Starfield Shattered Space

Best Grav Drives and Grav Drives Explained

Starfield - All Grav Drives

This guide lists the best grav drives and explains the class and stats of grav drives in Starfield. Read on to learn the best grav drives, what is class in grav drives, where to buy grav drives, as well as to see a list of all grav drives.

Best Grav Drives

Best Grav Drive Overall

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
J-52 Gamma Grav Drive 112290 50 308 Starship Design (Rank 4)

The J-52 Gamma Grav Drive is the best grav drive we've encountered in the game so far. Despite its high cost and skill requirement, it provides the highest grav jump thrust of 50 which will allow you to travel to systems with long distances without having to make stops in between.

While the Apollo GV300 Grav Drive provides the same grav jump thrust, the J-52 Gamma Grav Drive sports a higher grav drive health for only a slightly higher price.

The grav drive can be purchased from most ship technicians once you reach level 54.

All Ship Part Level Unlocks

Best Grav Drive to Get Early

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
Helios 300 Grav Drive 9025 23 68 None

The Helios 300 Grav Drive is the best grav drive to get early in the game. It provides the highest grav jump thrust at 23 among Class A grav drives without requiring any skills, so you'll be able to purchase and utilize it even if you are not investing any skill points in Piloting or Starship Design.

The grav drive can be purchased from most ship technicians once you reach level 14.

What are Grav Drives?

Grav Drive Stats Overview

Grav Drive Stats Overview
Class Indicates the tier of a ship part. Parts with a class stat can only be added to a ship with a reactor of the same class or higher.
Max Power Indicates the maximum power that can be allocated to the part's function during space flight.
Grav Jump Thrust Determines the maximum distance your ship will be able to grav jump.
Grav Drive Health Indicates the amount of damage the part can take before it starts to malfunction.
Hull Increases your ship's health by the indicated number.

Allows Travel to Different Systems

The Grav Drive module allows your ship to jump from one system to another. Upgrading this module increases your ship's jump range, allowing you to reach further destinations, and also decreases the number of stops needed when attempting to travel to far systems.

List of All Star Systems

What is Grav Drive Class?

What is the Class Stat?

Determines Ship Part Tier Level

Reactors come with a stat called class that indicates the maximum tier of parts you can attach to your ship. Classes can either be A, B, or C, with the latter being the highest tier being accompanied by the best stats.

Limits Parts That Can Be Added

Starfield - Reactor Class Error

The reactor's class sets the limit for the other ship parts. If your ship has a Class B reactor, you can only attach parts that are either from the same class or lower.

Higher Classes Require Skills

Skill Description
Starfield -  Piloting Skill
As more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.
Starfield -  Starship Design Skill
Starship Design
As with "car culture" on Earth centuries ago, there are those who pride themselves on the ability to modify their own spaceships.

To be able to purchase and install parts from higher classes on your ship, you'll need to level up the skills listed above. At higher ranks, The Piloting skill will allow you to pilot Class B and C ships, while the Starship Design skill will allow you to install higher class parts to your ship.

Grav Drive Ship Building Error Explained

Need More Grav Jump Thrust

Ship is too heavy to grav jump. Reduce mass or increase grav jump thrust.

Your ship has too much mass for the Grav Drive to handle. To fix this error, either upgrade to a Grav Drive with higher Grav Jump Thrust or reduce your ship's mass by removing extra ship parts or changing current parts to something with less mass.

How to Power Up Grav Drive

How to Upgrade Grav Drive

Visit Ship Technicians and Purchase Parts

Ship Builder or Upgrade Ship

Visit ship technicians in city spaceports to access the game's ship editor. From the ship editor screen, you can choose to either upgrade parts or fully customize your ship in the shipbuilder mode.

Ship Building and Customization Guide

Where to Buy Grav Drives

Ship Technicians and Showrooms

City Shops
Akila City ・Ship Technician
Cydonia ・Ship Technician
Deimos Staryard ・Nikau Henderson
Gagarin Landing
・Ship Technician
・Ship Technician
・HopeTech Showroom
Neon ・Ship Technician
・Stroud Eklund Showroom
・Taiyo Astroneering Showroom
New Atlantis ・Ship Technician
(Porrima II)
・Ship Technician
Red Mile ・Lon Anderssen
Stroud-Eklund Staryard ・Havershaw
The Clinic
・Ship Technician
The Den
(Wolf System)
・Ship Technician
The Eleos Retreat
(Ixyll System)
・Ship Technician
The Key ・Ship Services

Better ship parts are locked behind character levels. If a ship part is not appearing in any shops, this means you'll need to level up your character first.

How to Level Up and Farm Skill Points Fast

List of All Grav Drives

  1. Class A
  2. Class B
  3. Class C

List of Class A Grav Drives

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
SGD 1300 Grav Drive 6600 16 65 None
NG160 Grav Drive 5400 13 52 None
NG170 Grav Drive 5900 14 61 None
Helios 100 Grav Drive 5842 16 52 None
NG150 Grav Drive 4750 12 47 None
R-1000 Alpha Grav Drive 5842 16 52 None
Helios 200 Grav Drive 6935 19 57 None
R-2000 Alpha Grav Drive 7457 20 61 None
SGD 1100 Grav Drive 4545 12 50 None
SGD 1200 Grav Drive 5415 14 55 None
Helios 300 Grav Drive 9025 23 68 None
R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive 9310 23 76 None
Helios 400 Grav Drive 11970 27 84 Starship Design (Rank 1)
R-4000 Alpha Grav Drive 12540 27 95 Starship Design (Rank 1)
SGD 1400 Grav Drive 7790 19 80 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Vanguard Recon Grav Drive 6800 18 52 None

List of Class B Grav Drives

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
NG200 Grav Drive 7315 18 76 None
Aurora 11G Grav Drive 13110 27 105 None
RD-1000 Beta Grav Drive 13870 27 118 None
SGD 2100 Grav Drive 11495 25 100 None
SGD 2200 Grav Drive 15100 27 125 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Aurora 12G Grav Drive 17195 30 131 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Aurora 13G Grav Drive 23275 33 162 Starship Design (Rank 2)
NG210 Grav Drive 9262 21 95 Starship Design (Rank 1)
NG220 Grav Drive 12635 25 118 Starship Design (Rank 2)
RD-2000 Beta Grav Drive 18620 30 147 Starship Design (Rank 1)
RD-3000 Beta Grav Drive 29450 36 180 Starship Design (Rank 2)
SGD 2300 Grav Drive 14345 27 125 Starship Design (Rank 1)

List of Class C Grav Drives

Module Value Grav Jump Thrust Grav Drive Health Required Skill
NG300 Grav Drive 17290 27 147 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Apollo GV100 Grav Drive 29735 34 199 Starship Design (Rank 1)
Apollo GV200 Grav Drive 61845 45 241 Starship Design (Rank 3)
Apollo GV300 Grav Drive 100225 50 288 Starship Design (Rank 4)
J-50 Gamma Grav Drive 33725 34 218 Starship Design (Rank 1)
J-51 Gamma Grav Drive 68685 45 261 Starship Design (Rank 3)
J-52 Gamma Grav Drive 112290 50 308 Starship Design (Rank 4)
NG320 Grav Drive 33630 38 147 Starship Design (Rank 3)
NG340 Grav Drive 54435 45 147 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SGD 3100 Grav Drive 54435 45 147 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SGD 3200 Grav Drive 42560 38 230 Starship Design (Rank 3)
SGD 3300 Grav Drive 74575 45 275 Starship Design (Rank 4)

List of All Ship Parts

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All Ship Parts

All Ship Part Types
Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
Grav Drive Weapons
Hab Engines
Cockpit Cargo Hold
Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment


1 FuRiA_CCover 1 year

You are wrong dude, there is a grav drive that can give also 50 of Grav Jump but it has less mass, just 144 from the 154 of mass that the J-52 gives, the APOLLO GV300 GRAV DRIVE. This is the real best grav drive on the game. So if you take that in consideration then the best grav drive on the game is the APOLLO GV300.


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