Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Research Projects

Starfield - List of All Research Projects

Research Projects unlock new craftable recipes in Starfield. Read on to see a list of all research projects in the game, to learn what are research projects, how to unlock them, and how to research a project.

List of All Research Projects

All Research Project Types
Pharmacology Food and Drink
Outpost Development Equipment


Research Project Unlocks
Medical Treatment Analgesic Poultice
Antibiotic Injector
Antibiotic Paste
Infused Bandages
Junk Flush
Repairing Immobilizer
Performance Enhancement Amp
Red Trench
Innovative Synthesis Black Hole Heart
Dwarf Star Heart
Giant Heart
Hypergiant Heart
Subgiant Heart
Supermassive Heart

Pharmacology research projects unlock the crafting recipes of aid items that provide healing and stat boosts.

All Pharmacology Research Projects

Food and Drink

Research Project Unlocks
Old Earth Cuisine Barbacoa Wrap
Chicken Marsala
Chicken Tikka
Dal Makhani
Doro Wat
Pappardelle Bolognese
Beverage Development Alien Broth
Alien Energy Drink
Alien Tonic
Boba Alien Tea
Boom Pop! Dynamite
Bullet Coffee
Chai Latte
Sunray Tonic
Yellow Giant Splash
Mixology Alien Liquor
Big Bloody Mary
Colonel's Choice
Disastrous Shipwreck
Lumberjack Julep
Very Heavy Water
Exotic Recipes Alien Kebabs
Alien Pie
Alien Stew
Alien Stir-Fry
Creature Jam
Crispy Alien Nuggets
Galaxy Lo Mein
Nebula Wat
Star Cluster Marsala
Stellar Kebabs

Food and drink research projects unlock the crafting recipes of consumable items that provide healing and stat boosts.

All Food and Drink Research Projects

Outpost Development

Research Project Unlocks
Resource Extraction ・Commercial Extractors
・Industrial Extractors
Manufacturing ・Simple Fabricator
・Small Warehouse Modules
・Inter-System Cargo Links
・Compound Fabricators
・Medium Storage
・Multiplex Fabricators Module
・Large Storage Module
Horticulture ・Commercial Greenhouse
・Industrial Greenhouse
Domestication ・Commercial Animal Husbandry Facility
・Industrial Animal Husbandry Facility
Power Generation ・Advanced Wind Turbines
・Solar Domes
・Advanced Reactors
Decoration ・Additional Furniture and Decoration at Outposts.
Robots ・Garden Mini Bot
・Sanitation Mini Bot
・Engineering Robot
・Logistics Robot
・Power Management Robot
Outpost Defense ・Security Mini Bot
・Turret Mk II
・Turret Mk III
・Security Robots

Outpost Development research projects unlock modules that you can construct for your outposts. Outposts are modular base camps you can build throughout the galaxy used as storage, a base to mine resources, or a crafting and research hub.

All Outpost Development Research Projects


Research Project Unlocks
Helmet Mods EM Shielding (Helmet)
Energy Shielding (Helmet)
Explosive Shielding (Helmet)
Gravitic Composites (Helmet)
Heavy Shielding (Helmet)
Sensor Array
Spacesuit Mods EM Shielding (Spacesuit)
Energy Shielding (Spacesuit)
Exo Servos
Explosive Shielding (Spacesuit)
Gravitic Composites (Spacesuit)
Heavy Shielding (Spacesuit)
Optimized Servos
Pack Mods Balanced Boostpack
Emergency Aid
Extra Capacity
Hazard Protection
Power Boostpack
Skip Capacity Boostpack

Equipment research projects provide crafting recipes for armor mods. These are individual parts you can attach to armor to modify their stats and function.

All Equipment Research Projects


Research Project Unlocks
Barrel Mods Bull Barrel
Extended Barrel
Fluted Barrel
Long Barrel
Magnetic Rails
Stabilizing Barrel
Tech Barrel
Grip and Stock Mods Ergonomic Stock
Shielded Tool Grip
Stabilizing Stock
Tactical Folding Stock
Tactical Grip
Tactical Stock
Magazine and Battery Mods Annihilator Rounds
Armor-Piercing Rounds
Depleted Uranium Rounds
Drum Magazine
Electromagnetic Beams
EM-Charged Shot
Explosive Rounds
Extra Large Magazine
Flechette Drum Magazine
Flechette Large Magazine
Flechette Rounds
Gut Buster Rounds
Hornet Nest
Ignition Beams
Large Battery
Large Magazine
Penetrator Rounds
Slug Shots
Standard Whitehot Rounds
Tesla Pylons
Whitehot Rounds
Muzzle Mods Choke
Double Barrel Muzzle
Focus Nozzle
Large Muzzle Brake
Muzzle Brake
Shock Charge Band
Short Suppressor
Spread Nozzle
Stealth Lasers
Optics and Laser Mods Foregrip with Recon Laser Sight
Holographic Sight
Long Scope
Recon Laser Sight
Recon Scope
Short Scope
Internal Mods Amplifier
Bullet Hose
Hair Trigger
High Powered
High Velocity
Receiver Mods Binary Trigger
Burst Fire
Fully Automatic

Weaponry research projects provide crafting recipes for weapon mods. These are individual parts you can attach to weapons to modify their stats and function.

All Weaponry Research Projects

What are Research Projects?

Unlocks Crafting Recipes When Completed

Starfield - Craft Ammo

Research projects allow you to unlock various recipes for weapon mods, armor mods, and consumables. The recipes will allow you to craft better versions of these items to help you during your adventure.

However, researching projects will require resources and materials that you will need to collect. Sometimes, you might even need to unlock a skill first to be able to work on a Research Project.

How to Unlock Research Projects

Complete Research Projects

Starfield - Research Station

Every Research Project category has a project tree of some sorts. The first tier of this tree has already been unlocked so you can start working on those!

You need to complete the pre-requisite Research Projects in a tree in order to unlock all succeeding Research Projects in that tree.

How to Build an Outpost

How to Start Research Projects

Access a Research Lab

Starfield - Reseach Screen

You can start working on Research Projects at Research Labs. These labs can be found in outposts, major cities like New Atlantis, and even your ship!

The very first Research Lab you can encounter is at the basement of The Lodge in New Atlantis. Simply interact with the Research Lab terminal to open all the Research Projects you can work on.

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Starfield - ShopsShops Starfield - ItemsItems
Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
Starfield - PuzzlesPuzzle Solutions Starfield - BackgroundsBackgrounds
Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
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Starfield - News and UpdatesNews and Updates -


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