Starfield Shattered Space

Puddle Glitch Explained

Starfield - Puddle Glitch Explained
The Akila City puddle glitch in Starfield involves vendor chests that are accessible through the ground in the streets of Akila City. Find out more details of on how to replicate this glitch, and why it works this way.

How to Do Puddle Glitch

Starfield ConstellationAttention! This exploit has been fixed in Version 1.7.33 of Starfield.

Approach the Location

There are three locations in Akila City where you can loot the vendor's inventory.

Shepherd's General Store Location

Starfield - Shepherd
The Shepherd's General Store vendor chest is below the ground, outside the store entrance. On the surface, the chest is beside a puddle in front of the store and is slightly towards the right if you're facing the entrance.

The Hitching Post Location

Starfield - The Hitching Post Location
The vendor chest for The Hitching Post is underneath the blue canopy beside the bar's entrance stairway. The chest is between a blue tapestry and a green utility box and beneath the ground.

Rowland Arms Location

Starfield - Rowland Arms Location
A third location would be found right in front of the weapon shop named Rowland Arms. The chest is deep under the ground between a small puddle and the corner of the stairway.

Crouch to Reach the Chest

Since both chests are underneath the surface, it is only accessible once the player crouches. Once crouched, point the crosshair towards the ground and search for an interactable container.

Shepherd's General Store Vendor Chest

Starfield - Shepherd
This vendor chest is below a puddle in front of the store, hence the puddle glitch.

The Hitching Post Vendor Chest

Starfield - The Hitching Post Vendor Chest
This vendor chest is between the blue tapestry and green container. This location requires a bit more precision than the other chest.

Rowland Arms Vendor Chest

Starfield - Rowland Arms Vendor Chest
This vendor chest can only be accessed when in third-person mode. Use the Mouse Wheel or Middle Mouse to change POVs into third-person.

Puddle Glitch Loot

Puddle Glitch Chest Loot
Emerson Shepherd - Supplies ・Credits
・Ship Parts
・Resources and Materials
・Food and Drink
Jaden Ross - Bar ・Credits
・Food and Drink
Belle Rowland - Weapons ・Credits

Vendor's Entire Inventory

This chest is what the game accesses when interacting with a vendor's shop. Therefore, these chests contain all of the vendor's inventory that they sell.

The items in these chests will not count as stolen and looting them will not count as stealing.

All Crimes You Can Commit

Shepherd's General Store Loot

Starfield - Shepherd
The Shepherd's General Store vendor chest will contain a variety of valuable items including weapons, armor and apparel, ammo, aid items, resources, digipicks and credits.

The Hitching Post Vendor Chest Loot

Starfield - The Hitching Post Loot
As The Hitching Post is a bar, the vendor chest only contains various aid items and a couple thousand credits.

Rowland Arms Vendor Chest Loot

Starfield - Rowland Arms Loot
The Rowland Arms vendor chest will contain credits, and various weapons and ammo.

Starfield Related Guides

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2 Anonymousover 1 year

To be more specific, in front of the weapons merchant, you should see two puddles, a big one on the left, and a small one on the right. Do the 3rd person crouch while looking at the smaller puddle on the right. There's a big rock on the left, the chest is in that general area. Reu

1 Anonymousover 1 year

There's another one in front of the weapons merchant too. Reu


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