Starfield Shattered Space

Rev-8 Upgrades and Customization

Starfield - REV-8 Guide

The REV-8 rover is a new land vehicle that can be purchased in Starfield. Learn how to get the REV-8 vehicle, how to upgrade and customize it, as well as how to use it.

How to Upgrade the REV-8 Vehicle

Level Up Certain Combat Skills

LasersLasers ・Up to 30% increased damage
・5% Chance to set a target on fire.
Starfield - Heavy Weapon CertificationHeavy Weapon Certification ・Up to 30% increased damage
・+25% Physical resistance while aiming
Starfield - DemolitionsDemolitions ・Up to 50% increased AoE radius
・Up to 50% increased AoE damage
・Up to 50% reduced damage taken from explosives

You can improve the damage of your REV-8 rover's turret by upgrading your own character's Lasers, Heavy Weapons, and Demolitions skills.

List of All Combat Skills

Rev-8 Customization Options

Change Colors at Ship Services Tech

Starfield - Adjust REV-8 Colors
You can customize the colors of your REV-8 buggy at any Ship Services Tech for a more personalized look. You are unable to change the seat color, however, as it stays white.

Customizable Parts

Frame and Rims
Rear Highlights
Miscellaneous Parts

You are able to change the color of three parts of the REV-8 rover: The frame and rims, the rear part of the frame, and miscellaneous parts like the front and rear suspension.

How to Get the REV-8 Vehicle

Talk to Any Ship Services Technician

Talk to any Ship Services Technician and tell them that you'd like to purchase a vehicle. These Ship Service Techs can repair your ship and also sell you new ships.

You can find a Ship Services Technician at the landing pad of every major city in Starfield, such as New Atlantis, Cydonia, Neon City, Akila City.

How to Get the REV-8 Vehicle

Purchase REV-8 for 25,000 Credits

Purchase the REV-8 rover from the technician for 25,000 Credits. It is significantly cheaper than most ships, and can be saved up for after completing a few main or side quests or selling loot you picked up from points of interest.

Money Making Guide: How to Farm Credits

How to Use the REV-8 Vehicle

The REV-8 Deploys Automatically

Starfield - The REV-8 Deploys Automatically
The REV-8 will automatically be available next to your ship whenever you land on a landing zone on any planet in the game. You can enter the REV-8 from the driver's side.

REV-8 Controls

Xbox PC Actions
XBOX - A Button E Enter REV-8
Hold XBOX - B Button
Hold E Exit REV-8
XBOX - Left Stick WASD Move
XBOX - Right Stick Mouse Aim Turret
XBOX - Left Trigger Right Click Aim Down Sights
XBOX - Right Trigger Left Click Fire Turret
XBOX - Right Bumper or XBOX - Left Stick Press
Shift Forward Boost
XBOX - Y Button Spacebar Upward Boost
XBOX - Options Button Middle Click Toggle POV
Q Change Weapons
XBOX - Left Bumper F Survey Mode

Use the above control scheme to learn to maneuvre the REV-8 across terrain.
REV-8 Vehicle Controls

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