Starfield Shattered Space

How to Use Increase Carry Weight Console Command

Starfield - Increase Carry Weight Console Command
Increase your carry weight by using the player.setav carryweight command. Read on for more information about using the console menu and using console commands to change your carry weight.

How to Use Increase Carry Weight Console Command

player.setav carryweight X

Starfield - Use the command player.setav carryweight

Command player.setav carryweight [desired carry limit]
Example player.setav carryweight 500

The command player.setav carryweight will set your current base carry weight limit to your preferred value. We have tested and confirm that a value up to 10,000 will work.

To do so, open the console by pressing the tilde key (~) then type the command player.setav carryweight followed by a space and the amount of carry weight you prefer.

Note that there are other sources for increasing carry weight but they will be not as good nor as convient as using this console command. However, using console commands may disable your ability to earn achievements.

Add the Weightlifting Perk With the player.addperk Command

Starfield - Add the Weightlifting Perk with Console Command
The Weightlifting Skill provides a bonus to carrying capacity and can be allocated using a console command.

To allocate the Weighlifting Skill, which has the perkID 002C59D9, open the console by pressing the tilde key (~) then type the command player.addperk 002C59D9.

Other skills can be allocated through the same command but with their respective perk ID.

List of All Perk IDs

How to Increase Carry Weight Without Console Commands

Starfield - Other Sources of carry weight
If you do not wish to use console commands, there are other ways of increasing your carry weight capacity.

Other sources of carry weight capacity includes the Weightlifting Skill, the Pocketed Spacesuit Mod, or the Extra Capacity Pack Mod will be added to it.

How to Increase Carrying Capacity

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