Starfield Shattered Space

All Nova Galactic Manual Locations

Nova Galactic Manuals are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Nova Galactic Manuals, their locations, their perks, and how to use them!

Nova Galactic Manual Locations

Nova Galactic Manual 01

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Manual 01 Manual 02 Manual 03
Manual 06 Manual 10
Nova Galactic Manual 01 Location
Sarah's Crash Site Noca Galactic Manual 01
Location Sarah's Crash Site - Cassiopeia I
How to Get
This skill magazine's location, Sarah's Crash Site, is only accessible after progressing through Sarah Morgan's companion quest: In Memoriam.

During this quest, Sarah Morgan will ask you to assist her in investigating the Crash Site of the ship she previously captained. The skill magazine can be found on top of some debris inside the remaining Escape Shuttle 03 Cabin.

Nova Galactic Manual 02

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Manual 01 Manual 02 Manual 03
Manual 06 Manual 10
Nova Galactic Manual 02 Location
Control Room Nova Galactic Manual 02
Location Nova Galactic Staryard - Luna
How to Get
The Nova Galactic Manual 02 is found sitting on a desk in the Nova Galactic Staryard on planet Luna. Upon entering the Staryard, follow along the corridor and walk straight passed the Dining Hall until you reach the Conference room. Do not enter the Conference Room and instead, turn left to see the Control Room.

Enter the Control Room and take the short set of stairs on the left side to reach another room painted with blue and red stripes. Before entering this room, look to your immediate left to find another set of stairs that lead upward.

Take those stairs upwards to find yet another set of small stairs that lead to a room marked Workroom. Enter the workroom and turn right to enter a white corridor until you reach the room that contains the Nova Galactic Manual 02.

Nova Galactic Manual 03

Jump to a Nova Galactic Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02 Manual 03
Manual 06 Manual 10
Nova Galactic Manual 03 Location
UC Vanguard Entrance Nova Galactic Manual 03
Location UC Vanguard - Jemison
How to Get
The Nova Galactic Manual 03 can be found inside the Office of Interstellar Affairs inside the UC Vanguard Building. To get here, head inside the central giant glass tower with a UC logo towards the top of the structure. Once there, take the elevator behind the receptionist and head to the Cabinet Chambers / Interstellar Affairs floor.

After exiting the elevator, turn left and head into the Office of Interstellar Affairs. Follow the path on the right and head all the way to the back office where you'll find the manual sitting on a coffee table on the left side of the office.

Nova Galactic Manual 06

Jump to a Nova Galactic Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02 Manual 03
Manual 06 Manual 10
Nova Galactic Manual 06 Location
Break Room Nova Galactic Manual 06
Location Autonomous Staryard - Volii Psi
How to Get
Nova Galactic Manual 06 can be found in a break room at the end of the Autonomous Staryard orbiting Volii Psi in the Volii System.

The break room is at the very end of the staryard. Pass through the warehouse and the hangar, defeating any hostile robots until you reach the shooting range with a Mining Turret. The skill magazine is on a table in the break room after the Mining Turret encounter and right before you interact with the computer to open the doors.

Nova Galactic Manual 10

Jump to a Nova Galactic Manual!
Manual 01 Manual 02 Manual 03
Manual 06 Manual 10
Nova Galactic Manual 10 Location
Manual Location Nova Galactic Manual 10
Location The Almagest - Nesoi
How to Get
The Nova Galactic Manual 10 can be found beside a Manager's Computer inside The Almagest ship orbiting the planet Nesoi. Once you've boarded the Almagest, float your way through the corridor with glass pannels and float downwards through the openning.

Once you've floated to the bottom, you should see a bar area in front of you. Head left through the balcony and float upwards towards the multi-screen display with a System Error and Emergency message.

Once you've come face-to-face with the display, turn around and you should see the corridor with the glass pannels that you entered through. The Nova Galactic Manual should be inside the room underneath that corridor.

All Skill Magazine Locations

Nova Galactic Manual Perks

Nova Galactic Manual Bonus Effects

Number of Magazines Collected Bonus Effect
1 Magazine Permanently reduces fuel needed for a grav jump by 1%.
2-10 Magazines Permanently reduces fuel needed for a grav jump by an additional 1%. (Stacking)

Collecting certain numbers of Nova Galactic Manuals will give you corresponding permanent buffs. These buffs would noticeably lighten your exploration by lessening the required fuel for your grav jumps.

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - Nova Galactic Manual 02
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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1 Anonymous2 months

On the planet Piazzi I , there is an Abandoned Freestar Barracks with Nova Galactic 04 magazine . The barracks is on a hill , with stairs leading up to the elevator.


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