Starfield Shattered Space

All Quantum Essence Locations

Quantum Essences are a consumable collectible found in Starfield. Read on to see a list of Quantum Essence locations, learn exactly how they function, and the rewards for consuming them!

All Quantum Essence Locations

Dropped by Starborn Enemies

You can obtain Quantum Essence by locating and defeating Starborn enemies. As you progress through the main story, you will encounter multiple Starborn enemies during missions and your travels. Additionally, they will also appear every time you complete a temple and collect a Starborn Power.

In total, you need to collect at least 20 Quantum Essence to complete the War of Angels achievement. Unfortunately, you will not be able to obtain this achievement just by following the main quest and collecting all Starborn Powers. You will need to hunt them on different systems and planets or lure them by after you build an Armillary during the High Price to Pay quest.

High Price to Pay Walkthrough and Choices

How to Spawn Starborn Enemies

Starborn First Encounter - All That Money Can Buy
You will encounter your first Starborn enemy after completing the All That Money Can Buy quest, as soon as you leave Neon. Upon completing this, Starborn enemies may now spawn during quests or while you are exploring other planets.

Starborn Walkthrough and Choices

Where to Find Temples

Starborn Temple Locations
You can learn potential temple locations by speaking to Vladimir at The Eye to obtain a Starborn Power and to spawn a Starborn enemy. Alternatively, you can follow the Power from Beyond quest to find more temples. Please note that temple locations are randomized for each playthrough.

Power From Beyond Rewards

What Are Quantum Essences?

A Consumable for Mana Regeneration

Quantum Essences are special collectibles that only drop from Starborn enemies. These essences can be consumed to increase your Starborn power regeneration speed for 1-minute.

Essentially, Quantum Essences function as temporary mana regeneration potions. Allowing your character to use more Starborn powers in quick succession.

List of All Starborn Powers

Quantum Essence Rewards

War of Angels Achievment

Achievement Unlock Condition
War of Angels Collect 20 Quantum Essence

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