Starfield Shattered Space

All Freestar Captain's Log Locations

Freestar Captain's Logs are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Freestar Captain's Logs, their locations, their perks, and how to use them!

Freestar Captain's Log Locations

Freestar Captain's Log 02

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Log 02 Log 03 Log 05
Freestar Captain's Log 02 Location
Crew Quarters Freestar Captain's Log 02
Location Random Deserted Mineral Plant site
How to Get
This skill magazine is located in a Deserted Mineral Plant that you can find procedurally generated in certain planets. Since these areas are unique to each character, you will need to check three-dotted planets or moons on different star systems.

To obtain it, head inside the deserted mineral plant from its southwestern entrance. Walk into the building and turn left to see the door marked “Crew Quarters”. Head inside the room and turn right at the ping pong table. Immediately turn right again to enter some sleeping quarters with bunk beds and dartboard on the wall to your left.

The skill magazine is found inside the one of the lockers on the right side of the room.

Freestar Captain's Log 03

Jump to a Freestar Captain's Log!
Log 02 Log 03 Log 05
Freestar Captain's Log 03 Location
Akila City Consulate Freestar Captain's Log 03
Location Akila City Consulate - Akila
How to Get
After entering Akila City, walk towards The Rock and take the set of stairs on the left side of the building. Walk past the Midtown Minerals store and continue taking the stairs going upwards.

Next, you'll see final set of parallel stairs that continue going upwards. The structure bordering the left side of these stairs is the Akila City Consulate. The entrance to the building is located atop these final set of stairs on the left side.

Once inside the Consulate, simply walk straight and grab the Freestar Captain's Log 03 from the coffee table in the next room.

Freestar Captain's Log 05

Jump to a Freestar Captain's Log!
Log 02 Log 03 Log 05
Freestar Captain's Log 05 Location
Freestar Mech Factory Freestar Captain's Log 05
Location Freestar Mech Factory - Arcturus II
How to Get
The Freestar Mech Factory in Arcturus II can only be accessed after progressing through the First to Fight, First to Die quest from the Freestar Rangers questline.

The fifth Freestar Captain's Log can be found in the control room overlooking the factory near where you fight Paxton Hull.

All Skill Magazine Locations

Freestar Captain's Log Perks

Freestar Captain's Log Bonus Effects

Number of Magazines Collected Bonus Effect
1 Magazine Permanently increases carry capacity by 5kg.
2 Magazines Permanently adds a 1% chance to disarm enemies with unarmed or melee strikes.
3 Magazines Permanently do 5% more damage to robots.
4 Magazines Explosives permanently do 5% more damage and have a 5% larger radius.
5 Magazines Permanently take 5% less damage from alien creatures.

Collecting certain numbers of Freestar Captain's Logs will give you corresponding permanent buffs. These buffs provide utility and offensive bonuses to notably increase your capability both in and out of combat.

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - Mining Monthly Issue 02
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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