Starfield Shattered Space

Grav Dash Power - How to Get and Effects

The Grav Dash Starborn Power can be acquired in Temple Zeta in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get Grav Dash, its cost, and its effects.

How to Get Grav Dash

Find Temple Zeta

You can acquire the Grav Dash power once you complete the Temple Zeta light puzzle. If the temple is not available, you may need to get its associated Artifact from the Hunter and Emissary in Revelation.

The temple location is random for every playthrough, but you can discover potential locations by talking to Vladimir at the Eye and following the Power from Beyond quests.

Power From Beyond

Grav Dash Cost and Effects

Grav Dash Overview

Starfield - Grav DashGrav Dash Cost Total
15 60
Description Manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.
spell id 2C538C
perk id 25E196

The cost to use this Starborn Power remains the same from Rank 1 to Rank 10.

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