Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Starborn Powers

Starfield - List of All Starborn Powers
Starborn Powers in Starfield are powers that you can get by visiting temples. Read on for a list of all Starborn Powers, full explanation on how it works, as well as how to unlock Starborn Powers in Starfield.

List of All Starborn Powers

All Starborn Powers

Power Cost Temple Description

Particle Beam
15 Omega Shoot a beam of pure particle energy that deals high amounts of damage to enemies in front of you.

Sense Star Stuff
15 Chi Channel the power to detect all life around you for a duration.

15 Epsilon Change the gravity around you to Earth gravity levels for a duration.

Grav Dash
15 Zeta Manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.

Eternal Harvest
25 Lambda Regrows flora that has been harvested in a large area around you.

Elemental Pull
25 Psi Blasts inorganic resources in an area around you and pulls them towards you.

Life Forced
25 Pi Drain the life force out of a living being and transfer it to yourself.

Solar Flare
25 Theta Emit an intense burst of solar energy that damages enemies and can set them ablaze.

Creators' Peace
25 Nu Pacifies all enemies in an area and disarms them for a duration.

Gravity Wave
25 Beta Launches a gravity wave in a cone ahead of you that staggers and knocks down enemies.

Create Vacuum
25 Gamma Gut the O2 supply of targets in the area for a duration.

Alien Reanimation
35 Phi Resurrects a dead alien to fight alongside you for a duration.

Moon Form
35 Rho Become as strong as stone, rooting yourself in place and increasing your resistance to all damages greatly.

Sunless Space
35 Kappa Shoot a ball of ice as cold as space into an area, freezing any living being caught in the blast for a duration.

Inner Demon
35 Upsilon Force an enemy to confront their inner demons, creating a mirror image of themselves that attacks them.

Reactive Shield
35 Tau Envelop yourself in a metastable shell of antimatter that reflects projectiles and increases your resistance to attacks.

35 Iota Look into the multiverse and visualize the future actions of actors, conversational and otherwise.

Anti-Gravity Field
45 Eta Creates an area of anti-gravity that also paralyzes enemies caught in it.

Parallel Self
45 Sigma Summon another version of you from an alternate dimension for a duration.

Void Form
45 Omicron Warp the light around you, becoming nearly invisible for a duration.

45 Xi Explode with the power of a supernova in an area around you, dealing massive damage.

Gravity Well
45 Delta Create an area of dense gravity that pulls in and crushes everything and everyone in around it.

Phased Time
45 Buried Temple Phase through the normal flow of time and slow down the universe for a duration.

Personal Atmosphere
45 Alpha Create a small area of unlimited oxygen around you for a duration.

What are Starborn Powers?

Powers Bestowed by Temples

Starfield - Powers Bestowed by Temples

Starborn Powers are special abilities bestowed by Temples. These powers can be acquired when the player holds an Artifact that shares the Temple's name. Much like magic spells, these powers can be casted by pressing Z or LB+RB during combat or exploration to help you defeat enemies or gather resources.

Powers With Different Effects

Starfield - Powers Menu

There are 24 Starborn Powers in total. Some of these powers can boost your attack and defenses, while some give you cool new abilities like draining the life force out of a living being. While powerful, these have a cost which consumes the blue bar below your health. This bar will recharge naturally, but you can speed up its regeneration using Quantum Essence from the Power menu.

How to Unlock Starborn Powers

Complete the Into the Unknown Quest

Starfield - Talk to Vladimir
Starborn Powers are first unlocked during the quest Into the Unknown. During the quest, you'll need to investigate an Anomaly, which then grants you the Anti-Gravity Field powers.

Once you complete the quest, the quest Power from Beyond unlocks which allows you to track other Temples that will grant you more Starborn powers.

Into the Unknown Walkthrough and Rewards

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

Since the “Buried Temple” is not named, i think it’s safe to assume it’s Temple Mu.


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