Starfield Shattered Space

Crimson Fleet Questline

Starfield - Crimson Fleet Faction

Crimson Fleet is a faction located in The Key in Starfield. Learn all the quests in the Crimson Fleet questline, how to join the Crimson Fleet and its location, the leader and members of Crimson Fleet, and all rewards!

Crimson Fleet Questline

All Main Faction Quests

Quest Details
1. Deep Cover Location: Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Quest Giver: Commander Tuala
EXP: 250 | Credits: 4800
2. Rook Meets King Location: Mars, Sol System
Quest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: Pirate Swashbuckler Gear
EXP: 250 | Credits: 5000
3. Echoes of the Past Location: Suvorov, Kryx
Quest Giver: Delgado
Rewards: Keelhauler
・ UC Prison Shuttle
EXP: 350 | Credits: 20000
4. Breaking the Bank Location: Deimos, Sol System
Quest Giver: Commander Kibwe Ikande
EXP: 350 | Credits: N/A
5. The Best There Is Location: Suvorov, Kryx
Quest Giver: Naeva
EXP: 250 | Credits: 9600
6. Absolute Power Location: Deimos, Sol System
Quest Giver: Commander Kibwe Ikande
EXP: 350 | Credits: 12400
7. Eye of the Storm Location: Suvorov, Kryx
Quest Giver: Naeva
Rewards: Revenant
EXP: 350 | Credits: 8400
8. Legacy's End Location: Suvorov, Kryx
Quest Giver: Commander Kibwe Ikande
EXP: 350 | Credits: 250000

Crimson Fleet Optional Quests

Quest Rewards
1 Burden of Proof Location: Jemison, Alpha Centauri
Quest Giver: Lieutenant Toft
EXP: 50
2 Doctor's Orders Location: Suvorov, Kryx
Quest Giver: Samina Mizra
EXP: 100
3 Reclaiming the Past Location: Suvorov, Kryx
Quest Giver: Bog
EXP: 75

Crimson Fleet Questline Involves Being a Double Agent

The Crimson Fleet's questline has you, working on behalf of United Colonies SysDef, go undercover and infiltrate the Crimson Fleet. Whether you betray or side with the Crimson Fleet will be up to you.

United Colonies Faction Quests and Location

Faction Mission Board Quests

Mission Type Reward
Piracy in Porrima System Piracy 10380 Credits
Steal from the Clinic on Deepala Piracy 3515 Credits
Smuggle Harvested Organs to Gagarin Smuggle 5160 Credits

Mission Board Quests and Rewards

How to Join Crimson Fleet and Location

Join by Completing Deep Cover Quest

Starfield - Austin Rake

To join the Crimson Fleet, you must first do the Deep Cover quest given by the UC SysDef will task you to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet as a double agent.

Deep Cover Rewards and How to Unlock

Become an Official Member after Rook Meets King Quest

After you complete Naeva and the Crimson Fleet's request, they will accept you as a fully fledged member of the Crimson Fleet during the Rook Meets King quest.

Rook Meets King Rewards and How to Unlock

Recommended to Do Last

It's best to do the Crimson Fleet questline last once you're done doing the Main Quests as well as completed side quests that include the Crimson Fleet as enemies.

Once you join the Crimson Fleet, all Crimson Fleet pirates will become friendly and can cause quest bugs and block progress where you need to take them out. While it's possible to take them out stealthily, taking out Crimson Fleet spaceships will incur an expensive bounty with the Crimson Fleet that you'll need to pay.

Found in The Key

Starfield - Crimson Fleet the Key

The Crimson Fleet faction and their base can be found in The Key under the Kryx System.

Crimson Fleet or UC SysDef Choice and Timing

During the Eye of the Storm Mission, Bring Kryx's Legacy to UC Vigilance or The Key

Choice Consequences
Bring Kryx's Legacy to the UC Vigilance Quest continues with UC SysDef forces supporting you against the Crimson Fleet.
Bring Kryx's Legacy to The Key Quest continues, UC SysDef forces will attack you and the Crimson Fleet.

At the end of Eye of the Storm, the second to last mission in the Crimson Fleet questline, you'll decide finally whether you want to side with the Crimson Fleet or UC SysDef.

None of the preceding choices in the questline have any effect on which faction you will side with, and the game gives plenty of warning that the result of the choice is final, so you don't have to worry about accidentally taking a side unintentionally.

The rewards don't vary significantly whichever action you take, and you'll receive 250,000 Credits whichever path you choose, so for the most part, it's ok to side with whichever faction you feel best suits your character's personality.

Should You Betray Delgado?

All Crimson Fleet Exclusive Rewards

250,000 Credits

Regardless of whether you side with the Crimson Fleet or UC SysDef in the Questline, you'll receive 250,000 Credits as your final reward.

List of Exclusive Rewards

Quest All Exclusive Rewards
Deep Cover ・ None
Rook Meets King Pirate Swashbuckler Gear (x)
Echoes of the Past Keelhauler (x1)
・ UC Prison Shuttle
Breaking the Bank ・ None
The Best There Is ・ None
Absolute Power ・ None
Eye of the Storm Revenant (x1)
Legacy's End ・ None

Crimson Fleet Leader and Members

Faction Leader


Faction Members

Adler KempAdler Kemp Aludra TahanAludra Tahan BogBog
Estelle VincentEstelle Vincent Evgeny RokovEvgeny Rokov Huan DaiyuHuan Daiyu
Isra LiskovaIsra Liskova Jasmine DurandJasmine Durand Jessamine GriffinJessamine Griffin
Mathis CastilloMathis Castillo Naeva MoraNaeva Mora Radley JasoRadley Jaso
Samina MizrahSamina Mizrah Shinya VossShinya Voss Taryn KallisTaryn Kallis
Zuri AbaraZuri Abara

UC SysDef Leader and Members

Faction Leader

Commander Kibwe IkandeCommander Kibwe Ikande

Faction Members

Alex VongAlex Vong Armin PetrosyanArmin Petrosyan Jivanta BediJivanta Bedi
Lt. Jillian ToftLt. Jillian Toft

Crimson Fleet Faction History

A Villainous Group of Space Pirates

Starfield - Crimson Fleet HQ

The Crimson Fleet are a faction of space pirates who steal, kill, and generally don't conform to the rules set by governing factions like the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective. They are settled in Kryx System, in their headquarters called The Key.

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