Starfield Shattered Space

Mantis Puzzle Solution and Walkthrough

Starfield - Mantis Quest

Spell the world Tyrannis to solve the Mantis puzzle in Starfield. See how to solve the puzzle during the Lair of the Mantis, how to get the legendary Mantis spacesuit and ship, and how to unlock the Mantis side quest.

How to Solve the Mantis Puzzle

Two Mantis Puzzle Solutions
1 Spell TYRANNIS on the floor puzzle
2 Hack the computer to the right of the puzzle room entrance.
Requirement: Master-level (Rank 3) Security Skill

Solve the Floor Puzzle by Stepping on the Letters TYRANNIS

Starfield - Mantis Floor Puzzle

During the Explore the Lair of the Mantis objective, you will find yourself in a room with several corpses, lettered tiles on the ground, and mounted turrets on the far end of the room.

To get past the turrets and solve the puzzle, you must step on the tiles on the floor that spell the word TYRANNIS, allowing you to cross safely.

The Wrong Letters Will Set Off Traps

Stepping on the wrong lettered tiles will cause all turrets to become hostile towards you, instantly killing you with their high fire rate and damage.

Obtaining the Audio Logs Gives the Floor Puzzle Hint

Starfield - Mantis Audio Logs

Obtaining the Audio Logs about the Mantis' Lair will give players the hint about what to expect. The Second Audio Log reveals that Leon's mother used to repeat the phrase Sic Semper Tyrannis quite often, with the key takeaway here being Tyrannis, which is also the floor puzzle answer.

The Third Audio Log also reveals that Leon failed the test, and was complaining about turrets, hinting that this will be the hardest hurdle to obtain the Mantis.

Hack the Computer with Master Lockpicking

Starfield Mantis Master Lock Computer

Alternatively, if you have Master-level (Rank 3) Security Skill, you can hack the computer to the right of the puzzle room entrance. This will disable the turrets in the puzzle room, allowing you to move across anywhere in the room with no problem.

Security Lockpicking Skill Rank Up Guide

Mantis Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Planet Started Denebola I-B, Denebola
Location Lair of the Mantis
Prerequisites Obtain Secret Outpost! Note
Quest Giver Secret Outpost! Note
Rewards EXP: 200
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Mantis Space Helmet (x1)
Mantis Spacesuit (x1)
Mantis Pack (x1) ・Razorleaf Ship

Unlock the Mantis Quest by Finding the Secret Outpost! Note

Starfield -  Pick Up the Secret Outpost Item

To unlock this quest early on, before completing The Old Neighborhood main quest, go to the Nova Galactic Staryard and defeat the enemies there. Make sure to loot the fallen enemies to find the Secret Outpost! Note. Reading this note will unlock the Mantis quest.

If you have missed this chance, the Secret Outpost! Note can still be randomly found as loot from corpses of Spacer and Ecliptic Enemies. Since you will face many of these mercenaries early on during the Old Neighborhood Quest, make sure to loot your enemies as you defeat them!

The Old Neighborhood Walkthrough and Rewards

Get the Legendary Mantis Gear and Ship

Starfield - Mantis Gear and Ship Reward

Completing this sidequest rewards players with the Legendary Incendiary Mantis Helmet, Spacesuit, and Mirrored Mantis Pack, as well as the Razorleaf Starship which is a great early upgrade to the Frontier!

How to Get Razorleaf Ship

Mantis Map Location

Map View
World View

Mantis Walkthrough and Objectives

Main Objectives

  1. Read the Secret Outpost Slate
  2. Go to the Secret Outpost at Denebola I-B
  3. Explore the Lair of the Mantis
  4. Claim the Mantis's Spacesuit
  5. Claim the Mantis's Starship
  6. Go to the Mantis's Starship

1. Read the Secret Outpost Slate

Starfield -  Pick Up the Secret Outpost Item

After obtaining the Secret Outpost! Slate from Spacer enemies, go to your inventory and read its contents to begin the quest.

2. Go to the Secret Outpost at Denebola I-B

Starfield - Denebola IB.png

Set a course for Denebola I-B. Keep in mind that despite the Secret Outpost Slate being obtainable early on, the recommended level for the Denebola System is Level 30. Stock up on Weapons and Medpacks before heading there!

Denebola I-b Planet Location and 100% Survey Guide

Prepare Weapons and Gear Against Level 30 Enemies

Starfield - Level 30 Enemies

Since the quest can be obtained and started early on, the area for the quest has enemies that spawn at around Level 30. The quest can still be completed at lower levels, with enough preparation. Bring your strongest weapons, armor, and lots of healing items!

How to Level Up and Farm Skill Points Fast

3. Explore the Lair of the Mantis

Starfield - Spacer Enemies

Make your way through the Lair of the Mantis where you will be met with several Spacer Enemies.

Solve the Floor Puzzle

Starfield - Mantis Floor Puzzle

Once you find the area with Leon's corpse, the next room will be the area with Turrets and the floor puzzle. Get past the deathtrap either by solving the puzzle or hacking the computer to proceed!

(Optional) Learn More About the Lair of the Mantis

Starfield - Learn More About Mantis Lair Slates

You will also find enemies marked with the quest marker that are holding the Leon Voclain - Sic Semper Tyrannis and Leon Voclain - Mantis Revealed slates. Pick those up to automatically listen to them.

After completing the floor puzzle, interact with the intercom in the next room to complete the Learn more about the Lair of the Mantis optional objective.

(Optional) Talk to Livvey

Starfield - Talk to Livvey

Deep within the facility, you'll encounter an unarmed spacer named Livvey. If you let him live, he'll warn you about the traps and robots in the next section of the outpost.

Should You Kill Livvey?

4. Claim the Mantis's Spacesuit

Starfield - Mantis Gear

After solving the puzzle intended for Leon, claim your well-earned prize, the Mantis Gear, all kept behind a glass display case.

Go to the Next Room for Additional Loot

Starfield - Mantis Additional Loot

To the right of the Mantis Spacesuit, there is a nearby room with an Industrial Workbench. Inside this room, you can find several containers with useful items, as well as a Science Crate and Locked Storage Crate that can also contain gear!

The Science Crate can be accessed immediately, but the Storage Crate requires you to have Master level on Lockpicking.

5. Claim the Mantis's Starship

Starfield - Razorleaf

Use the Starship Lift Controls to raise the Razorleaf Starship, then head to the surface where you can now board and pilot your new ship!

6. Go to the Mantis's Starship

Simply approach the Razorleaf starship to finish the quest. Dock at any major city to change or upgrade your ship via a Ship Service Technician!

How to Start the Mantis Quest Early

Steps on How to Get Mantis Quest Fast
1 Head to the Nova Galactic Staryard
2 Loot the Secret Outpost! note off one of the Spacers there
3 Do the Mantis side quest that triggers and head to Denebola (Recommended Level 30)
4 Complete the Mantis side quest to unlock the Razorleaf Starship and Mantis Spacesuit

The Mantis Spacesuit and Razorleaf are great upgrades to your early equipment! Consider completing this quest early on if you want a great free upgrade to your gear.

The fastest way to unlock the Razorleaf is by heading to the Nova Galactic Staryard. This space station is part of the second main quest The Old Neighborhood.

Keep in mind that the Secret Outpost Note can be obtained from any Spacer enemy, so keep looting them when you defeat Spacer enemies!

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Side Quests
List of All Side Quests and Rewards

List of All Side Quests

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Burden of Proof Matters of the Hart
Other Quests
Spreading the News False Positives
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Beautiful Secrets Tapping the Grid
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Missed the Mark Sure Bet
A Break at Dawn Missed Connections
Search and Seizure Defensive Measures
Dead Stop Red Tape Blues
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Power From Beyond Juno's Gambit
Failure to Communicate Overdesigned
Saburo's Solution Special Delivery
Lost and Found Secret Lives
Loose Ends The Boot
Charity of the Wolf Beer Run
Media Sponge Fishy Business
Last Will and Testament Managing Assets
Supply Line Breach of Contract
Heart of Mars Late Bloomer
Apex Predator Two Tales Two Cities
Mob Mentality Primary Sources
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1 Anonymousover 1 year

An alternative way past the Sentry Guns at the puzzle is to just to destroy them


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