Starfield Shattered Space

Best Ship Parts

Starfield - Best Ship Parts

This is a guide on the best Ship Parts to install in Starfield. Learn about the best ship parts to upgrade in the game and how to choose the best ship parts.

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Best Ship Parts

List of Best Ship Parts

Best Ship Parts
Best Weapons Best Engines Best Shields
Best Grav Drives Best Reactors

Best Weapons

Function and Analysis Ship Weapon
Best Ship Weapon Overall Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher
Best Ship Weapon for Hull Damage KE-49A Autocannon
Vanguard Hellfire Autocannon
Best Ship Weapon for Shield Damage Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret
Best Particle Ship Weapon Exterminator 95MeV Auto Helion Beam
PBO-175 Auto Helion Beam
Best EM Ship Weapon Tatsu 501EM Suppressor
Nullifier 1750 Suppressor
Best Turret Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret

Best Ship Weapon Ranking Explained

Ship Weapon Total Damage Equations
Total Damage Output Damage Equation
Total Damage per Unit [Fire Rate x Specific DMG]
Total Damage
Maximizing Power
[Fire Rate x Specific DMG
x (12 / Max Power)]

The Best Ship Weapons are determined by their total relevant damage output per unit, and maximizing all 12 power available. This is to determine which weapons deal the most damage if you only equip one, and if you equip multiple of it. Both weapons (if they are different) will be considered the 'best' and listed respectively.

This is to accommodate different players who have smaller ships that can only equip a few weapons, and players who have large ships that can equip many weapons which use up all 12 power.

Best Ship Weapons Explained

Best Engines

Best Overall Engine

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
Poseidon DT230 Engine 40280 34520 11600 Starship Design (Rank 4)

The best engine we have encountered is the Poseidon DT230 Engine. The engine is unmatched when it comes to ship movement having both the highest engine thrust and the highest maneuvering thrust in the game.

The engine can be purchased in Cydonia and Gagarin Landing.

Best Engine for Early Game

Engine Value Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust Required Skill
White Dwarf 2010 Engine 6032 11340 2130 None

The White Dwarf 2010 Engine is the best engine to get early in the game. It provides the highest speeds without requiring any skills, so you will be able to purchase it even if you're not investing skill points in Starship Design.

The engine can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities early in the game.

Engines Explained

Best Shield Generators

Best Shield Generator Overall

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator 12 1600 5% Starship Design (Rank 4)

The Assurance SG-1800 Shield Generator is the best shield generator we've encountered in the game so far. It provides your ship the most shield health of 1600. This will allow you to tank a lot of damage during space combat.

The shield generator can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities once you reach a certain level.

Best Shield Generator to Get Early

Module Max Power Shield Max Health Regen Rate Required Skill
Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator 5 440 10% None

The Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator is the best shield generator to get early in the game. It provides the most shield health without requiring any skills at 440, so you will be able to purchase it even if you're not investing skill points in Starship Design.

List of All Shield Generators

Best Grav Drives

Best Grav Drive Overall

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
J-52 Gamma Grav Drive 112290 50 308 Starship Design (Rank 4)

The J-52 Gamma Grav Drive is the best grav drive we've encountered in the game so far. Despite its high cost and skill requirement, it provides the highest grav jump thrust of 50 which will allow you to travel to systems with long distances without having to make stops in between.

While the Apollo GV300 Grav Drive provides the same grav jump thrust, the J-52 Gamma Grav Drive sports a higher grav drive health for only a slightly higher price.

The grav drive can be purchased from most ship technicians once you reach a certain level.

Best Grav Drive to Get Early

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
Helios 300 Grav Drive 9025 23 68 None

The Helios 300 Grav Drive is the best grav drive to get early in the game. It provides the highest grav jump thrust at 23 among Class A grav drives without requiring any skills, so you'll be able to purchase and utilize it even if you are not investing any skill points in Piloting or Starship Design.

The grav drive can be purchased from most ship technicians once you reach a certain level.

List of All Grav Drives

Best Reactors

Pinch 8Z Reactor

Module Value Power Generated Required Skill
Pinch 8Z Reactor 85200 40 ・Starship Design (Rank 4)
・Piloting (Rank 4)

The Pinch 8Z Reactor is the best reactor that can be encountered in the game so far. Despite its high cost and high skill requirement, it's one of the few reactors that provides a whopping 40 power to your ship. This will allow you to power a lot of parts without the need to constantly reallocate power levels during space combat.

It is better than the SF40 Sheared Flow Reactor since it has higher health and repair rate, even though they share the same power generation.

The Pinch 8Z Reactor, while rare, can be found from various ship vendors, but it can only be bought once your character reaches level 60. More powerful ship parts are locked behind character levels, and it will only start appearing once you reach that level.

360T Stellarator Reactor

Module Value Power Generated Required Skill
360T Stellarator Reactor 18800 20 None

The 360T Stellarator Reactor is the best early game reactor. It provides the highest power at 20 without requiring any skills, so you will be able to purchase it even if you're not investing skill points in Starship Design.

While the 134MM Toroidal Reactor provides the same number of power, the 360T Stellarator Reactor has a higher reactor health and repair rate for only a slightly higher price.

The reactor can be purchased from ship technicians in most cities once your character reaches level 14.

All Reactors Explained

How to Choose Best Ship Parts

Pick Ship Parts Based on Needs

Starfield - Ship Building

The best parts for your ship will greatly depend on what you want your ship to do. If you want to shoot down other ships, then upgrading weapons is a no-brainer. Shields can be good if you want to avoid taking too much damage, or you can also upgrade the Grav Drive to jump farther. Generally, you'll want to balance weight and durability with speed.

Check Your Equipped Skills

Starfield - Piloting Skill Ship Class

To use certain ship parts, you'll need to learn some skills. Piloting allows you to fly higher-class ships, while Starship Design allows you to install better ship modules. If you don't have the right skill ranks, you won't be able to install some parts.

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Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
Grav Drive Weapons
Hab Engines
Cockpit Cargo Hold
Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment


6 Anonymousover 1 year

Took the words out of my mouth. My primary ship is a tank (due to lots of parts) but weighs a ton, slowing it down and making it unmaneuverable. Dropping a measly 100 shields and saving a whopping 70 mass is incredible. Not to mention that it recharges faster.

5 Nutover 1 year

The best Shield is the 28T Defender. For 1500 capacity instead of 1600, its cheaper, has nearly half the mass, and a higher regen rate. And it's B class instead of C class, so you can get it earlier.


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