Starfield Shattered Space

All Outpost Modules

Starfield - All Outpost Modules

Outposts in Starfield are modular base camps throughout the galaxy which are built using the Resources you collect. Read on to learn how to build an outpost, their uses, how to manage them, and to see a list of all outpost modules.

All Outpost Module Types and Their Functions

Outpost Module Types
Extractors Power Storage Structures
Crafting Defenses Furniture Decorations
Displays Miscellaneous

Outpost Extractors

Outpost extractor modules let you mine and gather resources passively. You will need to build these modules on resource veins, which is why it's best to build your outposts in planets and moons with different resource types.

All Outpost Extractors

Outpost Power Modules

This module type includes everything you need to power your outpost and manage your power output. This can also include modules that directly use or need power to function.

All Outpost Power Modules

Outpost Storage Modules

Outpost storage modules cover bulk storage of different materials, resources, and items. These modules can also facilitate the transfer of goods from your ship's cargo hold.

All Outpost Storage Modules

Outpost Structures

Outpost structures are modules that consist mostly of habs, hallways, and the like. These modules are the rooms and spaces within your outpost.

All Outpost Structures

Outpost Crafting Modules

Outpost crafting modules allow you to modify your weapons, armor, and gear. In addition, these modules give you access to your own Research Lab and lets you craft food and drink, pharmaceuticals, and components.

All Outpost Crafting Modules

Outpost Defenses

Defense modules protect your outposts from any enemy or wildlife attacks. These modules are especially useful on planets and moons with hostile forces.

All Outpost Defenses

Outpost Furniture

Your outpost is your home away from home, and the furniture modules allow you to bring comfort, style, and function to your space. Furniture modules include beds and chairs that let you pass time in-game.

All Outpost Furniture

Outpost Decorations

Decoration modules add personality to your outpost, depending on what theme or design you are going for.

All Outpost Decorations

Outpost Displays

Outpost display modules let you put up any spacesuits, helmets, apparel, gear, and weapons as decor or for easy access.

All Outpost Displays

Outpost Miscellaneous Modules

Miscellaneous modules improve the accessiblity of your outpost or enhance the functionality of other modules.

All Outpost Miscellaneous Modules

Outpost Robots

This module type allows you to add robots as helpers. Each module has its own role in keeping your outpost running.

Outpost Module Variants Available

Outpost building gives you the freedom to personalize your base camp. Most modules have variants with different styles and functions to choose from.

All Outpost Robots

How to Unlock More Outpost Modules

Level Up Outpost Engineering

Starfield - Outpost Engineering Outpost Engineering

Level up your Outpost Engineering skill, craft Outpost Development projects through the Research Lab, and complete quests to unlock more modules.

Craft Research Projects

Outpost Development is a type of research project that you can do to enhance existing modules or craft new types.

All Outpost Development Research Projects

Outpost Build Size Limit

Measured by Build Limit Bar

Starfield - Build Limit

The outpost build size isn't numerical but is governed by the build limit bar found at the bottom left side of the screen while building your outpost. You will be able to build reasonably-sized outposts with several rooms, but gigantic megastructures may be out of the question.

Adding More Objects Increases the Bar

Adding modules to your outpost increases the build limit. Maxing out this build limit removes your ability to add more objects to the outpost. Carefully plan out your rooms along with your decorations and furniture so you don't hit the limit.

How to Build an Outpost

How to Build an Outpost

Collect Resources

Starfield - Collect Resources for Outposts

You will need Resources to build your outposts as each module will need specific ones. Make sure to stock up on them before starting construction—especially Lead, Aluminum, and Sealant.

List of All Resources and Materials

Place an Outpost Beacon

Starfield - Outpost Beacon

Use your scanner and place an Outpost Beacon. Once built, a perimeter is established and you can start adding modules to your outpost.

Outpost Building Guide

Use the Fly Cam

Starfield - Outpost Fly Cam Mode
The Fly Cam mode helps you plan and build your outpost efficiently. Its top-down view gives you a wider perspective of your outpost’s layout and how your modules are arranged.

Choose Outpost Modules Carefully

Starfield - Outpost Modules
Outposts can be used as storage, your home on different planets, a base to mine Resources, or a crafting and research hub. Choose the appropriate modules to make the most out of your outpost.

Modules Have Operating Costs

Starfield - Outpost Modules Power Cost
Aside from Resources, certain outpost modules have operating costs or the amount of power needed to build and keep them running. Some modules will also need resources to fuel their operations.

Decorate On-Foot

Starfield - Decorate Outposts
Get a better grasp of your outpost's decorations and fine-tune details to best suit your aesthetics and comfort. The on-foot, first-person mode gives you a closer look of your outpost's interior design and set up unlike the Fly Cam.

Mind the Build Limit

While modular, outposts still have Build Limits and module restrictions. Some modules may not be connected or placed in certain areas and a Build Limit gauge is filled as you add components to your outpost.

Assign Crew or Companions

Starfield - Assign Crew or Companions to Outposts
Your companions and crew can be assigned at outposts. Some companions will have skills that boost an outpost’s productivity, so choose wisely. Additionally, there will also be generic crew members that you can hire to maintain outposts and ships, and these will be separate from your selection of companions.

Assigning crew members to outposts only costs a one-time payment, and you won't need to continously pay crew members for operations.

Outpost Uses

Base Camp and Home

Starfield - Sleep at Outposts

You can live in the outposts that you build. Here, you can sleep and rest to pass time or prepare food and drinks.

Research and Crafting

Starfield - Craft at Outposts

Craft research projects, equipment, aid, other outpost items, and weapon mods using Resources and materials. These are important to power up your character and further your explorations.

List of All Research Projects

Cargo Storage

Outposts are also spaces were you can store items, cargo, and equipment that you would rather not have in your inventory. However, there is a limit to how much you can keep in your Outposts.

Resource Mining

Starfield - Gather Resources at Outposts
Outposts are incredibly useful when it comes to gathering Resources. You can boost results with the right crew and companions.

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

Is it possible to get an update with resource costs for everything?


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