Starfield Shattered Space

All Legendary Ships

Starfield - All Legendary Ships

Legendary Ships in Starfield are powerful enemy ships that can only be destroyed. Here, you'll learn about all the Legendary Ships and where to find them.

What are Legendary Ships?

Powerful Enemy-Only Ships

All Legendary Ships
Ecliptic Battleship Camulus

Spacer Scavenger Blattodea

Va'ruun Shroudbearer

There are three legendary ships in the game, and they are some of the hardest fights you'll encounter in Starfield. They're usually escorted by other ships and cannot be boarded or stolen. However, encountering them gives you a quest to destroy them. Completing these missions grants a lot of XP and credits, so seek them out if you want a challenge.

Where to Find Legendary Ships

Encountered in Random Locations

Starfield - Legendary Ship Random Point of Interest

Legendary ships are found in random locations across the Settled Systems. You'll need to look for the "Ship" point of interest for a chance to encounter these powerful enemies.

May Move to Another Location Later

Starfield - Legendary Ship Point of Interest

The ships can move to other locations after enough time passes. The quest should update its location, but it may be bugged for some players.

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