Starfield Shattered Space

Best Chef Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Chef Background in Starfield. Find out the best Chef build, the best traits for Chef, its starting skills, and how to play as a Chef!

Best Chef Build

Best Skills for Chef

Starfield -  Chemistry Skill
Starfield -  Commerce Skill
Starfield -  Dueling Skill
Starfield -  Gastronomy Skill
Starfield -  Leadership Skill
Starfield -  Martial Arts Skill
Martial Arts
Starfield -  Nutrition Skill
Starfield -  Persuasion Skill
Starfield -  Research Methods Skill
Research Methods
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
Starfield -  Wellness Skill

A good chef knows their way around people, making Social Skills such as Leadership and Persuasion good to support your chef in combat and in persuading. These skills line up with the similarly social Empath and Extrovert traits, which buffs your character around companions.

Since the Chef background starts with the Gastronomy Skill, you can pair it with Nutrition and Research Methods to increase the effectiveness of specialty food and drinks as well as reducing the required materials needed to craft them. Additionally, you can also learn Chemistry to expand your crafting options.

Scavenging is also an excellent skill to to learn since it will help you obtain additional credits, ammo, and other items. This also compliments your Commerce Skills by enabling you to sell your items at higher prices.

Chefs are also skilled at using knives as they start with the Dueling skill. Since this background tends to be more melee-focused, having Wellness and Martial Arts Skills can improve the effectiveness of your melee attacks and enable you to withstand more hits.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Chef

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Sir Livingstone Sir Livingstone's Pistol Pistol Phys .45 Caliber
Starfield - Tanto Tanto Melee Weapon Phys N/A
Starfield - Wakizashi Wakizashi Melee Weapon Phys N/A

Chefs already know Dueling by default, so it makes sense to want to focus on melee weapons to cut down any foes in your way. Carrying pistols as a sidearm can be useful if you need a ranged weapon.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Chef

Since you'll typically want to fight in close combat, wear armor that has good protection against physical damage. You can also wear armor with a high thermal stat to take any kind of heat, even outside the kitchen.

Best Armor Sets

Chef Best Traits

Best Traits for Chef

Starfield -  Empath
You are deeply connected to the feelings of others. Performing actions your companion likes will result in a temporary increase in combat effectiveness. But. performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect.
Starfield -  Extrovert
You're a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions. but more when adventuring alone. (Can't be combined with Introvert.)
Starfield -  Kid Stuff
Kid Stuff
Your parents are alive and well, and you can visit them at their home. But you will automatically send 2% of your credits home to them every week.

Chefs should be able to communicate well with others and understand the needs of those they're serving. As they tend to benefit from Social Skills, traits that rely on companions, such as Empath and Extrovert traits, are good fits for this background.

Kid Stuff does not really affect you much and actually costs you credits every week, but you'll still have parents you can visit that can appreciate your recipes.

Best Traits

Chef Starting Skills and Overview

Chef Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Gastronomy Skill
Access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients, and there is almost no limit to the delicious foods and drinks a talented chef can prepare.
Starfield -  Dueling Skill
Considered by many to be a lost art, close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner.
Starfield -  Scavenging Skill
There are those who can find just about anything, and their success is usually dependent on knowing how, and where, to look.

Chef Description

Chef Flavor Text
While the unrefined masses scarfed down Chunks by the shipload, you catered to those with a more... discerning palate. In your kitchen, countless alien species became true culinary masterpieces.

List of All Backgrounds and Starting Jobs

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Starfield - Builds

List of All Builds

All Background Builds

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Chef Combat Medic Cyber Runner
Cyberneticist Diplomat Explorer
File Not Found Gangster Homesteader
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Professor Ronin Sculptor
Soldier Space Scoundrel Xenobiologist

Other Builds

Stealth Sniper Space Pirate Space Cowboy
Unarmed Pacifist -


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