.

You can either recalibrate friend/foe settings to have them protect you or shut the defenses completely.

15-18. Defeat Captain Petrov

Starfield - Captain Petrov

After surviving the attack, follow the marker for another Anomaly, which will lead you to a room where Captain Petrov is. Your choices here won't matter as this will ultimately escalate to an exchange of bullets.

Entering the Anomaly where you warped from will just lead back to the same room and the only way out is to defeat Petrov and loot the Private Quarters Key from his body.

19-23. Find the Artifact

Starfield - Buried Temple entrance

The next part of the quest is a linear one, and includes a trip through another Anomaly. Once you're back out, take the lift down and press onward through the cave until you receive another greeting from the Starborn.

Wipe them all out and head to the next marker to find the door to the Buried Temple. Finally!

24. Defeat The Hunter / The Emissary

Starfield - The Hunter

Depending on the crucial choice you made during Unearthed, either The Hunter, The Emissary, or both of them will be standing before the Artifact.

If you sided with The Hunter during the mentioned main quest, you'll go against The Emissary in this room, and vice versa. However, if you sided with neither of the two, it will be a rumble between the three of you (or four if you brought company).

They can still be persuaded in this objective and avoid a fight completely, skipping to the Artifact right away.

Choice Consequences
I'm siding with the Emissary. (Side with The Emissary) Fight The Hunter in Revelation and obtain Unmitigated Violence.
An alliance with the Hunter seems like the winning strategy. (Side with The Hunter) Fight The Emissary in Revelation and obtain Eternity's Gate.
I'm tired of both of you. I'll get to the Unity on my own. (Don't side with anyone) Fight both The Hunter and The Emissary in Revelation and obtain both weapons.

As indicated in the table above, you can obtain their unique weapons and their Artifacts if you defeat them here. That being said, the difficulty increase with both of them targeting you will be worth it if you can obtain both their exclusive items.

25. Take the Artifacts

Starfield - Artifact

Grab the Artifact (and The Hunter/Emissary's if you killed them) to return outside and complete the quest.

Revelation Previous and Next Quest

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Missed Beyond Measure One Giant Leap

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


2 Anonymousover 1 year

just start over lol

1 Anonymousover 1 year

This quest is completely broken for me. I killed all the starborn in the area but it keeps saying kill the starborn and giving me a marker on the map that's not even reachable and it won't spawn the id card to get through the door. I've tried different saves and absolutely nothing gets this bug fixed. Several people on Reddit have complained about other bugs including this one on this mission. So frustrating.


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