Starfield Shattered Space

Should You Side with Mathis and Kill Delgado?

Starfield - Should You Side with Mathis and Kill Delgado.png

You will have to choose whether to side with Mathis to kill Delgado or not during Echoes of the Past in Starfield. Learn about all kill Delgado choices, if you should kill Delgado, and when you can even kill Delgado.

All Kill Delgado Choices and Consequences

Side with Mathis or Reject His Plan

Choice Consequences
"Im Listening." Mathis will pressure you to kill Delgado, but will eventually ask you to forget about the plan.
"I'm not Betraying Delgado." Mathis will ask you to forget he said anything.

Starfield - Can You Kill Delgado During Echoes of the Past
At several points during the Echoes of the Past sidequest, Mathis will propose that you take out Delgado when he's at his most vulnerable.

Even if you accept his plan to betray him, you actually can't assassinate Delgado since Delgado is not actually present after Mathis proposes his plan, and Mathis will ask you to forget about the assassination attempt entirely.

Your choice whether to accept or reject his plan, however, will affect your dialogue options for a choice later in the mission.

Tell the Truth or Lie About Mathis' Performance

Choice Consequences
"I found information about Kryx's Legacy, no thanks to Mathis who barely lifted a finger to help." Mathis is kicked out of the Crimson Fleet, and will hunt you down during a random encounter when traveling across systems.
"Thanks to Mathis' help, we found some information about Kryx's Legacy." Mathis will remain part of the Crimson Fleet and will be on good terms with you.

Starfield - Tell the Truth or Lie About Mathis

At the final intercom before leaving the planet, you have the option to tell Delgado about Mathis' performance and whether he helped you or not find information regarding Kryx's Legacy.

Your choice here will affect Mathis' attitude towards you by the end of the mission, as well as whether you can recruit him as a companion.

Echoes of the Past Rewards Walkthrough

Should You Side with Mathis and Kill Delgado?

Side with Mathis to Kill Delgado

Starfield - Side with Mathis to Kill Delgado
If you choose to listen to Mathis' plan, he'll outline a plot to assassinate Delgado but cannot actually follow through with the plan. He'll eventually ask you to forget about his plan once you reach the final intercom.

Note: Although you can threaten to rat Mathis out, you actually can't reveal his plans to Delgado.

Reject His Plan to Kill Delgado

Starfield - Reject His Plan to Kill Delgado
If you choose to reject Mathis' plan, he'll ask you to forget he mentioned anything. You can still threaten to rat Mathis out to Delgado, but you don't actually have an option to do so when you reach the final intercom.

Tell Delgado that Mathis Didn't Help During the Mission

Starfield - Tell Delgado that Mathis Didn

At the final intercom before leaving the planet, you can tell Delgado that Mathis didn't help find information on Kryx's Legacy and he'll take your word into consideration.

If you tell Delgado that he made the right decision once you return to The Key, Mathis is kicked out of the Crimson Fleet. Later, talking to Mathis will lead to him swearing revenge and you'll randomly encounter him in space where he'll attempt to gun you down.

List of All Random Encounters

One Last Chance to Keep Mathis in the Crimson Fleet

Starfield - One Last Chance to Keep Mathis in the Crimson Fleet

If you tell Delgado that you were mistaken about Mathis once you return to The Key, Delgado will keep him in the Crimson Fleet. When talking to Mathis later, he'll be happy with your decision and you can recruit him as a crew member after completing Legacy's End when siding with the Crimson Fleet.

Tell Delgado that Mathis Helped During the Mission

Starfield - Tell Delgado that Mathis Helped During the Mission

If you tell Delgado that Mathis helped find information about Kryx's Legacy, he'll take your word into consideration. Mathis will be pleased and will tell you once again to forget about his plan to eliminate Delgado.

Back at The Key, Delgado will debrief you and tell you to talk to Mathis who is pleased that he's now part of the Crimson Fleet. You can then recruit him as a crew member after completing Legacy's End when siding with the Crimson Fleet.
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