Starfield Shattered Space

What to Do on Gas Giant Planets

Starfield - What to Do on Gas Giants

What are Gas Giants?

Planets Made Mainly of Gases

Starfield - Scan Planets Fully.png

Gas Giants are planets that are primarily composed of gases in its entirety--mostly made out of Hydrogen and Helium. Put it simply, they are mostly made of air.

Are There Gas Giants?

Gas Giants Seen In Trailers

Starfield - Possible Gas Giant

Rock planets are the only types of planets that have been confirmed for Starfield, especially when it comes to exploring them. Gas Giants have been seen and teased in multiple trailers, but has yet to be confirmed if exploring or traveling on one is possible.

List of All Planets

What to Do on Gas Giants

No Solid Land?

Starfield - Planet Shadow
If there is no solid ground on Gas Giant planets, it might be hard or even impossible to explore the planet due to extreme conditions.

Visit Orbiting Planets

There are most likely planets and moons that orbit any Gas Giants due to their gravitational pull. Players can most likely harvest materials from these planets instead of the main Gas Giant planet.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield -  Planets

List of All Planets

Planets with Cities

All Planets with Main Cities
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Volii Alpha
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Hyla II Kreet Kumasi II Leviathan IV
Masada III Nesoi Newton II Niira
Porrima II Porrima III Porrima IV-c Procyon III-a
Schrodinger III Schrodinger IV Schrodinger VIII-a Strix I
Sumati Tau Ceti II Tau Ceti VIII-b Zeta Ophiuchi I


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