Starfield Shattered Space

Gymnastics Skill Rank Up Guide

Gymnastics is an Advanced Physical skill that improves physical athleticism in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Gymnastics skill, how to unlock and rank up the Gymnastics skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Gymnastics How to Unlock and Overview

Gymnastics Skill Overview

Gymnastics Skill
Starfield - Gymnastics Skill Skill Tree:
From navigating the elevations of alien landscapes to exploring derelict ships in Zero-G, gymnastic training is invaluable for improving both safety and manoeuvrability.

How to Unlock Gymnastics

Spend 4 Skill Points in the Physical Tree

As Gymnastics is a higher-tier Advanced skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 4 skill points in the Physical skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Gymnastics Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Gymnastics skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Gymnastics Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 4 Skill Points in the Physical tree. Unlock the ability to combat slide. Take 15% less fall damage.
2 Take 100 fall damage. Move faster in Zero-G. Take 20% less fall damage.
3 Kill 5 enemies in Zero-G environments. Become more stable while firing in Zero-G. Take 30% less fall damage. Replenish some O2 after mantling.
4 Kill 20 enemies in Zero-G environments. Increased jump height. Run faster after combat sliding or mantling.

Use Items and Equipment that Increase Jump Height

Starfield - Use Items and Equipment that Increase Jump Height
The Amp aid item and the Power Boostpack pack mod will significantly increase your jump height and help complete the challenge, as you will most likely take more fall damage as you reach new heights with these items.

There are more ways to receive fall damage than jump height. But be sure to bring Immobilizers to heal any Limb injuries you may receive attempting to finish the rank 2 skill challenge

How to Increase Jump Height

Fight Enemies in Zero-G Environments

Starfield - Fight Enemies in Zero-G Environments
There are a few Zero-G Environments where you can engage in combat to complete the ranks 3 and 4 challenges. The Deimos Armored Transport in Alpha Centauri and The Almagest in Olympus are locations that have zero-G.

In the case of the Deimos Armored Transport, where it switches in and out of zero-G, only kills while gravity is disabled will count towards completing the challenge.

Zero-G Effects Explained

Use the Parallel Self Power to Complete the Challenge Reliably

If you've completed combat encounters on locations with zero-G, you can use the Parallel Self power to summon a copy of yourself in an area with zero-G, then kill it to progress the challenge.

The Parallel Self power can be acquired while doing the Worlds Apart side quest with Barrett.

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