Starfield Shattered Space

All Neon Nights Locations

Neon Nights are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Neon Nights, their locations, effects, and how to use them!

Neon Nights Locations

Neon Nights 01

Jump to a Neon Night!
Night 01 Night 02 Night 03
Night 04 Night 05
Neon Nights 01 Location
Ryujin Industries
(Executive Offices)
Neon Nights 01
Effect Permanently grants the recipe for the chem BattleUp, which increases carry capacity, and physical and energy resistance for a limited time.
Location Ryujin Industries (Executive Offices) - Volii Alpha
How to Get
This Skill Magazine is located on the desk inside the Executive Offices in Neon, on planet Volii Alpha, in the Volii star system.

Enter Neon and turn left until you reach the end of the street. Here, you will find the Ryujin Industries lobby right in front of you. Head inside and take the elevator to reach the Executive Offices.

Exit the elevator and turn left to go up to the 2nd level using the stairs. Once there, turn right and enter the room with a wall divider. The skill magazine is on the table to your right.
Note: You can only access the Executive Offices during the Top Secret Quest from the Ryujin Industries Questline.

Neon Nights 02

Jump to a Neon Night!
Night 01 Night 02 Night 03
Night 04 Night 05
Neon Nights 02 Location
Astral Lounge VIP Elevator Neon Nights 02
Effect Permanently grants the recipe for the chem S.T.E.V.E., which slows down time and increases ranged damage for a limited time.
Location Astral Lounge - Volii Alpha
How to Get
This Skill Magazine is located in Booth 1 of the VIP section inside the Astral Lounge in Neon, on planet Volii Alpha, in the Volii star system.

Enter Neon and turn right to see Sieghart's Outfitters and the Volii Hotel. Walk past these buildings and keep going straight to eventually reach the Astral Lounge.

Head inside the lounge and turn left to see the VIP elevator. Enter it and take it to the “VIP Balcony”. Once there, turn right and enter the first room on the right marked “Booth I”. The skill magazine should be on the table on the right side of the room.

Neon Nights 03

Jump to a Neon Night!
Night 01 Night 02 Night 03
Night 04 Night 05
Neon Nights 03 Location
Neon Business Tower Elevator Neon Nights 03
Effect Permanently grants the recipe for the chem O2 Shot, which increases oxygen regeneration for a limited time.
Location CeltCorp - Volii Alpha
How to Get
This Skill Magazine is located in the CeltCorp floor of the Neon Trade Tower in Neon, on planet Volii Alpha in the Volii star system.

To get to the offices, take the elevator on the right side of the Astral Lounge entrance and go to the CeltCorp floor. Once there, walk straight ahead towards the wall on the far end of the room to reach a white couch with the magazine resting on its arm.

Neon Nights 04

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Night 01 Night 02 Night 03
Night 04 Night 05
Neon Nights 04 Location
Breyson Bayu's Office Neon Nights 04
Effect Permanently grants the recipe for the chem RedAMP, which increases physical and energy resistance, melee damage, and speed for a limited time.
Location Generdyne Industries (Breyson Bayu Office) - Volii Alpha
How to Get
This Skill Magazine is located on top of the table in the middle of Breyson Bayu's Office in Neon, on planet Volii Alpha, in the Volii star system.

After entering Neon, turn left and follow the street until you find a door in an alley leading to the Ebbside. From there, take a left and search for the elevator to access the Underbelly.

Upon arriving in the Underbelly, cross the bridge and turn left. Here, you will reach Generdyne Industries. Enter the building and proceed to Breyson Bayu's Office to locate the skill magazine on the table.
Note: To get inside the Generdyne Industries, you need to have the Generdyne Industries Key, which you can acquire during the Absolute Power Quest from the Crimson Fleet Questline.

Neon Nights 05

Jump to a Neon Night!
Night 01 Night 02 Night 03
Night 04 Night 05
Neon Nights 05 Location
Neon Business Tower Elevator Neon Nights 05
Effect Grants the recipe for AddiJack, which removes addiction penalties and grants a bonus to researching.
Location Xenofresh Fisheries - Volii Alpha
How to Get
This Skill Magazine is located in the Xenofresh Fisheries floor of the Neon Trade Tower in Neon, on planet Volii Alpha in the Volii star system.

To get to the offices, take the elevator on the right side of the Astral Lounge entrance and go to the Xenofresh Fisheries floor. Once there, turn right to see the skill magazine on the end table between two seats.

All Skill Magazine Locations

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - Neon Night 02
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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