Starfield Shattered Space

Special Projects Skill Rank Up Guide

Special Projects is a Master Science skill that lets you craft more effectively in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Special Projects skill, how to unlock and rank up the Special Projects skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Special Projects How to Unlock and Overview

Special Projects Skill Overview

Special Projects Skill
Starfield - Special Projects Skill Skill Tree:
Big guns are great, but in the Settled Systems, sometimes the best weapon is simply an old adage: "Knowledge is Power."

How to Unlock Special Projects

Spend 12 Skill Points in the Science Tree

As Special Projects is a higher-tier Master skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 12 skill points in the Science skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Special Projects Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Special Projects skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Special Projects Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 12 Skill Points in the Science tree. You can research experimental projects at a Research Lab.
2 Craft 10 common or uncommon manufactured components. You can craft rare manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench.
3 Craft 10 rare manufactured components. You can craft exotic manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench.
4 Craft 10 exotic manufactured components. You can craft unique manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench. Outpost extractors have a chance to produce additional resources.

Craft Manufactured Components at an Industrial Workbench

Manufactured components are materials that are crafted in the Industrial Workbench and is mostly used in more advanced crafting. Higher levels of Special Projects unlock rarer and more expensive materials that are needed for the skill rank challenges.

To complete the skill rank challenge, simply craft 10 manufactured components of the given tier or rarity. Repeatedly crafting the same component will still complete the challenge.

Common and uncommon manufactured components do not require any level of Special Projects while rare and exotic manufactured components require Ranks 2 and 3 of Special Projects respectively.

Common and Uncommon Manufactured Components

Manufactured Component Required Materials
Adaptive Frame Aluminum x1
Iron x1
Austenitic Manifold Iron x1
Nickel x2
Reactive Gauge x1
Comm Relay Isocentered Magnet x1
Tau Grade Rheostat x1
Isocentered Magnet Nickel x1
Cobalt x1
Isotopic Coolant Tetrafluorides x1
Ionic Liquids x1
Mag Pressure Tank Aluminum x2
Nickel x1
Monopropellant Alkanes x2
Mag Pressure Tank x1
Reactive Gauge x1
Polytextile Fiber x2
Cosmetic x1
Reactive Gauge Aluminum x2
Copper x1
Tau Grade Rheostat Copper x1
Beryllium x1
Zero Wire Copper x1
Silver x1

Rare Manufactured Components

Manufactured Component Required Materials
Drilling Rig Tungsten x3
Lubricant x2
Reactive Gauge x1
Molecular Sieve Ionic Liquids x2
Mag Pressure Tank x1
Membrane x2
Paramagnon Conductor Neodymium x1
Gold x1
Zero Wire x3
Positron Battery Vanadium x2
Antimony x2
Tau Grade Rheostat x1
Semimetal Wafer Gold x2
Antimony x2
Zero Wire x1
Supercooled Magnet Neodymium x3
Isocentered Magnet x1
Isotopic Coolant x1
Zero-G Gimbal Tantalum x2
Isocentered Magnet x1
Lubricant x2

Exotic Manufactured Components

Manufactured Component Required Materials
Control Rod Dysprosium x3
Austenitic Manifold x1
Isotopic Coolant x1
Microsecond Regulator Lithium x2
Europium x4
Supercooled Magnet x1
Tau Grade Rheostat x1
Nuclear Fuel Rod Uranium x3
Semimetal Wafer x1
Solvent x2
Power Circuit Palladium x4
Polymer x2
Positron Battery x1
Paramagnon Conductor x1
Sterile Nanotubes Vanadium x2
Molecular Sieve x1
Solvent x2

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