Starfield Shattered Space

Cellular Regeneration Skill Rank Up Guide

Cellular Regeneration is an Expert Physical skill that increases your chance to naturally recover from injuries in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Cellular Regeneration skill, how to unlock and rank up the Cellular Regeneration skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Cellular Regeneration How to Unlock and Overview

Cellular Regeneration Skill Overview

Cellular Regeneration Skill
Starfield - Cellular Regeneration Skill Skill Tree:
Whether through secret experimentation or just plain healthy living, boosting the body's ability to naturally recover from injuries can mean the difference between life and death.

How to Unlock Cellular Regeneration

Spend 8 Skill Points in the Physical Tree

As Cellular Regeneration is a higher-tier Expert skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 8 skill points in the Physical skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Cellular Regeneration Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Cellular Regeneration skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Cellular Regeneration Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 8 Skill Points in the Physical tree. Slightly increased chance to recover from injuries naturally.
2 Recover from 5 injuries. Moderately increased chance to recover from injuries naturally.
3 Recover from 10 injuries. Noticeably increased chance to recover from injuries naturally.
4 Recover from 30 injuries. 20% chance of not gaining an injury when you otherwise would.

The Cellular Regeneration Skill pertains to injuries such as status afflictions, not health lost due to damage. This is not a skill to help you regain health over time.

How to Cure All Status Afflictions and Effects

Get Injuries from Fall Damage

Starfield - Deal Damage to Yourself and Get Healed by a Doctor

Jump From the Ramp near Reliant Medical to Take Fall Damage

There's a ramp near Reliant Medical in New Atlantis that you can jump from to take fall damage. With enough height, you'll receive damage and get a Dislocated Limb or Fractured Limb injury.

If you have enough Immobilizers, you don't have to choose this location to receive fall damage.

Heal Your Limb Injuries with an Immobilizers

Treat your Limb Injuries with Immobilizers or other affliction healing Aid items. Immobilizers can be purchased from vendors that sell medical supplies.

You can also have your afflictions cured in the nearby Reliant Medical for 500 Credits to complete the challenge.

This is also an excellent way to complete the challenges for the Rejuvenation, Gymnastics, and Cellular Regeneration skills.

Alternatively, you can play the game regularly and cure your afflictions with Aid items. Using healing items also completes the Medicine skill rank challenge.

Best Heals and List of All Aid

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4 Anonymousover 1 year

sounds like user error

3 Anonymousover 1 year

Also, take some aid of whatever variety for dislocated limbs and fractured bones with you to a high spot on a planet with >1g gravity, and you can knock out recoveries quick.


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