Starfield Shattered Space

Back to Vectera Walkthrough and Rewards

Starfield - Back to Vectera

Back to Vectera is a main quest in Starfield. See how to unlock Back to Vectera, rewards, how to complete it, and how to get the power cells.

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The Empty Nest Into the Unknown

Back to Vectera Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location Argos Extractors Mining Outpost, Vectera, Moon of Anselon
Recommended Level 10
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest The Empty Nest
Next Quest Into the Unknown
Rewards EXP: 350
Credits: 7200

Back to Vectera Walkthrough and Objectives

Back to Vectera Objectives ▼
1 Return to Vectera
2 Talk to Lin
3 Fix the Comms Computer
4 Find a Clue to Barrett's Location
5 Return to Lin
6 Travel to Barrett and Heller's Location
7 Find Barrett and Heller
8 Talk to Heller
9 Listen to Emergency Transmission 02
10 Travel to Bessel III
11 Rescue Barrett
12 Kill Matsura
13 Return to the Lodge
14 Enter the Library
15 Wait for Barrett
16 Talk to Barrett

1-2. Return to Vectera

Starfield - Supervisor Lin in Vectera

Go to the Argos Extractors Mining Outpost in Vectera. Supervisor Lin will greet you upon your arrival and will inform you that the pirates have attacked them yet again and have taken away Barrett and Heller this time. She will ask you to go to the communications computer to find out their locations.

Vectera Planet Location and 100% Survey Guide

Rescue Barrett Skip

You can skip fixing the comms computer and head straight to rescuing Barrett by fast traveling to Bessel Star System and land on the planet Bessel III. Once you're on Bessel III, head to the Crimson Fleet camp to the west as soon as you get out of the ship.

Note that you cannot recruit Lin and Heller anymore if you finish the quest without meeting them. They will still be where they should be, but you can no longer talk to them.

Rescue Barrett Skip

3. Fix the Comms Computer

Starfield - Comms Computer

Head inside the communications building, go inside the office to the left and grab the Vectera Control Room Key. Use this to unlock the door that leads to the comms computer. Alternatively, you can lockpick the door (Novice difficulty) to get inside.

Starfield - Power Cell Sockets

Before you can access the computer, you will need to power it up by inserting three power cells in the power sockets outside of the room. These cells can be found around the complex.

How to Get the Power Cells

4-5. Find a Clue to Barrett's Location

Starfield - Transmission From Barrett and Heller

Once you've powered up the comms computer, open up the Emergency Transmission folder to read a slate from Barret and Heller regarding their last known locations. Return to Lin and she'll mark the location on your Starmap.

Recruit Lin as a Crew Member (Optional)

You can recruit Supervisor Lin to your crew since her contract is up for the Argos. She currently has the Demolitions (Rank 1) and Outpost Management (Rank 3) skills, so assigning her to your Outpost will benefit you the most!

Crew Explained: What Do Crew Members Do?

6-8. Find Barrett and Heller

Starfield - Crashed Ship

The planet you'll be going to will be different for each playthrough, but the objectives will remain the same. Land at the crashed ship and talk to an injured Heller. He'll explain that he got separated with Barrett earlier and the Crimson Fleet pirates took him away.

Recruit Heller as a Crew Member (Optional)

After checking up on Heller, he can be recruited as part of your crew. He currently has the Geology (Rank 1) and Outpost Engineering (Rank 3) skills.

How to Recruit Heller: Skills and Romance

9-10. Listen to Emergency Transmission 02

Starfield - Listen to Emergency Transmission 02

Listen to the Emergency Transmission 02 that Heller gave you to find out that Barrett is being held on the planet Bessel III. Return to your ship and make your way there!

11. Rescue Barrett

Starfield - Ransacked Outpost Camp

Upon landing in Bessel III, head towards the camp to the west where a handful of pirates will be waiting for you. You can attack them head on or snipe them down from the hill.

Starfield - Ransacked Outpost Entrance

Look for the entrance of the Crimson Fleet Outpost marked by your objective marker and enter it. Go down the stairs to find Matsura and Barrett having a friendly conversation.

You can free Barrett through three methods:

  • Pay 4000 Credits to Matsura
  • Persuade Matsura to let Barrett go.
  • Kill Matsura
  • (If Sarah Morgan is your active companion) Let Sarah pay the ransom.

12. Kill Matsura

Starfield - Matsura

If you decide to kill Matsura, be prepared to kill every pirate in the room as well. Barrett will also be fighting alongside you during this.

Don't forget to loot their belongings so you could sell them later on for Credits!

Combat Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

13-14. Return to the Lodge

Starfield - The Lodge Library

With Barrett freed from captivity, fast travel to the Lodge at Jemison and head to the library where the other Constellation members are gathered.

15-16. Talk to Barrett

Starfield - Talk to Barrett in the Lodge

End the quest by talking to Barrett and receive 7200 credits as a reward. In addition, you'll also get the option to recruit him as your companion!

Barrett Romance, How to Recruit, and Skills

How to Get the Power Cells in Back to Vectera Quest

How to Get the Power Cells

Get the First Power Cell in the Storage Area

Starfield - Storage Area Power Cell

There will be a power cell on a shelf in the storage area. You can get there by exiting the room where the Comms Computer is at, then go left until you reach an area with storage boxes and shelves.

Get the Second Power Cell in the Office Room

Starfield - Office Room Power Cell

The second power cell can be found sitting on top of a metal container in the office. You can enter this room through the metal door right beside the storage area.

Get the Third Power Cell at the Landing Pad

Starfield - Power Cell Landing Pad

The third and last power cell is located on a table next to the landing pad. Leave the building and go back to where you landed your ship. Look for a table where a robot is standing right next to it.

Back to Vectera Previous and Next Quest

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The Empty Nest Into the Unknown

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


2 Anonymousover 1 year

I accidentally skipped all of this questline and randomly found Barrett. Does that have any implications?

1 Andrew Starfieldover 1 year

Any tips on how to get the power cells needed for the comms?


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