Starfield Shattered Space

Best Soldier Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Soldier Background in Starfield. Find out the best Soldier build, the best traits for Soldier, its starting skills, and how to play as a Soldier!

Best Soldier Build

Best Skills for Soldier

Starfield -  Armor Penetration Skill
Armor Penetration
Starfield -  Ballistics Skill
Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Starfield -  Demolitions Skill
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
Starfield -  Intimidation Skill
Starfield -  Lasers Skill
Starfield -  Medicine Skill
Starfield -  Pain Tolerance Skill
Pain Tolerance
Starfield -  Pistol Certification Skill
Pistol Certification
Starfield -  Rapid Reloading Skill
Rapid Reloading
Starfield -  Rifle Certification Skill
Rifle Certification
Starfield -  Weapon Engineering Skill
Weapon Engineering
Starfield -  Weight Lifting Skill
Weight Lifting
Starfield -  Wellness Skill

Soldiers are experienced in combat, so skills that improve damage such as (Ballistics and Lasers) and weapon types (Pistol Certification and Rifle Certification) should go well with this background. Boost Pack Training is also a good skill to supplement these Combat Skills so you can get around easily.

With the combat prowess you've developed over the years, Rapid Reloading, Armor Penetration, and Intimidation also synergize with the soldier concept. Demolitions is also another great skill since you're adept at different weapons of war, including explosives.

Skills that boost your overall stats, such as Wellness and Fitness, are a good fit for a Soldier while Medicine and Pain Tolerance can be learned for survivability. Weight Lifting should also be useful, especially if you'll be fully armed. Then, acquire Weapon Engineering to be able to modify each weapon you have.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Soldier

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Keelhauler Keelhauler Pistol Phys .43 MI
Starfield - Magsniper Magsniper Rifle Phys 6.5mm MI
Starfield - Revenant Revenant Rifle Phys .50 MI
Starfield - Unmitigated Violence Unmitigated Violence Laser Rifle Engy 3KV LZR

The Best Weapons a Solider can have are the Revenant rifle, the Keelhauler pistol, and the Unmitigated Violence laser rifle. These weapons suit an efficient Soldier, making quick work of any combat encounter.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Soldier

It's best to wear heavy armor if you'll be seeing combat often. You'll want to cover for all types of damage to keep you protected.

Best Armor Sets

Soldier Best Traits

Best Traits for Soldier

Starfield -  Alien DNA
Alien DNA
You volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA. As a result, you start with increased health and oxygen, but healing and food items aren't as effective.
Starfield -  Extrovert
You're a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions. but more when adventuring alone. (Can't be combined with Introvert.)
Starfield -  Hero Worshipped
Hero Worshipped
You've earned the attention of an annoying "Adoring Fan" who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly. On the plus side, he'll join your ship's crew and give you gifts...

Alien DNA can help in combat by increasing health and oxygen at the cost of weaker healing. Extrovert is also great for reducing oxygen use when you're with human companions. Hero Worshipped can give you the Adoring Fan as a crew member, although you'll need to put up with him.

Best Traits

Soldier Starting Skills and Overview

Soldier Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Ballistics Skill
Centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination, few things stack up to the reliable power of high-speed projectiles.
Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Specialized training and innovations in personal mobility systems have allowed for unfettered exploration on alien worlds.
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
In space, the greatest commodity is oxygen, and the increased lung capacity gained by a regular physical fitness regimen is essential to survival.

Soldier Description

Soldier Flavor Text
The Settled Systems is no stranger to warfare, and if there's one thing armed conflict relies on its trained warriors with guns and guts. You had both. Simple, bloody work...and you were great at it.

List of All Backgrounds and Starting Jobs

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Starfield - Builds

List of All Builds

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Unarmed Pacifist -


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