Starfield Shattered Space

Best Shield Generators and Shield Generators Explained

Starfield - Shield Generators

This guide lists the best shield generators and explains the class and stats of shield generators in Starfield. Read on to learn what are shield generators, what is class in shield generators, where to buy them, as well as to see a list of all shield generators.

Best Shield Generators

Best Shield Generator Overall

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator 12 1600 5% Starship Design (Rank 4)

The Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator is the best shield generator we've encountered in the game so far. It provides your ship the most shield health of 1600. This will allow you to tank a lot of damage during space combat.

The shield generator can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities once you reach level 27.

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Best Shield Generator to Get Early

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator 5 440 10% None

The Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator is the best shield generator to get early in the game. It provides the most shield health without requiring any skills at 440, so you will be able to purchase it even if you're not investing skill points in Starship Design.

The shield generator can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities once you reach level 14.

What are Shield Generators?

Shield Generator Stats Overview

Shield Generator Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the part's function during space flight.
Shield Max Health Indicates the maximum damage the shield generator can take before your ship starts to take damage.
Regen Rate Indicates the time it takes for the shield to regenerate after absorbing damage.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.
Crew Capacity Increases the number of crew members your ship can accommodate.

Protects the Ship From Damage

The Shield Generator module keeps your ship from taking damage during space combat. During space flight, you allocate reactor power to it to increase its shield strength.

Space Battles Combat Guide

What is Shield Generator Class?

What is the Class Stat?

Determines Ship Part Tier Level

Classes of ship parts can either be A, B, or C, with the latter being the highest tier being accompanied by the best stats.

Limits Parts That Can Be Added

Starfield - Reactor Class Error

The class of your ship's reactor sets the class limit for the other ship parts. If your ship has a Class B reactor, you can only attach shield generators that are either from the same class or lower.

Higher Classes Require Skills

Starfield - Piloting SkillPiloting Skill Starfield - Starship Design SkillStarship Design Skill

To be able to purchase and install parts from higher classes on your ship, you'll need to level up the skills listed above. At higher ranks, The Piloting skill will allow you to pilot Class B and C ships, while the Starship Design skill will allow you to install higher class parts to your ship.

How to Upgrade Shield Generator

Replace Modules with Better Versions

You can upgrade ship parts by replacing them at a spaceport. Interact with the local ship technician, and from there, you can purchase modules with higher stats. Equip them to your ship while replacing the old parts.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Where to Buy Reactors

Ship Technicians and Showrooms

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first.

List of All Shield Generators

Shield Generator Classes
Class A Class B Class C

List of Class A Shield Generators

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
10S Protector Shield Generator 3 310 10% None
20S Protector Shield Generator 4 355 10% None
Deflector SG-10 Shield Generator 3 340 10% None
Bastille S80 Shield Generator 3 310 10% None
Bastille S81 Shield Generator 4 390 10% None
Deflector SG-20 Shield Generator 4 375 10% None
30S Protector Shield Generator 5 420 10% None
Marduk 1010-A Shield Generator 4 405 10% None
Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator 5 440 10% None
Bastille S82 Shield Generator 3 310 10% Starship Design (Rank 1)
Deflector SG-35 Shield Generator 12 685 10% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator 3 340 10% None
40S Protector Shield Generator 6 520 10% Starship Design (Rank 2)
Deflector SG-60 Shield Generator 9 860 10% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Deflector SG-50 Shield Generator 7 715 10% Starship Design (Rank 3)
Deflector SG-40 Shield Generator 6 550 10% Starship Design (Rank 2)
Marduk 1040-A Shield Generator 7 760 10% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Marduk 1030-A Shield Generator 6 680 10% Starship Design (Rank 3)
60S Protector Shield Generator 8 810 10% Starship Design (Rank 4)
50S Protector Shield Generator 7 650 10% Starship Design (Rank 3)
Bastille S83 Shield Generator 6 600 10% Starship Design (Rank 3)
Bastille S84 Shield Generator 7 730 10% Starship Design (Rank 4)

List of Class B Shield Generators

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
11T Defender Shield Generator 5 505 7% None
Warden SG-100 Shield Generator 5 525 7% None
Tower N400 Shield Generator 5 545 7% None
Osiris 2020-B Shield Generator 6 570 7% None
22T Defender Shield Generator 6 610 7% None
Warden SG-400 Shield Generator 10 1125 7% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Warden SG-300 Shield Generator 8 930 7% Starship Design (Rank 3)
Warden SG-200 Shield Generator 8 690 7% Starship Design (Rank 1)
Osiris 2040-B Shield Generator 8 995 7% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Osiris 2030-B Shield Generator 8 830 7% Starship Design (Rank 3)
44T Defender Shield Generator 9 1035 7% Starship Design (Rank 4)
33T Defender Shield Generator 9 890 7% Starship Design (Rank 3)
28T Defender Shield Generator 12 1500 7% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Tower N410 Shield Generator 7 730 10% Starship Design (Rank 2)
Tower N420 Shield Generator 8 975 10% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Vanguard Bulwark Shield Generator 12 1450 6% None

List of Class C Shield Generators

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
101D Guardian Shield Generator 6 680 5% None
Fortress A1 Shield Generator 6 705 5% None
Assurance SG-1000 Shield Generator 6 730 5% None
Assurance SG-3000 Shield Generator 10 1190 5% Starship Design (Rank 3)
Assurance SG-2000 Shield Generator 10 975 5% Starship Design (Rank 2)
Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator 12 1600 5% Starship Design (Rank 4)
104D Guardian Shield Generator 12 1350 5% Starship Design (Rank 4)
103D Guardian Shield Generator 10 1095 5% Starship Design (Rank 3)
102D Guardian Shield Generator 8 850 5% Starship Design (Rank 1)
Odin 3050-C Shield Generator 11 1315 5% Starship Design (Rank 4)
Odin 3040-C Shield Generator 9 995 5% Starship Design (Rank 2)
Odin 3030-C Shield Generator 8 805 5% None
Fortress A2 Shield Generator 9 900 5% Starship Design (Rank 1)
Fortress A3 Shield Generator 11 1215 5% Starship Design (Rank 4)

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Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
Grav Drive Weapons
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3 Anonymousabout 1 year

Max power is 12, not 10. So if you apply 6 pips of power, it will be at 50% max capacity. 5 pips would be 5/12 of max shields.

2 Anonymousover 1 year

If you do not divert the maximum power to a shield how does that impact it? For example, if you have a shield with max power of 10, and health of 1,000 but you only assign 5 "pips" of power to it is the health only at 500? Thank-you.


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