Starfield Shattered Space

All Unique and Legendary Weapon IDs (DLC Updated)

Starfield - Unique and Legendary Weapon IDs

This is a list of all unique and legendary Weapon IDs in Starfield. See how to spawn your own Unique and Legendary weapons, as well as the needed IDs of Weapons, Modifiers, and Attachment Mods!

Weapon ID Lists
Weapon IDs Unique Weapon IDs Weapon Modifier IDs Weapon Quality Level IDs

List of All Unique Weapon IDs

※ Search for a specific Unique Weapon ID below.

Unique Weapon ID Console Command
Starfield Ashta Tamer IDAshta Tamer
player.additem 31FCBF
Starfield BrawlerBrawler's Equinox
player.additem 000EC310
Starfield Ember IDEmber
player.additem 2F99FF
Starfield EternityEternity's Gate
player.additem 329ABB
Starfield Experiment A-7 IDExperiment A-7
player.additem 31F257
Fortune's Glory
32046E or 327627
player.additem 32046E or 327627
Starfield Ace Sidearm IDAce Sidearm
player.additem 002E073B
Starfield Sir LivingstoneSir Livingstone's Pistol
player.additem 1F27F5
Starfield HellerHeller's Cutter
player.additem 32046A
Starfield Unmitigated Violence IDUnmitigated Violence
player.additem 1F02EF
Starfield N67 Smartgun IDN67 Smartgun
player.additem 001AC6BB
Starfield Rapidshot IDRapidshot
player.additem 00162CFA
Starfield Revenant IDRevenant
player.additem 8AF62
Starfield Keelhauler IDKeelhauler
player.additem 8D850
Starfield Boom Boom IDBoom Boom
player.additem 002E0735
Starfield MarksmanMarksman's AA-99
player.additem 002F99FE
Starfield Deadeye IDDeadeye
player.additem 001BBF2A
Starfield Peacekeeper IDPeacekeeper
player.additem 1A52E5
Starfield Elegance IDElegance
player.additem 002E0725
Starfield The Zapper IDThe Zapper
player.additem 002D7913
Starfield Head Ranger IDHead Ranger
player.additem 002FAD3F
Starfield The Prime IDThe Prime
player.additem 002DFD41
Starfield Power Beat IDPower Beat
player.additem 0022A8E1
Starfield Hunterwulf IDHunterwulf
player.additem 002E3E83
Starfield Feather IDFeather
player.additem 002E82A0
Starfield Fury IDFury
player.additem 002E0729
Starfield Pirate Legend IDPirate Legend
player.additem 002FAC64
Starfield The Buzzcut IDThe Buzzcut
player.additem 0020772C
Starfield The Spacer IDThe Spacer
player.additem 001AC6C0
Starfield Poisonstorm IDPoisonstorm
player.additem 001AC6B8
Starfield Mindtear IDMindtear
player.additem 002AC049
Starfield The Mutineer IDThe Mutineer
player.additem CAB0
Starfield Street Sweeper IDStreet Sweeper
player.additem 002F3B1A
Starfield Tempest IDTempest
player.additem 3CE4B0
Starfield Unfair Advantage IDUnfair Advantage
player.additem 3CE4B1
Starfield Radburn IDRadburn
player.additem 00207711
Starfield Ambassador IDAmbassador
player.additem 1EEE4F
Starfield Trickshot IDTrickshot
player.additem 001AC6B1
Starfield Reckless Bombardment IDReckless Bombardment
player.additem 002E0727
Starfield VampireVampire's Gift
player.additem 002FAC66
Starfield X-989 Microgun IDX-989 Microgun
player.additem 8AF5D
Starfield Shattered Shock IDShattered Shock
player.additem 000EC2F9
Starfield Justifier IDJustifier
player.additem 001BAA3C
Starfield Despondent Assassin IDDespondent Assassin
player.additem 14920B
Starfield Brute Force IDBrute Force
player.additem 001AC6E0
Starfield Short Circuit IDShort Circuit
player.additem 002E7C9C
Starfield Acid Rain IDAcid Rain
player.additem 002E3E85
Starfield Speechless Fire IDSpeechless Fire
player.additem 002E0731
Starfield Fiscal Quarter IDFiscal Quarter
player.additem 19F5
Starfield GallowGallow's Reach
327615 or 32046C
player.additem 327615 or 32046C
Starfield The Last Breath IDThe Last Breath
player.additem 0022A8E2
Starfield Terror Inflictor IDTerror Inflictor
player.additem 0022A90C
Starfield Reflection IDReflection
player.additem 0022A90D
Starfield Avatar IDAvatar
player.additem 001AC6B4
Starfield Unrestrained Vengeance IDUnrestrained Vengeance
player.additem 19F7
Starfield The Last Priest IDThe Last Priest
player.additem 31F25A
Starfield Syndicate Enforcer IDSyndicate Enforcer
player.additem TBD
Starfield JakeJake's Hangover Cure
player.additem 2BD871
Starfield Solace IDSolace
player.additem 8AF68
Starfield Marathon IDMarathon
player.additem 002E82A2
Starfield Peacemaker IDPeacemaker
player.additem E7ED1
Starfield Memento Mori IDMemento Mori
player.additem 00316416
Starfield VampireVampire's Sidearm
player.additem 00207739
Starfield Desperation IDDesperation
player.additem 000EC2F1
Starfield Riot Shotgun IDRiot Shotgun
player.additem 00162CF8
Starfield The FangThe Fang's Rifle
010F8F7F (Base ID)
player.additem 010F8F7F (Base ID)
Starfield SpeakerSpeaker's Judgment
010FFC55 (Base ID)
player.additem 010FFC55 (Base ID)

How to Spawn Unique Weapons

Use with Console Commands to Get Unique Weapons

Command player.placeatme [unique weapon id]
Example player.placeatme 31FCBF

Here's how to open the Console Command and enter the Unique Weapon IDs:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

All Unique and Legendary Weapon Locations

Legendary ID Combinations

Modifier IDs

Below is a list of Weapon Modifier IDs. Add three of them onto a weapon to make a Legendary-rarity weapon, since Legendary weapons are just guns with 3 Weapon Modifiers at once. To add a Weapon Modifier, you need to be facing the weapon while its on the ground (it can't be in your inventory).

Note: On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll.
Modifier ID Console Command
Anti-Personnel FF442 REFID.amod FF442
Bashing FEA07 REFID.amod FEA07
Berserker F437E REFID.amod F437E
Cornered F428E REFID.amod F428E
Demoralizing FC884 REFID.amod FC884
Disassembler 1625EB REFID.amod 1625EB
Explosive FA8D6 REFID.amod FA8D6
Extended Magazine 000FFA3B REFID.amod 000FFA3B
Exterminator 15DD18 REFID.amod 15DD18
Frenzy FC8A4 REFID.amod FC8A4
Furious EA117 REFID.amod EA117
Hitman 122F1C REFID.amod 122F1C
Incendiary 7D728 REFID.amod 7D728
Instigating F2013 REFID.amod F2013
Lacerate FEA49 REFID.amod FEA49
Med Theft FFA3C REFID.amod FFA3C
Poison 319AEC REFID.amod 319AEC
Radioactive EA13B REFID.amod EA13B
Rapid FEA04 REFID.amod FEA04
Shattering F4557 REFID.amod F4557
Space-Adept F7321 REFID.amod F7321
Staggering E8D64 REFID.amod E8D64
Titanium Build FFA3D REFID.amod FFA3D
Handloading 000EA0BA REFID.amod 000EA0BA
Tesla 0031C0C6 REFID.amod 0031C0C6
Skip Shot 0031C0C4 REFID.amod 0031C0C4
One Inch Punch 000F4CF0 REFID.amod 000F4CF0

How to Spawn Legendary Weapons

Use Console Commands

Legendary weapons are just guns with three Weapon Modifiers. Unlike Attachment Mods, Weapon Modifiers cannot be added to guns by using a Weapon Workbench.

To spawn your own Legendary weapon, you'll need to add three Weapon Modifiers and optional Attachment Mods to a gun by using console commands. Take note that this is only available on PC, and it can block you from getting Achievements.

Console Commands List and Best Cheats

Get Weapon's Reference ID

Starfield - Get Weapon and Reference ID

To start creating your own Legendary weapon from scratch, you'll need a Weapon ID to spawn the base weapon. A list of Weapon IDs can be found in the sections below.

Bring up the console with the Tilde (~) key and entering the following command:

Command player.placeatme [Weapon ID]
Example player.placeatme 0002EB42

The example above will spawn a Magshot on the floor at your current location. Click on the weapon to get its Reference ID. If you did it correctly, it should show up in the middle of your screen with the format: WEAP '' (########).

You can also modify an existing weapon by dropping it on the floor and get its Reference ID with the same method. Keep in mind that the Reference ID changes every time you pick up the weapon and drop it!

Add Modifiers and Attachment Mods

Starfield - Add Modifiers and Attachment Mods
Now that you have a weapon's Reference ID, it's time to add Modifiers and Attachment Mods. A list of Modifier and Attachment Mod IDs can be found in the sections below.

The command for adding Modifiers and Attachment Mods is as follows:

Command [Reference ID].amod [Modifier/Attachment ID]
Example FF00BD6F.amod E8D64

The example above will add a Staggering Modifier to the Magshot spawned earlier. making it a Rare Pistol. Adding two Modifiers will turn the gun's rarity into Epic, and adding three makes it Legendary.

If you want to remove a Modifier or Attachment Mod, replace .amod with .rmod instead and use the same IDs.

Best Weapon Modifiers

How to Farm Legendary Weapons without Console Commands

Set Difficulty to the Very Hard Option

If you chose to not use console commands to obtain a legendary weapon, you can fortunately farm them in game! Higher difficulty settings makes enemies spawn with better loot and higher chances of spawning with a Legendary Weapon.
How to Farm Legendary Weapons and Armor

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Console Commands List and Guide

Console Commands List and Best Cheats

Console Command Guides

Item IDs and Codes
Item IDs Weapon IDs
Unique and Legendary Weapon IDs Weapon Modifier IDs
Armor and Weapon Quality Level IDs Mod IDs
Armor IDs Apparel IDs
Unique and Legendary Armor IDs Armor Modifier IDs
Perk IDs Aid IDs
Ammo IDs Food IDs
Resource and Material IDs Location IDs
Quest IDs Starborn Power IDs
Trait IDs Background IDs
Ship IDs Skill Magazine IDs
Faction IDs Enemy IDs
Shattered Space DLC IDs -
Console Commands
NoClip Command Increase Carry Weight Console Command


7 Anonymousover 1 year

for the katana wich mods can u add

6 Anonymousover 1 year

you first click on the weapon the scroll down with your scrolling wheel until you see WEAP


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