Starfield Shattered Space

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Starfield - All Ship Part Level Unlocks

This guide is a list of all the ship part level unlocks in Starfield. Read on for all ship parts by level, what level all parts unlock, and to learn more about the level requirement of all the ship parts for each type!

All Ship Part Guides
List of All Ship Parts All Ship Part Level Unlocks
Best Ship Parts

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

All Landing Gear Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear Reactor ▼ Cockpit ▼
Shields ▼ Grav Drive ▼ Cargo Hold ▼
Engine ▼ Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Fore 3 HopeTech
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Mid 3 HopeTech
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Aft 3 HopeTech
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Mid 3 Taiyo Astroneering
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Aft 3 Taiyo Astroneering
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Fore 3 Nova Galactic
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Aft 3 Nova Galactic
NG-15 Landing Gear - Port 3 Nova Galactic
NG-15 Landing Gear - Port Fore 3 Nova Galactic
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Fore 3 Taiyo Astroneering
Hope 5 Landing Gear 3 HopeTech
220CB Landing Gear - Port 3 Deimos
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear 3 Taiyo Astroneering
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear - Port 3 Taiyo Astroneering
Pinpoint 4G+ Landing Gear 3 Taiyo Astroneering
Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear - Port 13 Stroud Eklund
320CB Landing Gear 13 Deimos
NG-20 Landing Gear - Fore 14 Nova Galactic
NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide 14 Nova Galactic
NG-20 Landing Gear 14 Nova Galactic
Hope 55 Landing Gear 14 HopeTech

List of All Landing Gears

All Reactor Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor Cockpit ▼
Shields ▼ Grav Drive ▼ Cargo Hold ▼
Engine ▼ Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
330T Stellarator Reactor 3 Amun Dunn
340T Stellarator Reactor 3 Amun Dunn
114MM Toroidal Reactor 3 Dogstar
Z-Machine 1000 Reactor 3 Amun Dunn
Tokamak X-150 Reactor 3 Xiang
Tokamak X-050 Reactor 4 Amun Dunn
124MM Toroidal Reactor 6 Dogstar
Tokamak X-100 Reactor 9 Xiang
Theta Pinch A9 Reactor 10 Amun Dunn
350T Stellarator Reactor 11 Amun Dunn
134MM Toroidal Reactor 12 Dogstar
101DS Mag Inertial Reactor 12 Dogstar
Tokamak X-120S Reactor 12 Xiang
Ion Beam H-1010 Reactor 14 Xiang
360T Stellarator Reactor 14 Amun Dunn
SF10 Sheared Flow Reactor 17 Dogstar
DC301 Fast Ignition Reactor 17 Deep Core
Z-Machine 2000 Reactor 19 Amun Dunn
Tokamak X-200 Reactor 20 Amun Dunn
Fusor DC401 Reactor 20 Deep Core
Pinch 5Z Reactor 20 Xiang
144MM Toroidal Reactor 22 Dogstar
Z-Machine 2020 Reactor 24 Amun Dunn
Theta Pinch B9 Reactor 24 Amun Dunn
370T Stellarator Reactor 25 Amun Dunn
102DS Mag Inertial Reactor 25 Dogstar
SF20 Sheared Flow Reactor 27 Dogstar
Ion Beam H-1020 Reactor 28 Xiang
Pinch 6Z Reactor 29 Xiang
154MM Toroidal Reactor 30 Dogstar
Tokamak X-250 Reactor 35 Xiang
Theta Pinch C9 Reactor 35 Amun Dunn
DC302 Fast Ignition Reactor 36 Deep Core
SF30 Sheared Flow Reactor 36 Dogstar
Spheromak DC201 Reactor 38 Deep Core
Fusor DC402 Reactor 38 Deep Core
380T Stellarator Reactor 41 Amun Dunn
Z-Machine 3000 Reactor 41 Amun Dunn
Pinch 7Z Reactor 43 Xiang
Spheromak DC202 Reactor 43 Deep Core
103DS Mag Inertial Reactor 44 Dogstar
164MM Toroidal Reactor 46 Dogstar
Ion Beam H-1030 Reactor 48 Xiang
Z-Machine 4000 Reactor 49 Amun Dunn
Fusor DC403 Reactor 49 Deep Core
Tokamak X-300 Reactor 51 Xiang
Pinch 8A Reactor 51 Xiang
DC303 Fast Ignition Reactor 51 Deep Core
Theta Pinch D9 Reactor 51 Amun Dunn
SF40 Sheared Flow Reactor 57 Dogstar
Pinch 8Z Reactor 60 Xiang
104DS Mag Inertial Reactor 60 Dogstar

List of All Reactors

All Cockpit Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit
Shields ▼ Grav Drive ▼ Cargo Hold ▼
Engine ▼ Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
Magellan C2 Cockpit 3 Nova Galactic
DS30.1 Ares Bridge 3 Deimos
DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit 3 Deimos
DS10.2 Phobos Cockpit 3 Deimos
Magellan C1 Cockpit 3 Nova Galactic
Viking CP-100 Cockpit 3 Stroud Eklund
Viking CP-110 Cockpit 3 Stroud Eklund
Samurai Cockpit 3 Taiyo Astroneering
Kon-Tiki B-300 Bridge 3 Stroud Eklund
Armstrong 10 Cockpit 3 HopeTech
Armstrong 10R Cockpit 3 HopeTech
Cabot C3 Bridge 3 Nova Galactic
Overseer 300 Bridge 3 HopeTech
DS20.1 Phobos Cockpit 4 Deimos
Samurai Enhanced Cockpit 4 Taiyo Astroneering
Armstrong 20 Cockpit 4 HopeTech
Magellan C1X Cockpit 5 Nova Galactic
Daimyo Cockpit 5 Taiyo Astroneering
Viking CP-200 Cockpit 6 Stroud Eklund
Viking CP-210 Cockpit 8 Stroud Eklund
Magellan C2X Cockpit 8 Nova Galactic
Armstrong 20E Cockpit 9 HopeTech
Viking CP-220 Cockpit 9 Stroud Eklund
DS20.2 Phobos Cockpit 10 Deimos
Daimyo Enhanced Cockpit 11 Taiyo Astroneering
Shogun Cockpit 16 Taiyo Astroneering
Armstrong 20R Cockpit 16 HopeTech
DS20.3 Phobos Cockpit 16 Deimos
Cabot C3X Bridge 19 Nova Galactic
Shogun Enhanced Cockpit 22 Taiyo Astroneering
Kon-Tiki B-310 Bridge 23 Stroud Eklund
Cabot C4 Bridge 24 Nova Galactic
DS30.2 Ares Bridge 27 Deimos
Himeji Bridge 28 Taiyo Astroneering
Kon-Tiki B-400 Bridge 28 Stroud Eklund
Overseer 300E Bridge 28 HopeTech
DS40.1 Ares Bridge 32 Deimos
Himeji Command Bridge 33 Taiyo Astroneering
Overseer 400 Bridge 33 HopeTech
Kon-Tiki B-500 Bridge 34 Stroud Eklund
DS40.2 Ares Bridge 38 Deimos
Commander 500 Bridge 40 HopeTech
Kon-Tiki B-600 Bridge 41 Stroud Eklund

List of All Cockpits

All Shield Generator Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields Grav Drive ▼ Cargo Hold ▼
Engine ▼ Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
10S Protector Shield Generator 3 Dogstar
20S Protector Shield Generator 3 Dogstar
Bastille S80 Shield Generator 3 Nautilus
Deflector SG-10 Shield Generator 4 Sextant Shield Systems
11T Defender Shield Generator 5 Dogstar
Deflector SG-20 Shield Generator 8 Sextant Shield Systems
Bastille S81 Shield Generator 9 Nautilus
101D Guardian Shield Generator 10 Dogstar
Marduk 1010-A Shield Generator 11 Protectorate Systems
30S Protector Shield Generator 12 Dogstar
Warden SG-100 Shield Generator 12 Sextant Shield Systems
Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator 14 Sextant Shield Systems
Tower N400 Shield Generator 14 Nautilus
Bastille S82 Shield Generator 16 Nautilus
Osiris 2020-B Shield Generator 16 Protectorate Systems
Fortress A1 Shield Generator 17 Nautilus
Deflector SG-35 Shield Generator 19 Sextant Shield Systems
Assurance SG-1000 Shield Generator 19 Sextant Shield Systems
22T Defender Shield Generator 19 Dogstar
Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator 19 Protectorate Systems
40S Protector Shield Generator 22 Dogstar
Odin 3030-C Shield Generator 24 Protectorate Systems
28T Defender Shield Generator 24 Dogstar
Warden SG-200 Shield Generator 25 Sextant Shield Systems
Deflector SG-40 Shield Generator 25 Sextant Shield Systems
Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator 27 Sextant Shield Systems
102D Guardian Shield Generator 27 Dogstar
Tower N410 Shield Generator 28 Nautilus
Bastille S83 Shield Generator 30 Nautilus
Fortress A2 Shield Generator 30 Nautilus
Assurance SG-2000 Shield Generator 35 Sextant Shield Systems
50S Protector Shield Generator 35 Dogstar
Odin 3040-C Shield Generator 36 Protectorate Systems
Osiris 2030-B Shield Generator 36 Protectorate Systems
Marduk 1030-A Shield Generator 38 Protectorate Systems
33T Defender Shield Generator 41 Dogstar
Deflector SG-50 Shield Generator 41 Sextant Shield Systems
Bastille S84 Shield Generator 43 Nautilus
103D Guardian Shield Generator 43 Dogstar
Warden SG-300 Shield Generator 44 Sextant Shield Systems
Marduk 1040-A Shield Generator 46 Protectorate Systems
Tower N420 Shield Generator 48 Nautilus
Assurance SG-3000 Shield Generator 49 Sextant Shield Systems
Osiris 2040-B Shield Generator 49 Protectorate Systems
Fortress A3 Shield Generator 51 Nautilus
60S Protector Shield Generator 51 Dogstar
44T Defender Shield Generator 52 Dogstar
Deflector SG-60 Shield Generator 56 Sextant Shield Systems
Odin 3050-C Shield Generator 57 Protectorate Systems
104D Guardian Shield Generator 60 Dogstar
Warden SG-400 Shield Generator 60 Sextant Shield Systems

List of All Shield Generators

All Grav Drive Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive Cargo Hold ▼
Engine ▼ Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
NG160 Grav Drive 3 Nova Galactic
NG170 Grav Drive 3 Nova Galactic
Helios 100 Grav Drive 3 Deep Core
NG150 Grav Drive 3 Nova Galactic
R-1000 Alpha Grav Drive 3 Reladyne
SGD 1100 Grav Drive 3 Slayton Aerospace
NG200 Grav Drive 5 Nova Galactic
SGD 1200 Grav Drive 7 Slayton Aerospace
Helios 200 Grav Drive 8 Deep Core
R-2000 Alpha Grav Drive 9 Reladyne
SGD 1300 Grav Drive 12 Slayton Aerospace
NG300 Grav Drive 12 Nova Galactic
Helios 300 Grav Drive 14 Deep Core
R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive 15 Reladyne
SGD 1400 Grav Drive 19 Slayton Aerospace
Aurora 11G Grav Drive 20 Deep Core
SGD 2100 Grav Drive 20 Slayton Aerospace
Helios 400 Grav Drive 21 Deep Core
RD-1000 Beta Grav Drive 21 Reladyne
R-4000 Alpha Grav Drive 22 Reladyne
SGD 2200 Grav Drive 24 Slayton Aerospace
NG210 Grav Drive 24 Nova Galactic
Aurora 12G Grav Drive 26 Deep Core
RD-2000 Beta Grav Drive 27 Reladyne
NG220 Grav Drive 29 Nova Galactic
SGD 2300 Grav Drive 31 Slayton Aerospace
Aurora 13G Grav Drive 32 Deep Core
RD-3000 Beta Grav Drive 33 Reladyne
SGD 3100 Grav Drive 36 Slayton Aerospace
Apollo GV100 Grav Drive 38 Deep Core
J-50 Gamma Grav Drive 39 Reladyne
NG320 Grav Drive 42 Nova Galactic
SGD 3200 Grav Drive 44 Slayton Aerospace
Apollo GV200 Grav Drive 45 Deep Core
J-51 Gamma Grav Drive 46 Reladyne
NG340 Grav Drive 46 Nova Galactic
SGD 3300 Grav Drive 51 Slayton Aerospace
Apollo GV300 Grav Drive 54 Deep Core
J-52 Gamma Grav Drive 54 Reladyne

List of All Grav Drives

All Cargo Hold Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold
Engine ▼ Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
StorMax 20 Cargo Hold 3 Dogstar
100CM Ballast Cargo Hold 3 Sextant Shield Systems
Caravel V101 Cargo Hold 3 Protectorate Systems
Caravel V102 Cargo Hold 3 Protectorate Systems
StorMax 30 Cargo Hold 3 Dogstar
StorMax 40 Cargo Hold 3 Dogstar
300CM Ballast Cargo Hold 3 Sextant Shield Systems
da Gama 1000 Cargo Hold 3 Panoptes
100CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold 3 Sextant Shield Systems
200CM Ballast Cargo Hold 4 Sextant Shield Systems
Caravel V101 Shielded Cargo Hold 4 Protectorate Systems
da Gama 1010 Cargo Hold 6 Panoptes
StorMax 50 Cargo Hold 8 Dogstar
Caravel V103 Cargo Hold 8 Protectorate Systems
200CM Ballast Shielded Cargo Hold 8 Sextant Shield Systems
da Gama 1020 Cargo Hold 10 Panoptes
400CM Ballast Cargo Hold 11 Sextant Shield Systems
Caravel V102 Shielded Cargo Hold 11 Protectorate Systems
StorMax 60 Cargo Hold 12 Dogstar
Caravel V104 Cargo Hold 12 Protectorate Systems
da Gama 1000 Shielded Cargo Hold 14 Panoptes
10T Hauler Cargo Hold 15 Sextant Shield Systems
Galleon S201 Cargo Hold 17 Protectorate Systems
20T Hauler Cargo Hold 19 Sextant Shield Systems
Polo 2000 Cargo Hold 20 Panoptes
Galleon S202 Cargo Hold 20 Protectorate Systems
da Gama 1010 Shielded Cargo Hold 20 Panoptes
Polo 2010 Cargo Hold 22 Panoptes
30T Hauler Cargo Hold 23 Sextant Shield Systems
Galleon S203 Cargo Hold 24 Protectorate Systems
Polo 2020 Cargo Hold 28 Panoptes
40T Hauler Cargo Hold 31 Sextant Shield Systems
Galleon S204 Cargo Hold 32 Protectorate Systems
10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold 32 Sextant Shield Systems
Polo 2030 Cargo Hold 37 Panoptes

List of All Cargo Holds

All Engine Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine Weapon ▼ Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
Amun-1 Engine 3 Amun Dunn
Ares DT10 Engine 3 Panoptes
White Dwarf 1000 Engine 3 Reladyne
White Dwarf 2000 Engine 3 Reladyne
White Dwarf 2010 Engine 3 Reladyne
White Dwarf 3000 Engine 3 Reladyne
White Dwarf 1010 Engine 4 Reladyne
Nova 1000 Engine 5 Reladyne
Ares DT20 Engine 7 Panoptes
Amun-2 Engine 8 Amun Dunn
White Dwarf 1020 Engine 10 Reladyne
Supernova 2000 Engine 12 Reladyne
Ares DT30 Engine 12 Panoptes
White Dwarf 2020 Engine 12 Reladyne
Amun-3 Engine 14 Amun Dunn
Amun-4 Engine 20 Amun Dunn
Ares DT40 Engine 20 Panoptes
Hercules DT110 Engine 20 Panoptes
Dunn-11 Engine 22 Amun Dunn
SAE-5110 Engine 22 Slayton Aerospace
White Dwarf 2030 Engine 24 Reladyne
White Dwarf 3010 Engine 24 Reladyne
White Dwarf 3015 Engine 24 Reladyne
Nova 1010 Engine 24 Reladyne
Ares DT50 Engine 24 Panoptes
Amun-5 Engine 26 Amun Dunn
Hercules DT120 Engine 26 Panoptes
SA-4110 Engine 27 Slayton Aerospace
Dunn-21 Engine 27 Amun Dunn
SAE-5220 Engine 28 Slayton Aerospace
White Dwarf 3020 Engine 29 Reladyne
Ares DT60 Engine 31 Panoptes
Nova 1020 Engine 31 Reladyne
Amun-6 Engine 32 Amun Dunn
Hercules DT130 Engine 32 Panoptes
Dunn-31 Engine 33 Amun Dunn
SA-4220 Engine 34 Slayton Aerospace
SAE-5330 Engine 34 Slayton Aerospace
White Dwarf 3030 Engine 36 Reladyne
Nova 1030 Engine 36 Reladyne
Amun-7 Engine 38 Amun Dunn
Hercules DT140 Engine 38 Panoptes
Amun Dunn X-100 Engine 38 Amun Dunn
Poseidon DT210 Engine 38 Panoptes
SAL-6110 Engine 39 Slayton Aerospace
Dunn-41 Engine 39 Amun Dunn
SAE-5440 Engine 40 Slayton Aerospace
SA-4330 Engine 43 Slayton Aerospace
Hercules DT150 Engine 43 Panoptes
Nova 1040 Engine 43 Reladyne
Dunn-51 Engine 44 Amun Dunn
SAE-5550 Engine 45 Slayton Aerospace
Supernova 2100 Engine 46 Reladyne
Poseidon DT220 Engine 48 Panoptes
Amun Dunn X-200 Engine 49 Amun Dunn
SAL-6220 Engine 50 Slayton Aerospace
Dunn-61 Engine 50 Amun Dunn
Hercules DT160 Engine 50 Panoptes
Nova 1050 Engine 50 Reladyne
SAE-5660 Engine 51 Slayton Aerospace
Dunn-71 Engine 56 Amun Dunn
Supernova 2200 Engine 57 Reladyne
Poseidon DT230 Engine 58 Panoptes
SAL-6330 Engine 60 Slayton Aerospace
Amun Dunn X-300 Engine 60 Amun Dunn

List of All Engines

All Ship Weapon Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine ▲ Weapon Fuel Tank ▼
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
Dragon 221P MW Pulse Laser 3 Horizon Defense
Mauler 104L Autocannon 3 Horizon Defense
Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher 3 Light Scythe
Dragon 221 MW Laser 3 Horizon Defense
Dragon 231 IR Laser 3 Horizon Defense
Flare 15MW IR Laser 3 Light Scythe
CE-09 Missile Launcher 3 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Infiltrator SC-01 Missile Launcher 3 Horizon Defense
Mauler 104L Cannon 3 Horizon Defense
Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser 3 Shinigami
Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam 4 Horizon Defense
Mauler 106T Cannon 5 Horizon Defense
Dragon 241 Laser 5 Horizon Defense
Atlatl 270B Missile Launcher 5 Light Scythe
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Beam 5 Horizon Defense
Dangan Pb Cannon 6 Shinigami
EMP-80 Suppressor 6 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PB-30 Electron Beam 8 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Disruptor 3300A Auto Electron Beam 8 Horizon Defense
Reza 45 GHz MW Laser 9 Shinigami
Flare-P 15MW IR Pulse Laser 9 Light Scythe
Atlatl 270C Missile Launcher 10 Light Scythe
Marauder 114ANC Railgun 10 Horizon Defense
EMP-1000 Suppressor 10 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Dragon 261 SX Laser 10 Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3340 Alpha Beam 10 Horizon Defense
KE-20 Cannon 11 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Tsukisasu 13K Missile Launcher 11 Shinigami
Dangan PB RF Autocannon 11 Shinigami
EMP-500 Suppressor 12 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Spark 750 Suppressor 12 Light Scythe
PBO-30 Auto Electron Beam 12 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Ravager 20MeV Electron Beam 12 Light Scythe
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser 14 Horizon Defense
Scorch 60MW Laser 14 Light Scythe
Jishaku Fe Railgun 16 Shinigami
PB-100 Neutron Beam 16 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-40 Auto Electron Beam 16 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Mauler 106S Shot-Cannon 16 Horizon Defense
Scorch-S 80MW Pulse Laser Turret 16 Light Scythe
Atlatl 290B Missile Launcher 16 Light Scythe
Disruptor 3320A Auto Neutron Beam 16 Horizon Defense
Mauler 106T Autocannon 16 Horizon Defense
CE-29 Missile Launcher 17 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-20A Autocannon 19 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser 19 Light Scythe
Jishaku Nd Railgun 19 Shinigami
Supaku 110GC Suppressor 19 Shinigami
Blaze 2GW SX Laser 19 Light Scythe
PB-300 Alpha Beam 19 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Marauder 114ANC Rapid Railgun 19 Horizon Defense
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Turret 19 Horizon Defense
Dragon 261P SX Pulse Laser 19 Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Beam 19 Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turret 20 Horizon Defense
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun 20 Shinigami
PBO-100 Auto Neutron Beam 20 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Ravager 20MeV Auto Electron Beam 20 Light Scythe
Mauler 105U Cannon 20 Horizon Defense
Disruptor 3310 Proton Beam 20 Horizon Defense
Mauler 106T Autocannon Turret 20 Horizon Defense
Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret 24 Horizon Defense
PBO-300 Auto Alpha Beam 24 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Disruptor 3340A Auto Alpha Turret 24 Horizon Defense
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun 24 Shinigami
MKE-4 Gauss Gun 24 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
CE-49 Missile Launcher 24 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Singe 4MW Laser 24 Light Scythe
Dragon 231P IR Pulse Laser 24 Horizon Defense
Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser Turret 25 Horizon Defense
PBO-100 Auto Neutron Turret 25 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-42 Cannon 25 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Reza 600 THz Laser 25 Shinigami
Tsukisasu 25k Missile Launcher 25 Shinigami
Eradicator 75MeV Neutron Beam 25 Light Scythe
Dangan W Cannon 25 Shinigami
Atlatl 280A Missile Launcher 25 Light Scythe
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun Turret 25 Shinigami
Mauler 105U Autocannon 25 Horizon Defense
MKE-4A Auto Gauss Gun 27 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-300 Auto Alpha Turret 27 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret 27 Shinigami
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser 27 Light Scythe
PB-175 Helion Beam 28 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Mauler 107I Cannon 30 Horizon Defense
Firebolt 4000 Suppressor 30 Light Scythe
Disruptor 3330 Helion Beam 30 Horizon Defense
Marauder 115N Railgun 30 Horizon Defense
Fulminator 8000 Suppressor 30 Light Scythe
Blaze-P 2GW SX Pulse Laser Turret 30 Light Scythe
Dragon 251 UV Laser 30 Horizon Defense
Hunter Mag-350 Missile Launcher 30 Horizon Defense
Reza 600 THz Pulse Laser 30 Shinigami
Eradicator 75MeV Auto Neutron Beam 30 Light Scythe
Tsukisasu 40k Missile Launcher 30 Shinigami
EMP-200 Suppressor 30 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Disruptor 3310A Auto Proton Beam 30 Horizon Defense
PB-50 Proton Beam 30 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-42A Autocannon 30 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
MKE-9 Gauss Gun 35 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Devastator 1500 Missile Launcher 35 Horizon Defense
Reza 30 THz IR Laser 35 Shinigami
Singe-P 4MW Pulse Laser 35 Light Scythe
CE-19 missile launcher 35 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Dragon 251P UV Pulse Laser 36 Horizon Defense
Torch 250MW UV Laser 36 Light Scythe
Disruptor 3330A Auto Helion Beam 36 Horizon Defense
Dangan W RF Autocannon 36 Shinigami
Eradicator 75MeV Auto Neutron Turret 36 Light Scythe
Reza 300 PHz SX Laser 36 Shinigami
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Beam 36 Light Scythe
KE-31 Cannon 36 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Vaporizer 35MeV Proton Beam 38 Light Scythe
Jishaku AlNiCo Railgun 38 Shinigami
Atlatl 280B Missile Launcher 38 Light Scythe
Nullifier 1750 Suppressor 38 Light Scythe
PBO-50 Auto Proton Beam 38 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
KE-42 Cannon Turret 38 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Tsukisasu 19K Missile Launcher 41 Shinigami
Marauder 115N Railgun Turret 43 Horizon Defense
Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher 43 Light Scythe
Mauler 107I Autocannon 44 Horizon Defense
Torch-P 250MW UV Pulse Laser 44 Light Scythe
CE-39 Missile Launcher 44 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Reza 10 PHz UV Laser 44 Shinigami
KE-49 Cannon 44 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Reza 30 THz IR Pulse Laser 46 Shinigami
KE-31A Autocannon 46 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam 48 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Exterminator 95MeV Helion Beam 48 Light Scythe
Marauder 115N Rapid Railgun 49 Horizon Defense
CE-59 Missile Launcher 49 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Supaku 600GC Suppressor 49 Shinigami
Supaku 250GC Suppressor 51 Shinigami
Vaporizer 35MeV Auto Proton Beam 51 Light Scythe
Tatsu 500EM Suppressor 51 Shinigami
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser 51 Shinigami
Obliterator 250MeV Auto Alpha Beam 51 Light Scythe
Infiltrator SC-02 Missile Launcher 51 Horizon Defense
Jishaku AlNiCo RF Rapid Railgun 52 Shinigami
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser 52 Shinigami
Tsukisasu 33k Missile Launcher 52 Shinigami
MKE-9A Auto Gauss Gun 57 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Tsukisasu 50k Missile Launcher 57 Shinigami
Hunter Mag-450 Missile Launcher 60 Horizon Defense
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Turret 60 Shinigami
Tatsu 501EM Suppressor 60 Shinigami
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret 60 Shinigami
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret 60 Light Scythe
Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam 60 Light Scythe
KE-49A Autocannon 60 Ballistic Solutions Inc.

List of All Ship Weapons

All Fuel Tank Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine ▲ Weapon ▲ Fuel Tank
Habs ▼ Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

Ship Part Level Unlock Manufacturer
200G He3 Tank 3 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
M10 Ulysses He3 Tank 3 Dogstar
100G He3 Tank 3 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
M20 Ulysses He3 Tank 4 Dogstar
Titan 350 He3 Tank 6 Nautilus
M30 Ulysses He3 Tank 8 Dogstar
300G He3 Tank 9 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Titan 450 He3 Tank 10 Nautilus
M40 Ulysses He3 Tank 12 Dogstar
400G He3 Tank 13 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
Titan 550 He3 Tank 14 Nautilus
M50 Ulysses He3 Tank 16 Dogstar
H10 Atlas He3 Tank 20 Dogstar
500T He3 Tank 22 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
H20 Atlas He3 Tank 25 Dogstar
900T He3 Tank 27 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
600T He3 Tank 27 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
H30 Atlas He3 Tank 30 Dogstar
700T He3 Tank 32 Ballistic Solutions Inc.
H40 Atlas He3 Tank 40 Dogstar
800T He3 Tank 42 Ballistic Solutions Inc.

List of All Fuel Tanks

All Hab Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine ▲ Weapon ▲ Fuel Tank ▲
Habs Landing Bay▼ Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

All Hab parts can be bought from the shop starting the base level for buying ship parts, Level 3.

List of All Habs

All Landing Bay Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine ▲ Weapon ▲ Fuel Tank ▲
Habs ▲ Landing Bay Cowling ▼
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

All Landing Bay parts can be bought from the shop starting the base level for buying ship parts, Level 3.

List of All Landing Bays

All Cowling Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine ▲ Weapon ▲ Fuel Tank ▲
Habs ▲ Landing Bay▲ Cowling
Docker ▼

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

All Cowlings or Structurals can be bought from the shop starting the base level for buying ship parts, Level 3.

List of All Cowlings

All Docker Level Unlocks

All Ship Part Types
Landing Gear ▲ Reactor ▲ Cockpit ▲
Shields ▲ Grav Drive ▲ Cargo Hold ▲
Engine ▲ Weapon ▲ Fuel Tank ▲
Habs ▲ Landing Bay▲ Cowling ▲

Use the table above to quickly jump to a ship part type!

All Docker parts can be bought from the shop starting the base level for buying ship parts, Level 3.

List of All Dockers

What Level are All Ship Parts Unlocked?

All Modules Unlock at Level 60

Starfield - All Ship Parts Unlock Level 60

All ship parts are unlocked once you reach level 60. You'll also need Rank 4 Piloting and Starship Design to purchase higher-class modules.

How to Level Up and Farm Skill Points Fast

What are the Ship Part Level Unlocks?

Ship Parts Have Level Requirements

Starfield - Ship Parts Example

Unlike weapons and armor, ship parts have level unlocks at various shops. Level up your character to unlock more and better ship parts from ship technicians or showrooms.

Ship parts' level unlock requirements in shops are not listed anywhere, so this information was gathered by checking the different shops and ship technicians and then taking note of the ship parts unlocked at each level.

Note that the inventory or stock of ship technicians and showrooms may still be subject to randomness, so even the above testing had to go through multiple vendor restocks to confirm what ship parts were truly not available at certain levels.

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Docker Fuel Tanks
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