Starfield Shattered Space

Serpent's Embrace Trait - Is It Worth It?

Serpent's Embrace is a Trait that you can have in Starfield. Read on to learn if it's worth it to get Serpent's Embrace, how to use and remove it, as well as its incompatible traits.

How to Use Serpent's Embrace Trait

Serpent's Embrace Effects

Starfield -  Serpent
Serpent's Embrace
You grew up worshiping the Great Serpent. Grav jumping provides a temporary boost to health and oxygen, but health and oxygen are lowered if you don't continue jumping regularly - like an addiction. (Can't be combined with any other religion trait.)

Best Traits

Good for Space Exploration

Serpent's Embrace grants a 25 point boost to your health and Oxygen for 4 hours every time you make a Grav Jump. This trait is particularly useful when you do space exploration frequently. The caveat is you need to make Grav Jumps regularly or else you'll suffer from lowered health and Oxygen.

You can also stack this with Terra Firma and Alien DNA to receive a bigger boost to your health and Oxygen.

List of All Traits

Fast Travel to Maintain Boost

Fast traveling across systems is also considered as Grav Jumping. This should make it easier to keep the health and Oxygen boost up at all times.

How to Fast Travel

Best Trait for Romancing Andreja

Starfield - Best Trait for Romancing Andreja
If you plan on romancing Andreja, then pick up Serpent's Embrace. It will give you access to exclusive dialogue options to help increase your Affinity with her faster.

Andreja Romance Guide: All Likes and Dislikes

How to Remove Serpent's Embrace Trait

Talk to Mir'za at New Atlantis

Starfield - Mir

You can remove the Serpent's Embrace trait by talking to Mir'za at the UC Security Office in New Atlantis. When talking to her, make sure to choose answers that are related to the Serpent's Embrace trait. Then, choose the dialogue option that removes the trait once it shows up.

How to Remove Traits

Serpent's Embrace Incompatible Traits

Religion-Based Traits

Starfield -  Raised Enlightened Trait
Raised Enlightened
Starfield -  Raised Universal Trait
Raised Universal

Serpent's Embrace sets your character's Religion, so they can't get the bonuses of other Religion traits due to conflicting loyalties.

Is Serpent's Embrace Worth It?

Not Worth It

Tier Explanation
C Okay ・Offers exclusive items and dialogue but locks out other religions.

Picking Serpent's Embrace will give you a temporary boost on your health and oxygen. However, you need to keep Grav Jumping if you don't want reduced health and endurance.

This trait is great for players who want to focus on space exploration. Take note that making use of Fast Travel also grants you the boost.

Best Traits

Best Trait for Romancing Andreja

Starfield - Andreja

The Serpent's Embrace Trait is worth it if you're planning to romance Andreja, one of the companions you'll get by progressing the main quest.

Choosing Serpent's Embrace dialogue options such as telling her that you also serve the Great Serpent when Andreja reveals herself as a House Va'ruun agent will get a like from her and help increase her affinity faster.

Andreja Romance Guide

Starfield Related Guides

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List of Traits

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Alien DNA
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Hero Worshipped
Starfield -  Introvert Trait
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Starfield -  Neon Street Rat Trait
Neon Street Rat
Starfield -  Raised Enlightened Trait
Raised Enlightened
Starfield -  Raised Universal Trait
Raised Universal
Starfield -  Serpent
Serpent's Embrace
Starfield -  Spaced Trait
Starfield -  Taskmaster Trait
Starfield -  Terra Firma Trait
Terra Firma
Starfield -  United Colonies Native Trait
United Colonies Native
Starfield -  Wanted Trait


2 Anonymousover 1 year

Do you get serpent's embrace back if you do NG+? I might have made the decision to remove it (permanently). As in permanently also NG+?

1 Anonymousover 1 year

Early in the game at New Atlantis, if you go into the UC Security Office and go into the back there will be a npc "Mir'Za" you could talk to her and though the some dialog you get the option to remove the Serpernt's Embrace.


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