Starfield Shattered Space

All Snow Globe Locations

Starfield - All Snow Globe Locations
A list of all 17 Snow Globes in Starfield. Learn how to find all snow globes and their locations.

All Snow Globe Locations

Snow Globe How to Get
Apollo Snow Globe Pick up Sir Livingstone's Second Journal at The Lodge in New Atlantis.
London Snow Globe Pick up a copy of Oliver Twist on Sinclair's Books in Akila City.
New York Snow Globe Steal Our Lost Heritage book at the Office of the President floor in the MAST building in New Atlantis.
Cairo Snow Globe Purchase a copy of The Ancient Civilization of Egypt in Sinclair's Books in Akila City.
Los Angeles Snow Globe Steal the Hope Family Tree book at Ron Hope's office at HopeTech in HopeTown.
St. Louis Snow Globe Pick up The Price of Destiny at Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse in Neon.
Osaka Snow Globe Pick up the Diary of Kyosuke Nagata in Delgado's room at The Key in the Kryx Star System.
Hong Kong Snow Globe Pick up Maurice Lyon's Journal in New Homestead at Titan in the Sol Star System.
Shanghai Snow Globe Pick up the Essentials of Modern Macroeconomics inside the ECS Constant orbiting at Porrimia II in Porrima Star System.
Dubai Snow Globe Pick up Race to the Heavens inside The Siren of the Stars as part of the Breaking the Bank Crimson Fleet faction quest.
Two Astronauts Snow Globe Pick up the Snow Globe containing two astronauts at the NASA Museum.
NASA Snow Globe Pick up the NASA Snow Globe containing the NASA logo inside the locked door at the NASA Museum.
Opportunity Snow Globe Interact with the MER Program at the NASA Museum.
NASA Rocket Snow Globe Pick up on the very top of the NASA Launch Tower.
Cydonia Snow Globe Find on the Face of Mars.
Tower of Pisa Snow Globe Get using console commands.
NASA ISS Snow Globe Get using console commands.

Apollo Snow Globe

Starfield - Snow Globe Location
Pick up Sir Livingstone's Second Journal on the second floor of The Lodge in New Atlantis. This unlocks a landmark on Luna which leads you to the location of the Apollo Landing Site.

Land on the Apollo 11 Landing Site at Luna in the Sol Star System. Pick up the Apollo Snow Globe on top of the Apollo Lunar Module.

London Snow Globe

Starfield - London Snow Globe
The London Snow Globe is located on the ruins of The Shard at the London Landmark on Earth. You can unlock the landmark when you pick up any copy of Oliver Twist in Sinclair's Books in Akila City.

New York Snow Globe

Starfield - Pick Up the New York Snow Globe
To get the New York Snow Globe, you need to steal the book, Our Lost Heritage, at the Office of the President floor in the MAST building in New Atlantis.

Stealing the book unlocks the New York Landmark on Earth which leads to the location of the New York Snow Globe near the ruins of the Empire State Building.

Cairo Snow Globe

Starfield - Pick Up the Cairo Snow Globe
You can get to the location of the Cairo Snow Globe when you pick up a copy of The Ancient Civilization of Egypt. You can purchase the book at Sinclair's Books in Akila City.

This unlocks the Cairo Landmark on Earth which leads you to the location of the Cairo Snow Globe near the ruins of the pyramids.

Los Angeles Snow Globe

The Los Angeles Snow Globe is located at the Los Angeles Landmark on Earth. You can find it sitting on a debris in front of the ruins.

Steal the Hope Family Tree Book to Unlock the Landmark

Starfield - Steal the Hope Family Tree at HopeTech
To get the Los Angeles Snow Globe, you need to steal the Hope Family Tree book in Ron Hope's office at HopeTech. You can find this location at HopeTown in the planet Polvo at the Valo Star System.

If Ron Hope's office is locked, you can head to the building's factory floor and head up the stairs leading to the backdoor of his office.

St. Louis Snow Globe

You can find the St. Louis Snow Globe at the St. Louis landmark on Earth. Use the hand scanner to find the snow globe sitting on a rock.

Pick up The Price of Destiny at Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse

Starfield - Pick up The Price of Destiny
To get to the St. Louis Landmark, you need to pick up the book, The Price of Destiny, on a desk in Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse at Neon.

You need to pickpocket the key from Benjamin Bayu. Find him in one of the rooms at the VIP Balcony of the Astral Lounge. Make sure to save before attempting to pickpocket as there is a chance that you may get caught in the act.

Osaka Snow Globe

Osaka Snow Globe
You can find the Osaka Snow Globe situated on the ruins near the Abeno Harukas building. Use the hand scanner to locate the snowglobe.

Pick Up the Diary of Kyosuke Nagata at Delgado's Quarters in The Key

Diary of Kyosuke Nagata

Join the Crimson Fleet to gain access to The Key staryard in the Kryx Star System. Head inside Delgado's living quarters and find the Diary of Kyosuke Nagata on the desk beside the bed.

Hong Kong Snow Globe

You can find the Hong Kong Snow Globe in front of the ruins of the International Commerce Center at the Hong Kong Landmark on Earth.

Find Maurice Lyon's Journal at New Homestead

Starfield - Find Maurice Lyon

You can find Maurice Lyon's Journal on a metal shelf on the right side of the Starsap Tours stall in New Homestead at Titan in the Sol Star System.

Shanghai Snow Globe

You can find the Shanghai Snow Globe on a debris on top of a small hill at the Shanghai Landmark on Earth.

Pick up the Essentials of Modern Macroeconomics inside the Unidentified Ship

Starfield - Pick up the Essentials of Modern Macroeconomics

You can find the Essentials of Modern Macroeconomics on the classroom area inside the ECS Constant orbiting at Porrima II in the Porrima Star System.

Dubai Snow Globe

The snow globe is located beside the ruins of the Burj Khalifa landmark. Us the scanner to locate this item.

Pick up the Race to the Heavens book inside The Siren of the Stars

Race to the Heavens

To unlock the location of the Dubai Snow Globe, you need to pick up the book, Race to the Heavens inside The Siren of the Stars. You can only access this location as part of the Crimson Fleet quest, Breaking the Bank.

Note that this snow globe is considered missable as you cannot return to The Siren of the Stars after completing the quest

Crimson Fleet Questline

Two Astronauts Snow Globe

You can find this snow globe containing two astronauts on the platform between the two chairs in the NASA museum. You can turn on your flashlight or use the hand scanner to find the snow globe in the area.

This location is only accessible once you reach the Unearthed main quest.

NASA Logo Snow Globe

You can find the NASA Logo snow globe beside the antique computer inside the locked room at the NASA museum.

This location is only accessible once you reach the Unearthed main quest.

Opportunity Snow Globe

Opportunity Snow Globe

To unlock the location of the Opportunity Snow Globe, you need to interact with the MER Program at the NASA museum during Unearthed. This unlocks a new activity which leads to the Opportunity Rover Landmark on Mars.

Fast travel to the landmark and pick up the snow globe on top of the rover.

NASA Rocket Snow Globe

Starfield - NASA Rocket Snow Globe

You can pick up another NASA-themed snow globe at the very top of the NASA Launch Tower during the Unearthed main quest. Like the other NASA snow globes on Earth, this has no quest marker.

Cydonia Snow Globe

Starfield - Cydonia Face of Mars

The Cydonia Snow Globe is a hidden collectible that can be around the Face of Mars. To find it, you'll first need land on Cydonia and interact with the Face of Mars inside the facility.

Starfield - Face of Mars Hill and Crane

After checking the Face of Mars, head outside and look toward the direction of a crane where you can find a tall hill as pictured. This hill is the Face of Mars. Head toward the peak of the hill as straight as you can.

Cydonia Snow Globe Location

Cydonia Snow Globe on Mars

Snow Globe Distance from Ship

Cydonia Snow Globe Surface Map

Once you're around 1750 m away from your ship, you should be able to find the Cydonia Snow Globe near some darker rocks.

Mars Planet Location and 100% Survey Guide

Tower of Pisa Snow Globe

Starfield - Pisa Landmark Location

The Tower of Pisa landmark does not have a book associated with it. To reach this landmark easily, use the command cow 0018E4B4 0 0 to teleport to it. Otherwise, you'll need to land on a very specific spot around Italy.

Starfield - Tower of Pisa Snow Globe

The Tower of Pisa Snow Globe should be right around the base of the tower.

NASA ISS Snow Globe

Starfield - NASA ISS Snow Globe

There is a fourth NASA snow globe that seems to be unobtainable through normal gameplay. It shows the International Space Station (ISS) together with the NASA logo. To get this snow globe, you'll need to use the command player.additem 003087D9.

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3 Anonymousover 1 year

You also can get the ISS snowgl9be on a normal playthrough on xbox, during the unearthed quest, inside the nasa museum, above the Mercury space suit, their is a model of the ISS hanging from the roof, if you jump onto of it the snowglobe is their, I have it on my playthrough 👌

2 Anonymousover 1 year

check the fandom wiki. I have put specific info about this snow globe. Also there are 4 nasa snow globes not two. Also the tower of pisa


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