Starfield Shattered Space

REV-8 Vehicle Controls

Starfield - REV-8 Controls

This is a guide for controlling the REV-8 vehicle in Starfield. Learn how to control the REV-8 rover and see a list of all controls for Xbox and PC in this guide!

REV-8 Vehicle Controls

REV-8 Xbox and PC Controls

Xbox PC Actions
XBOX - A Button E Enter REV-8
Hold XBOX - B Button
Hold E Exit REV-8
XBOX - Left Stick WASD Move
XBOX - Right Stick Mouse Aim Turret
XBOX - Left Trigger Right Click Aim Down Sights
XBOX - Right Trigger Left Click Fire Turret
XBOX - Right Bumper or XBOX - Left Stick Press
Shift Forward Boost
XBOX - Y Button Spacebar Upward Boost
XBOX - Options Button Middle Click Toggle POV
Q Change Weapons
XBOX - Left Bumper F Survey Mode

Use the above control scheme to learn to maneuver the REV-8 vehicle across terrain. The controls are similar to how your player character moves, so learning to get around with the REV-8 rover should be quite intuitive.

How to Get the REV-8 Vehicle

Choose Between Flexible and Traditional

In the Controls menu in Settings, you can swap between Flexible and Traditional control modes.

Flexible mode allows you to move the REV-8 rover in any direction with the left analog or movement keys. Traditional mode makes the REV-8 buggy move only towards where the camera is facing, similar to tank controls.
Best Settings for PC and Console

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - REV-8

Rev-8 Upgrades and Customization

List of REV-8 Guides

All REV-8 Guides
How to Get the REV-8 REV-8 Controls


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