Starfield Shattered Space

The Other Side Walkthrough

The Other Side Walkthrough

This is a The Other Side walkthrough for the Starfield DLC Shattered Space. Learn how to complete The Other Side and its rewards here!

The Other Side Walkthrough

1 Talk to Inaza Kaisir
Starfield The Other Side Talk to Inaza
Talk to Inaza Kaisir, which should be beside Ekris after finishing any 1 of the House quests (Exhuming the Past, Conflict in Conviction, or Zealous Overreach).
2 Investigate the Anomalous Cave

Follow the quest marker, which will lead you to the Anomalous Cave. You will have to fight your way through multiple phantoms on your way to the Anomalous Cave.
3 Find Anasko Va'ruun
Starfield The Other Side Find Anasko
Follow the blue wind blowing animation, which will lead you to Anasko.
4 Escape the Anomalous Cave
Starfield The Other Side Escape the Cave
Head back to the path you took earlier to escape the Anomalous Cave. Be careful, as hordes of Vortex Horrors will be spawning as you make your escape.
5 Return to Inaza
Starfield The Other Side Return to Inaza
Return to Inaza and talk to her. After some dialogue, the quest will end along with the Assist Inaza sub-objective of the Aligning the Houses quest.

The Other Side Rewards

Rewards EXP: 300
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits

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DLC Walkthroughs

# DLC Main Quest
1 What Remains
2 The Promised, Broken
3 Aligning the Houses
- House Dul'kehf House Veth'aal House Ka'dic
4-6 Exhuming the Past Conflict in Conviction Zealous Overreach
7 The Other Side
8 The Scaled Citadel


2 Anonymous6 months

I went to the cave and had low health with no supplies went back to the city to get med packs and now the marker is on my ship and I cant find the cave :(

1 Anonymous The other side.6 months

The game crashed and i lost the quest marker to the cave. Been searching for it again with no luck. Can you include a map picture of cave locatio please?


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