Starfield Shattered Space

Best Skills Tier List

Starfield - Best Skills
This is a guide on the best Skills to learn in Starfield. Learn about the best skills to rank up in the early game, best skills tier list and what skills to prioritize, and how to choose the best skills.

Skills Guides
List of Skills Best Skills

Best Skills Tier List

Skills Tier List Ranking

Tier Skill Effect
S Rank Icon S Tier Security ・Allows higher-level locks to be picked.
Boost Pack Training ・Improves the Boost Pack.
Fitness ・Increases oxygen capacity and lowers consumption.
A Rank Icon A Tier Combat Skills ・Better weapon effectiveness.
Gymnastics ・Unlocks the Combat Slide ability.
Rejuvenation ・Provides passive healing in and out of combat.
B Rank Icon B Tier Concealment ・Improves melee and ranged damage while in stealth.
Wellness ・Increases your maximum health.
Weight Lifting ・Increases total carrying capacity.
Weapon Engineering ・Improved weapon mods crafting and research.
Persuasion ・Increases success rate of dialogue.
Stealth ・Adds a stealth meter.
・Increases the damage of Supressed weapons when sneaking.
C Rank Icon C Tier Commerce ・Provides discount when buying items.
・Allows you to overcharge NPCs when selling items.
Boost Assault Training ・Allows you to hover in place when aiming down sights.
・Has a chance to knock down nearby enemies when used.
Piloting ・Allows you to utilize ship thrusters
・Unlocks the ability to pilot Class B and C ships
Surveying ・Adds an optional zoom to the hand scanner.
・Improved scan distance.
Pain Tolerance ・Reduces pyhiscal damage taken.
・Has the ability to ignore physical damage when health is low.

Skills that are not included in the list are considered niche. They are only useful within a specific playstyle and they often require support to be effective.

The best skills to rank up in the early game are Security, Fitness, and Boost Pack Training due to their general usefulness throughout the game, regardless of builds. Skills that improve combat and exploration are also good to learn, as they are core to the game's mechanics.

Tier List Criteria

S Rank Icon S Tier Best skills to pick up overall, regardless of class. These skills provide significant advantages that can make the game a lot easier.
A Rank Icon A Tier Skills that can provide substantial benefits and contribute to a smoother gameplay experience for your playthrough.
B Rank Icon B Tier These skills are not necessary for your playthrough, but are versatile and they can be useful in different situations.
C Rank Icon C Tier Skills in this tier are not that good but they can help you in certain situations. Could be worth investing some skill points later in the game.


Starfield - Security Lockpicking
Lockpicking is a staple of many Bethesda games, and Starfield is no exception. Ranking up the Security skill lets you crack open higher-level locks while giving auto-attempts so you can get more items later on.

Security Skill Rank Up Guide

Boost Pack Training

Starfield - Boost Pack
Zip around all over the many worlds by equipping and upgrading the Boost Pack. This jetpack-like Tech can help you reach new heights that can help in both exploration and shooting down enemies from above.

Boost Pack Training Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Fitness
While traveling in space, oxygen is the most valuable resource. This skill will not only increase your oxygen capacity but it will also reduce oxygen consumption when you are sprinting.

Fitness Skill Rank Up Guide

Combat Skills

Starfield - Combat
In Starfield, you'll have to engage in combat and fight your way through enemies at some point. Give your weapons boosted effectiveness by upgrading them with skills in the Combat tree or give yourself more endurance and stealth by ranking up Physical skills.

List of All Combat Skills


Starfield - Gymnastics
The Gymnastics Skill grants you the ability to execute Combat Slides, This is an improtant mobility skill that allows you to evade incoming shots if you find yourself outside of cover.

Gymnastics Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation allows you to rely less on med packs and other health items by passively healing you, even during combat.

Rejuvenation Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Concealment
The Concealment Skill can drastically improve the damage of your melee and ranged weapons during combat while you remain in stealth. Additionally, enemies are more likely to lose sight of you if you maintain your distance.

Concealment Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Wellness
Combat is sometimes inevitable in Starfield, and you will be forced to fight enemies. Wellness will significantly improve your survivability by increasing your maximum health by 40%.

Wellness Skill Rank Up Guide

Weight Lifting

Starfield - Weight Lifting
Looting and hauling items on distant planets can be challenging, especially with limited carrying capacity. The Weight Lifting Skill can significantly increase your carrying capacity by 100 kilograms.

Weight Lifting Skill Rank Up Guide

Weapon Engineering

Starfield - Weapon Engineer
Weapon Engineering allows you to craft better weapon mods, which can significantly improve the handling of your weapon during combat.

Weapon Engineering Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Persuasion Dialogue Options
Another staple of Bethesda games are dialogue options that have a chance of failing. Unlocking Social skills like Persuasion and ranking them up can be a great way to convince others to do what you want without resorting to fighting.

Persuasion Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Stealth
The Stealth Skill introduces a stealth meter, enabling you to monitor if an NPC is close to detecting you. Additionally, it enhances the damage output of your Suppressed weapons during sneak attacks.

Stealth Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Commerce
The Commerce Skill can passively increase your credits by enabling you to sell items at higher prices and purchase items at lower prices from vendors and merchants as you explore space.

Commerce Skill Rank Up Guide

Boost Assault Training

Starfield - Boost Assault Training
Boost Assault Training allows you to shoot enemies while you are in the air using your boost pack. This skill provides a significant advantage during combat.

Boost Assault Training Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Piloting
Piloting provides enhanced maneuverability during space combat and grants access to better ship classes, which can be extremely valuable later in the game.

Piloting Skill Rank Up Guide


Starfield - Exploration Planetary Traits
Starfield offers vast open worlds to explore throughout space and Surveying is one of the best skills to aid in your research and exploration

Surveying Skill Rank Up Guide

Pain Tolerance

Starfield - Pain Tolerance
To further improve your survivability, you can acquire the Pain Tolerance Skill, which provides resistance against physical damage. This means that weapons capable of dealing physical attacks will inflict less damage on you.

Pain Tolerance Skill Rank Up Guide

Best Early Game Skills

Recommended Skills for Early Game

Skill Explanation
Security Prioritizing the Security gives you the option to open locked chests and doors, which may contain valuable items that can be extremely useful in the early game. It is best to invest your skill points here to access hidden items.
Weight Lifting Weight Lifting is one of the best skills to max out first because it increases your carrying capacity, allowing you to carry more loot while exploring. This prevents you from becoming overencumbered, which can prevent you from using fast travel.
Fitness Fitness allows you to have more oxygen available and it can significantly reduce its consumption when you are sprinting. Since you will be sprinting most of the time, this is one of the best skills to have maxed out early on in the game.
Combat Skills Choosing which Combat Skill to level up may vary depending on which weapon type you are using. Any Combat skill is an excellent choice since it can help you save more ammo simply by dealing more damage.
Boost Pack Training You can also start maxing out Boost Pack Training early since you will use it a lot when low on oxygen to travel faster and reach elevated areas by spamming your boost.

How to Choose Best Skills

Upgrade Skills That Give More Options

Starfield - Security Ranks

You'll never know what you'll run into while adventuring, so it's best to have more options to prepare for all kinds of scenarios. Some of the best skills open up more opportunities that won't make you wish you had known them earlier.

For example, Security lets you pick harder locks, while some Social skills like Intimidation unlock more ways for you to interact with NPCs and enemies.

Pick Skills With Multiple Effects

Starfield - Ballistics Max Rank

Some skills grant additional effects at higher ranks. An example is the Ballistics skill which not only boosts damage but also extends range at max rank. These skills are best to learn since they give more mileage for your skill points by making them more versatile.

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All Skill Trees

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