Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Flora and Plants

Starfield - List of All Flora Top Banner

Flora in Starfield is the plants that you scan on various planets. Read on to see a list of all Flora in the game, as well as learn what is Flora, and Flora resources and biomes.

Planet Species Guides
All Flora and Plants All Fauna and Alien Creatures

List of All Flora And Plants

All Flora Resources and Biomes

Flora Resources Biomes
Bog Bloom Nutrient
• Wetlands
Boreas Root TBD TBD
Cold Cave Nettle Sealant
• Frozen Plains
Dust Root TBD TBD
Forest Wisp TBD TBD
Frost Reed Fiber
• Frozen Plains
Hive Structures TBD TBD
Rotting Stinkroot Antimicrobial
• Wetlands
Swamp Weed Ornamental Material
• Wetlands
Terra Root TBD TBD

What is Flora?

Planet Plantlife

Starfield - Planet Plantlife

Flora is the term used for all the plant species found across the various planets in Starfield.

Produces Organic Resources

Flora produces organic resources and materials. These are used in crafting items such as consumables, weapons, and equipment.

Used to Complete an Achievement

Achievement How to Unlock
Life Begate Life Gather 500 Organic Resources
►List of All Resources and Materials

One of the achievements you can accomplish in the game requires the player to gather 500 organic resources. You can harvest organic resources from flora and fauna found on different planets.

Scan Flora to 100% Survey Planets

You can scan encountered flora during exploration to raise a planet's survey percentage. One of the optional tasks you can perform in Starfield is to survey planets by scanning local plant and animal life, as well as the planet's resources. Reaching 100% will reveal the planet's traits.

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Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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Starfield - Fauna and Alien CreaturesFauna and Alien Creatures Starfield - Flora and PlantsFlora and Plants
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