Starfield Shattered Space

All Va'ruun Scripture Locations

Va'ruun Scriptures are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Va'ruun Scriptures, their locations, their perks, and how to use them!

Va'ruun Scripture Locations

Va'ruun Scripture 01

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 01 Location
UC Security Office Va'ruun Scripture 01
Location UC Security - New Atlantis
How to Get
This skill magazine can be found at the UC Security building in New Atlantis. Go inside and head to the last jail cell to the left. You can pick it up on the floor next to the bed.

Va'ruun Scripture 02

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 02 Location
Starstation UCN-48 Va'ruun Scripture 02
Location Starstation UCN-48 - Muphrid IV
How to Get
The now abandoned Starstation UCN-48 can be found orbiting Muphrid IV in the Muphrid Star System

Va'ruun Scripture 02 can be found below one of the bunk beds in the starstation's sleeping quarters located upstairs.

As you enter the ship's central room, you can access the staircase to your left, or boost jump to the upper level. The bunk bed with the scripture is the on on the north-west corner of the starstation.

Va'ruun Scripture 03

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 03 Location
Broken Shack Va'ruun Scripture 03
Location The Stretch - Akila City
How to Get
This skill magazine is located on the floor of a broken shack in The Stretch in Akila City on planet Akila, in the Cheyenne star system.

To get to The Stretch, walk towards the Coe Monument near The Hitchingpost saloon. Facing the monument, turn left and follow the path until you see the Coe Heritage Museum.

Turn left at the museum and enter the small alley to see The Stretch sign on a wooden post. Walk down the sets of stairs on your right and follow the muddy path. Walk past Aggie's on your left and keep going until you see the Broken Shack on your right. The skill magazine should be inside a drawer on the floor towards the back of the shack.

Va'ruun Scripture 04

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 04 Location
Eren's Camp Va'ruun Scripture 04
Location Eren's Camp - Hyla II
How to Get
This skill magazine's location, Eren's camp, is only accessible by progressing through Andreja's companion quest: Divided Loyalties.

Va'ruun Scripture 04 is located right beside one of the quest's main objectives: Eren's Slate. Both the objective and the scripture volume are located in the topmost room of the main building in Eren's Camp.

Va'ruun Scripture 05

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 05 Location
The Clinic VIP Wing Va'ruun Scripture 05
Location The Clinic - Deepala
How to Get
The VIP Wing of The Clinic can only be accessed after progressing through the Surgical Strike quest from the Freestar Rangers questline.

Once you enter the VIP Wing, head to the first room to your right. The Va'ruun Scripture 05 will be on top of the small table beside the couch.

Va'ruun Scripture 06

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 06 Location
House Va'ruun Embassy Va'ruun Scripture 06
Location House Va'ruun Embassy - New Atlantis
How to Get
The Va'ruun Embassy can only be accessed after progressing through the Friends Like These quest from the UC Vanguard Faction Questline. You'll get access to the Va'ruun Embassy once Deputy Macintyre asks you to get the Va'ruun archival code.

Once you get to the Va'ruun Embassy Lobby, use the elavator to decend to House Va'ruun Embassy. Continue through the overgrown corridors until you reach the room with a table, a bouple of bunk beds, and a connected bathroom. The skill magazine will be located on the table in that room.

Va'ruun Scripture 07

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 07 Location
Ka'Zaal Sulfur Mine Va'ruun Scripture 07
Location Ka'Zaal Sulfur Mine - Ka'zaal
How to Get
Va'ruun Scripture 07 can be found on a rack in the sleeping quarters of one of the structures in the Ka'Zaal Sulfur Mine. This Va'ruun-run mining outpost is located in Ka'zaal, the Moon of Kazarah, in the Nirah Star System.

The sleeping quarter is one of the rooms inside the top-most structure of the mining outpost. This structure can easily be spotted with the golden sphere on top of it. Once you enter the structure, enter the room opposite the entrance, and the skill magazine will be on a rack to the right of the room.

Va'ruun Scripture 10

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Scripture 01 Scripture 02 Scripture 03
Scripture 04 Scripture 05 Scripture 06
Scripture 07 Scripture 10
Va'ruun Scripture 10 Location
Cydonia Abandoned Mines Va'ruun Scripture 10
Location Cydonia Abandoned Mines - Mars
How to Get
When landing on Cydonia, an Abandoned Mines point-of-interest should be nearby. This Abandoned Mine has an orange door that leads to a lengthy and complex excavation site. You fully explore this mine during the UC Vanguard Faction quest: Delivering Devils. However, you can access it earlier by locating it on the surface map once you land on Cydonia.

The Va'ruun Scripture 10 can be found on top of a table in the living quarters deep inside the mines.

Once you enter the orange door into the Abandoned Mines area, go down the stairs into the open area. Follow the tracks on the bottom that would lead you to a door and another set of stairs. Go down the stairs to reach the living quarters of the mines.

These living quarters have rooms with beds, a dining area, and showers. You can grab the skill magazine on top of a table in one of the 2nd-floor rooms of the structure.

All Skill Magazine Locations

Va'ruun Scripture Perks

Va'ruun Scripture Bonus Effects

Number of Magazines Collected Bonus Effect
1 Magazine Permanently increases sneak bonus by 1%, and melee sneak attack damage by 5%.
2-10 Magazines Permanently increases sneak bonus by an additional 1%, and melee sneak attack damage by an additional 5%. (Stacking)

Collecting certain numbers of Va'ruun Scriptures will give you corresponding permanent buffs. These buffs provide additional bonuses to sneak attacks.

How to Sneak and Avoid Detection

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - Va
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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Va'ruun Scriptures -


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