Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Star Systems and Interactive Map

Starfield - Star Systems

This guide lists all the Star Systems you can travel to in Starfield. Read on to see a full interactive map of the galaxy and all star systems, learn the recommended level and inhabiting faction of each Star System, how many Star Systems there are, how to unlock Star Systems, and how to travel between them.

Star Systems Interactive Map

Starmap of the Galaxy

Tap on the Name button to see all system names. Select the Magnifying Glass to search for specific systems.

List of All Star Systems

System Level
Barnard's Star 1
Maheo 1
Cheyenne 1
Alpha Centauri 1
Sol 1
Narion 1
Procyon B 5
Toliman 5
Wolf 5
Valo 5
Sirius 5
Luyten's Star 5
Volii 5
Bessel 10
The Pup 10
Van Maanen's Star 10
Piazzi 10
Kapteyn's Star 10
Procyon A 10
Tau Ceti 10
Olympus 10
Altair 15
Muphrid 15
Sakharov 15
Sagan 15
Andromas 15
Arcturus 15
Aranae 15
Indum 20
Oborum Prime 20
Eridani 20
Carinae 20
Beta Andraste 20
Ursae Minoris 20
Eta Cassiopeia 20
McClure 20
Bradbury 20
Guniibuu 20
Kryx 20
Delta Pavonis 25
Vega 25
Kumasi 25
Groombridge 25
Oborum Proxima 25
Lunara 25
Alpha Andraste 30
Ursae Majoris 30
Copernicus 30
Copernicus Minor 30
Lantana 30
Denebola 30
Porrima 30
Al-Battani 35
Shoza 35
Alpha Tirna 35
Beta Tirna 35
Nemeria 35
Bolivar 35
Rivera 35
Jaffa 35
Nikola 40
Hyla 40
Ixyll 40
Freya 40
Rasalhague 40
Nirvana 40
Moloch 40
Khayyam 40
Beta Ternion 40
Bara 45
Alpha Marae 45
Beta Marae 45
Tidacha 45
Ophion 45
Heinlein 45
Rutherford 45
Linnaeus 45
Delta Vulpes 50
Gamma Vulpes 50
Xi Ophiuchi 50
Zeta Ophiuchi 50
Bannoc 50
Zosma 50
Bannoc Secondus 50
Alchiba 50
Serpentis 55
Heisenberg 55
Feynman 55
Newton 55
Leviathan 55
Bel 55
Syrma 55
Nirah 55
Foucault 60
Maal 60
Decaran 60
Alpha Ternion 60
Kang 60
Zelazny 60
Sparta 60
Leonis 65
Rana 65
Enlil 65
Charybdis 65
Schrodinger 65
Proxima Ternion 65
Strix 70
Pyraas 70
Verne 70
Celebrai 70
Bardeen 70
Marduk 70
Algorab 70
Bohr 75
Archimedes 75
Fermi 75
Masada 75
Hawking 75
Huygens 75
Katydid 75

How Many Star Systems Are There?

120 Star Systems

There are 120 Star Systems you can travel to in Starfield. Across these systems, there are 693 planets with 999 moons. Combined, there are a total of 1,692 planets and moons spread across the 120 star systems.

List of All Planets

How to Travel Between Systems

Pick a Destination in the Starmap

To travel between star systems, you access the Starmap and pick a system you want to jump to. If attempting to travel to a farther place, you create a path of multiple jumps connecting the systems.

Upgrade Grav Drive and Fuel Tank to Travel Further

Grav Drive

Fuel Tank

Whether you can travel to a star system you choose depends on your ship's Grav Drive and Fuel Tank. The Grav Drive will determine the maximum distance your ship can travel, while the Fuel Tank stores fuel, which is the resource consumed to make the jumps.

Among your ship's stats, you'll find its Jump Range, which is measured in LY or Light Years. This stat represents the maximum distance your current ship can travel.

How to Increase Jump Range

How to Unlock Star Systems

All Systems Are Available to Explore

All Star Systems are technically available for you to visit and explore. While each star system has a level that represents its difficulty, there are no level restrictions when traveling to higher-level star systems. However, you might encounter stronger enemies that will make it difficult for you to navigate the high-level system.

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Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

You say over 100 star systems but only listed 77


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