Starfield Shattered Space

Empath Trait - Is It Worth It?

Empath is a Trait that you can have in Starfield. Read on to learn if it's worth it to get Empath, how to use and remove it, as well as its incompatible traits.

How to Use Empath Trait

Empath Effects

Starfield -  Empath
You are deeply connected to the feelings of others. Performing actions your companion likes will result in a temporary increase in combat effectiveness. But. performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect.

Best Traits

Good for Combat Boosts

The Empath Trait grants increased combat effectiveness if you perform actions that your companions approve of. However, if you do the opposite, you'll suffer from reduced combat effectiveness instead.

If you know how to consistently please your companions, then Empath is worth picking up. Most companions do not like it if you steal or kill unnecessarily. Some companions who don't mind it are Vasco, Mathis, Jessamine, and your Alternate Self.

List of All Companions and Followers

How to Remove Empath Trait

Talk to a Doctor at Reliant Medical

Starfield - Reliant Medical Doctor

You can remove the Empath Trait by talking to a doctor at Reliant Medical. You'll need 10,000 credits to have the Empath trait removed.

You can find Reliant Medicals in New Atlantis, Neon City, and Cydonia.

How to Remove Traits

Empath Incompatible Traits

No Incompatible Traits

Empath has no incompatible traits, so it can be used in combination with any other trait.

Is Empath Worth It?

Worth Trying

Tier Explanation
A Great ・Only needs to please companions to keep buff active.

If you like having companions, the Empath trait may be one of the best traits to have. However, you need to know which actions are agreeable to them to boost your combat effectiveness.

Best Traits

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Traits

List of All Traits

All Traits Guides

Traits Guides
Best Traits How to Remove Traits

List of Traits

Starfield -  Alien DNA Trait
Alien DNA
Starfield -  Dream Home Trait
Dream Home
Starfield -  Empath Trait
Starfield -  Extrovert Trait
Starfield -  Freestar Collective Settler Trait
Freestar Collective Settler
Starfield -  Hero Worshipped Trait
Hero Worshipped
Starfield -  Introvert Trait
Starfield -  Kid Stuff Trait
Kid Stuff
Starfield -  Neon Street Rat Trait
Neon Street Rat
Starfield -  Raised Enlightened Trait
Raised Enlightened
Starfield -  Raised Universal Trait
Raised Universal
Starfield -  Serpent
Serpent's Embrace
Starfield -  Spaced Trait
Starfield -  Taskmaster Trait
Starfield -  Terra Firma Trait
Terra Firma
Starfield -  United Colonies Native Trait
United Colonies Native
Starfield -  Wanted Trait


1 Anonymousover 1 year

Just found out that if you go to the doctor at Reliant Medical, near the ledge on New Atlantis, you can remove the trait for 10k credits.


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