Starfield Shattered Space

All Solomon's Adventures Locations

Solomon's Adventures are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Solomon's Adventures, their locations, their perks, and how to use them!

Solomon's Adventures Locations

Solomon's Adventures 01

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Adventures 01 Adventures 02
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Solomon's Adventures 01 Location
Coe Estate Solomon's Adventures 01
Location Coe Estate - Akila
How to Get
Solomon's Adventures 01 is resting on a bedside table in the groundfloor bedroom inside Coe Estate on planet Akila.

To get to Coe Estate, players can follow the main quest The Empty Nest to eventually head to this location.

For players that missed this and need to backtrack, first head to the main entrance of The Rock. Once there, take the set of stairs on the right side of the building.

Follow the path and keep heading up any sets of stairs until you see a dark structure topped by a silver cylinder. This is Coe Estate. Head inside and turn left. The door directly in front of you leads to the bedroom containing Solomon's Adventures 01.

Solomon's Adventures 02

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Solomon's Adventures 02 Location
Waggoner Farm Solomon's Adventures 02
Location Waggoner Farm - Montara Luna
How to Get
Solomon's Adventures 02 is found resting on a table on the 2nd floor inside one of the houses in Waggoner Farm on planet Montara Luna in the Cheyenne star system.

Head to Wagonner Farm and immediately turn left as you exit your ship to see the house containing the skill magazine. Walk into the house and head up the stairs on the right side.

Once on the second floor, walk into the first room on your left and turn left again behind the couch to see the skill magazine resting on a table near a bunkbed.

Solomon's Adventures 04

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Adventures 04 Adventures 05
Solomon's Adventures 04 Location
Safe House Gamma Solomon's Adventures 04
Location Safe House Gamma - Andromas II
How to Get
You can get Solomon's Adventures 04 on top of a table in one of the rooms inside Safe House Gamma in Andromas II.

Enter the safehouse through the orange door from the outside. Head downstairs, and as you enter the long corridor, the room with the fourth issue of Solomon's Adventure would be the second functional door to the right.

Solomon's Adventures 05

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Adventures 04 Adventures 05
Solomon's Adventures 05 Location
Abandoned Mineral Refinery /
Abandoned Outpost
Solomon's Adventures 05
Location Random Abandoned Mineral Refinery / Abandoned Outpost sites
How to Get
Solomon's Adventures 05 can be located at an Abandoned Mineral Refinery or an Abandoned Outpost area. These sites are procedurally generated, so you will need to look for three-dotted planets or moons with the point of interest in various star systems.

After entering the area, go to the back side of the hill and look for a small cave opening with pipes. Enter the Helium-3 Extraction Site and head to the living quarters room on the other side. There you can find the magazine on top of the dining table.

Alternatively, you can also enter the Helium-3 Extraction Site by lockpicking the Master lock at the main entrance of the area if you have the rank 3 Security skill.

All Skill Magazine Locations

Solomon's Adventures Perks

Solomon's Adventures Bonus Effects

Number of Magazines Collected Bonus Effect
1 Magazine Permanently increases weapon damage at night by 5%.
2 Magazines Permanently adds 5% to melee weapon critical damage.
3 Magazines Permanently adds 5% to unarmed damage.
4 Magazines Food and drink items are permanently 5% more effective.
5 Magazines Basic and Advanced Physical skills are permanently unlocked 2% faster (on top of any other bonuses).

Collecting certain numbers of Solomon's Adventures will give you corresponding permanent buffs. These buffs will provide various additional weapon damage, food and drink effectiveness, and a boost to unlocking Physical skills.

Novice and Advance Physical Skills

The list of Physical skills that will benefit from the Peak Performances buff is as follows:

Novice Physical Skills
Starfield -  Boxing Skill
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
Starfield -  Weight Lifting Skill
Weight Lifting
Starfield -  Wellness Skill
Advance Physical Skills
Starfield -  Energy Weapon Dissipation Skill
Energy Weapon Dissipation
Starfield -  Environmental Conditioning Skill
Environmental Conditioning
Starfield -  Gymnastics Skill
Starfield -  Nutrition Skill
Starfield -  Pain Tolerance Skill
Pain Tolerance

List of All Physical Skills

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - Solomon
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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