Starfield Shattered Space

Best Cockpits and Cockpits Explained

Starfield - All Cockpits

This guide lists all the ship Cockpit parts and modules you can purchase and equip in Starfield. Read on to learn the best cockpits, what cockpits are, the possible interior additions, cockpit ship building errors, and where to buy cockpits.

Best Cockpits

  1. Most Crew Stations
  2. Most Cargo
  3. Most Health
  4. Best View

Most Crew Stations

Module Value Mass Hull Crew Stations Cargo
DS30.1 Ares Bridge 45700 17 5 8 300

If you're looking to play as a captain of a full crew à la Battlestar Galactica, then look no further than the DS30.1 Ares Bridge or its upgraded versions. This cockpit allows for 8 crew members and provides a large space for them.

This cockpit can be bought at the Deimos Staryard from character level 3.

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Most Cargo

Module Value Mass Hull Crew Stations Cargo
Kon-Tiki B-310 Bridge 18240 17 5 4 320

If you're the type of player who wants to pick up and keep everything that you're able to loot, then you're going to need a lot of cargo space. Luckily, you don't have to build a ship that's mostly cargo holds as some cockpits provide a lot of cargo space as well. In particular, from what we've encountered, the Kon-Tiki B-310 Bridge is the cockpit that provides the most cargo space.

This cockpit can be bought at the Stroud Eklund Showroom in Neon from character level 23.

Most Health

Module Value Mass Hull Crew Stations Cargo
Armstrong 20R Cockpit 7300 11 11 2 260

If you're looking to build the tankiest ship possible, then it's going to need a lot of health. The ship's health is calculated by summing up the hull of each part. And from what we've seen in our playthroughs, the Armstrong 20R Cockpit provides the most health to a ship.

This cockpit can be bought in Akila City's ship technician from character level 16.

Best View

Cockpits With The Best View
DS30.1 Ares Bridge
DS30.2 Ares Bridge
DS40.1 Ares Bridge
DS40.2 Ares Bridge

If your goal with Starfield is to be immersed in being a spacefarer, your ship will need a cockpit with a good view of the infinite space. In our opinion, the best cockpit for this purpose will be the Deimos' Ares Bridge series of cockpits as a huge portion of its front side is mostly windows.

These cockpits can be bought at the Deimos Staryard from levels 3 through 38.

Cockpit Interiors

Possible Cockpit Interior Additions

Interior Additions Function
Chair Fast forward time
Crew Station Increases ship's NPC capacity
Navigation Console Opens Starmap
Storage Allows storage of equipment and items without taking up the ship's cargo space

Depending on the model and manufacturer of the cockpit, it may include one or several interior additions that you can interact with.

Cockpit Ship Building Errors Explained

Cannot Reach Cockpit from Landing Bays

Landing bay needs to be connected to the cockpit.

The Landing Bay is not properly connected to the Cockpit. There should be a clear path within the interior of your ship from the Landing Bay to the Cockpit.

Check for the entrance of your Landing bay and connect it to the Cockpit through hab modules with the arrow same icon.

Cannot Reach Cockpit from Docker

Docker modules need to have an interior connection to the cockpit.

The Docker is not properly connected to the Cockpit. There should be a clear path within the interior of your ship from the Docker to the Cockpit.

Have your docker be connected to the cockpit through hab modules with the arrow same icon.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Where to Buy Cockpits

Ship Technicians and Showrooms

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first.

Some ship parts also have designated sellers. If a shop isn't showing what you're looking for, try other shops in the galaxy.

List of All Shops and Space Ports

What are Cockpits?

Ship's Command Center

The Cockpit is the control center of a ship. Within it, you'll find the pilot's seat, several workstations depending on its size, and cargo space.

List of All Cockpits

Module Value Mass Hull Crew Stations Cargo
Magellan C2 Cockpit 5605 10 5 2 240
Magellan C1X Cockpit 4417 7 5 2 220
DS30.1 Ares Bridge 45700 17 5 8 300
DS20.3 Phobos Cockpit 9800 15 5 2 280
DS10.1 Phobos Cockpit 3657 5 5 2 200
DS10.2 Phobos Cockpit 4322 6 5 2 220
DS20.1 Phobos Cockpit 5462 9 5 2 240
Magellan C1 Cockpit 3705 6 5 2 200
Viking CP-100 Cockpit 6175 4 5 4 200
Viking CP-110 Cockpit 6840 5 5 4 220
Viking CP-200 Cockpit 7980 8 5 4 240
Viking CP-210 Cockpit 9405 10 5 4 260
Samurai Cockpit 3705 6 5 2 200
Samurai Enhanced Cockpit 4417 7 5 2 220
Daimyo Cockpit 5605 10 5 2 240
Kon-Tiki B-300 Bridge 14345 15 5 4 300
Armstrong 10 Cockpit 3657 5 5 2 200
Armstrong 10R Cockpit 4322 6 5 2 220
Armstrong 20 Cockpit 5462 9 5 2 240
Armstrong 20E Cockpit 9310 15 5 2 280
Cabot C3 Bridge 9120 14 5 2 200
Magellan C2X Cockpit 7077 12 5 2 260
Viking CP-220 Cockpit 11400 12 5 4 280
DS20.2 Phobos Cockpit 6935 11 5 2 260
Daimyo Enhanced Cockpit 7077 12 5 2 260
Overseer 300 Bridge 12160 17 5 2 300
Kon-Tiki B-310 Bridge 18240 17 5 4 320
Shogun Enhanced Cockpit 12160 17 5 2 300
Shogun Cockpit 9120 14 5 2 280
Armstrong 20R Cockpit 7300 11 11 2 260
Cabot C3X Bridge 12160 17 5 2 300
Cabot C4 Bridge 16150 19 5 2 320
Himeji Command Bridge 23655 25 5 2 340
Himeji Bridge 16150 19 5 2 320
Kon-Tiki B-600 Bridge 60515 35 5 6 380
Kon-Tiki B-500 Bridge 42655 28 5 6 360
Kon-Tiki B-400 Bridge 25175 23 5 4 340
Commander 500 Bridge 34390 30 5 2 360
Overseer 400 Bridge 23655 25 5 2 340
Overseer 300E Bridge 17290 22 5 2 320
DS40.2 Ares Bridge 65645 30 5 8 360
DS40.1 Ares Bridge 54910 25 5 8 340
DS30.2 Ares Bridge 48545 22 5 8 320

List of All Ship Parts

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Ship Parts Partial

List of All Ship Parts

Ship Parts Guides

Ship Parts Guides
Best Ship Parts All Ship Part Level Unlocks

All Ship Parts

All Ship Part Types
Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
Grav Drive Weapons
Hab Engines
Cockpit Cargo Hold
Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment


1 Captain Torallover 1 year

The location listed for the Ares cockpit is incorrect, it is actually at the Deimos Shipyard in the Sol system.


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