Starfield Shattered Space

Neon City Interactive Map (2024 Updated)

Starfield - Neon

This is a Neon interactive map (2024 Surface Map Update) for Starfield. Read on to learn Neon's shops, starmap location, houses and collectibles, and all points of interest!

Neon Interactive Map

New Surface Map

Use the dropdown in the top left of the Interactive Map above to switch between Neon Core, Ebbside, and the Underbelly.

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.

Neon Shops

Map of Neon Shops

Neon Core Shops The Underbelly Shops
Ebbside Shops

Follow these maps to find the locations of all shops and vendors in Neon Core, Ebbside, and the Underbelly.

Neon Shops and Items for Sale

Shop Items for Sale
Arboron Weapons and Ammo
Chunks Aid (Food)
Chunks Express Aid (Food)
Frankie's Grab and Go Weapons, Ammo, Resources, and Aid
Legrande's Liquors Aid (Drinks) and Blend
Mining League Resources and Mining Supplies
Newill's Goods Gear and Miscellaneous Items
Offworld Eats Aid (Food and Drinks)
Quikshop Aid (Food and Drinks)
Reliant Medical Aid
Ryujin Apparel and Neuroamps for Buffs
Sieghart's Outfitters Armor, resources, and miscellaneous items
TerraBrew Coffee Aid (Drinks)
The Emporium Miscellaneous Items
Tranquilitea Aid (Drinks)
Xenofresh Seafood Trawl and Aid (Food)

These are all of the shops and vendors you can find in Neon and the types of items they sell. Know exactly which store to go to if you're in need of certain items.

Ship Technician Services Location

Starfield - Ship Services Technician in Neon
You can find the ship technician services NPC in a building outside of Neon Core, near your ship. Here, you will be able to repair your ship, modify your ship, and purchase new ships.

List of All Ships

Neon Houses

House Locations

Price: 6,500 credits
Location: The Ebbside
Rooms: 1
Floor Space: Very Small
Vendor: Izna Sundaraman

Sky Suite
Price: 235,000 credits
Location: Neon Core
Rooms: 1
Floor Space: Large
Vendor: Boone Morgan

These are all the houses of Neon you can own and live in.
Best Houses and How to Get All Houses

How to Get Sleep Crate

To purchase Sleep Crate, head out to Ebbside and find Izna Sundararaman, the shopkeep NPC of the Sleep Crate Store.

How to Get Sky Suite

To purchase Sky Suite, head to the Astral Lounge and talk to Boone Morgan the bartender. You will be able to purchase Sky Suite from him.
How to Get Houses and Property

Neon Companions

All Recruitable Companions

Companion Overview
Starfield - Mickey CaviarMickey Caviar How to Get: Found at the Astral Lounge in Neon
Wellness ★★

Mickey Caviar is the only recruitable companion in Neon, who can be found and added to your crew. Know exactly which skills this companion has and whether they will be useful for you to bring along or station in your ship and outposts.

List of All Companions and Crew Members

Neon Collectibles

Skill Magazine Locations

Collectible Effect Location
CombaTech Catalog 01CombaTech Catalog 01 Slightly increases the range and accuracy of CombaTech weapons. Seokguh Syndicate Hideout
Cyber RunnerCyber Runner's Cipher 01 Laser weapons permanently do 5% more critical damage. Slayton Aerospace
Cyber RunnerCyber Runner's Cipher 04 Adds a bankable auto-attempt for hacking. Volii Hotel
GRUNT Issue 02GRUNT Issue 02 Ballistic weapons permanently do 5% more critical damage. Seokguh Syndicate Hideout
GunslingerGunslinger's Guide 04 Permanently reload and draw Laredo weapons an additional 5% faster. Freestar Rangers Outpost
Neon Nights 02Neon Nights 02 Permanently grants the recipe for the chem S.T.E.V.E., which slows down time and increases ranged damage for a limited time. Astral Lounge
Neon Nights 03Neon Nights 03 Permanently grants the recipe for the chem O2 Shot, which increases oxygen regeneration for a limited time. CeltCorp
Neon Nights 05Neon Nights 05 Grants the recipe for AddiJack, which removes addiction penalties and grants a bonus to researching. Xenofresh Fisheries

Skill magazines can permanently increase your stats. These are all of the skill magazines you can find in Neon.

All Skill Magazine Locations

Neon Quests

Neon Quest Locations and Rewards

Quest Rewards
All That Money Can Buy EXP: 400
Credits: N/A
Starborn EXP: 300
Credits: 5000

・ Calibrated Constellation Space Helmet (x1)

Loose Ends EXP: 50
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
All For One EXP: 110
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Bare Metal EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Fishy Business EXP: 75
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
The Audition EXP: 50
Credits: 6300
Supply Line EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
・ Aurora Recipe
Shadows In Neon EXP: 250
Credits: 5000
One Step Ahead EXP: 100
Credits: 1000
A New Narrative EXP: 110
Credits: 2500
Access is Key EXP: 100
Credits: 2500
Sowing Discord EXP: 250
Credits: 10000
Accidents Happen EXP: 100
Credits: 2500
Maintaining the Edge EXP: 100
Credits: 2500
Top Secrets EXP: 250
Credits: 10000
Ember (x1)

Background Checks EXP: 250
Credits: 9000
Guilty Parties EXP: 250
Credits: 4800
Sabotage EXP: 350
Credits: 8400
Operative Helmet (x1)
Operative Suit (x1)

Med Pack (x3)
CQB-X (x1)

The Key Ingredient EXP: 250
Credits: 4800
Executive Level EXP: 350
Credits: 13500
Destroy the Crimson Fleet Haunt at Sol Credits: 2650
Deliver Parcels and Mail to Polvo Credits: 1685
Deliver Reactive Paints to Akila Credits: 1705
Transport Scientists to Porrima II-C Credits: 1560
Saburo's Solution EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Managing Assets EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Display of Power EXP: 75
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Mob Mentality EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
The Showdown EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Street Sweeper
Relief Run EXP: 110
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Dirty Laundry EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Superfan EXP: 110
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Unjustified EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
The Power of Persuasion EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Hard Luck EXP: 100
Credits: Leveled Amount of Credits
Balancing the Books EXP: 100
Credits: 2000 or 1000

These are all of the quests you can find in Neon. Know where to find each main quest and side quest and what all their rewards are.

Neon Valuable Items

Pick Up the Syndicate Enforcer in Seokguh Syndicate Hideout

You can pick up the Syndicate Enforcer in one of the weapon cases in the Seokguh Syndicate Hideout during the Guilty Parties side quest.

How to Get Syndicate Enforcer

Pick Up The Price of Destiny at Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse

You can pick up The Price of Destiny at Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse and unlock the St. Louis landmark on Earth to get the St. Louis Snow Globe.

To get to the location, you need to pickpocket the penthouse key from Benjamin Bayu. Find him in one of the rooms at the VIP Balcony of the Astral Lounge.

Make sure to save before attempting to pickpocket as there is a chance that you may get caught in the act.

All Snow Globe Locations

Neon Points of Interest

What to Do in Neon Points of Interest

Point of Interest What to Do
Xenofresh Restricted Area with Hostile NPCs
Tranquilitea Office Talk to Christine Quince
Trade Authority Sell Contraband or Buy and Sell Regular Items
The Volii Hotel Rent a Room and Access MIssion Board
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom Mod or Buy Ships and Sell Resources
Stroud-Eklund Showroom Buy and Mod Ships
Sleep Crate Buy a Sleepcrate for 6,500 Credits
Ryujin Industries Faction Quest
Ryujin Apartments Talk to Karolina Gortat
Neon Tactical Weapons Workbench, Buy Items, and Steal
Neon Security HQ Quest and Neon Holding Cells
Madame Sauvage's Place Hire Crew, Join Ebbside Strikers, Get Contraband
Generdyne Industries Facility Powering Neon
Galbank Steal from ATM (Advanced)
Fresh Warm Food Explore
Fresh Seafood Explore
Freestar Rangers Outpost Talk to Jaylen Pryce
Euphorika Access Shop, Hire Crew
Enhance! (Neon) Change Character Appearance
DRONE Showroom for Mini Robots
Astral Lounge Talk to Benjamin Bayu

These are all of the points of interest and things to do in Neon. Know which NPCs to talk to and what missions you can accept from these locations.

List of Points of Interest

Neon Bounty Kiosk Location

Starfield - The Volii Hotel
The Self-Service Bounty Clearance Kiosk can be found inside The Volii Hotel, which is to the right of the elevator upon entering Neon Core.

How to Remove Bounty

What Happens When You Attack Citizens

Neon citizens will sometimes fight back if you attack them. You may get in a firefight with Neon Security and civilians alike so make sure to attack only if you're ready for combat.

In addition, Neon Security will arrest you if you are caught.

How to Avoid Jail

Neon Location

Found on Planet Volii Alpha in the Volii Star System

Neon is found in Volii Alpha within the Volii Star System. To get to Neon, you will have to grav jump to a closer star system like Arnae or Olympus.

If you prefer following the flow of the main questline, you can get to Neon during the All That Money Can Buy mission.

Volii Alpha Planet Location

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Cities and Points of Interest

List of All Cities and Points of Interests

List of Major Cities

New Atlantis Neon Cydonia
Akila City Hopetown New Homestead

List of Named Points of Interest

Ka'zaal Sulfur Mine The Key The Well
Autonomous Dogstar Factory Kreet Research Lab Red Mile
Gagarin Landing Mast District Residential District
The Lodge Research Outpost U3-09 Pilgrim's Rest
Paradiso Codos Alu Fortuna
New York Landmark The Den The Almagest
Deimos Staryard Crucible Tau Gourmet Production Center
CM Station RC-1 Ecliptic Base The Eleos Retreat
The Lock Nishina Research Station Nova Galactic Staryard
Vlad's Villa Starstation UCN-48 Trident Luxury Lines Staryard
Stroud-Eklund Staryard Derelict Achilles The Colander
Ebbside - Neon Neon Underbelly Lopez's Farm
Starstation RE-939 ECS Constant Vulture's Roost
Deimos Armored Transport Forward Base 441 Derelict Bireme
Eklund Excavation Site CL25 The Haemosu Reliant Medical Organics Lab
Lucky Lu The Clinic

List of Generic Points of Interest

Civilian Outpost Industrial Outpost Mining Outpost
Deserted Relay Station Abandoned Muybridge Pharmaceuticals Lab Abandoned Gravity Farm
Structure Science Outpost 1-of-a-Kind Salvage
Abandoned Robotics Facility Spaceship Debris Fracking Station
Abandoned Outpost Deserted Mineral Plant Military Post
Crashed Ship Landing Area Occupied Cave
Scanner Anomaly Abandoned Research Tower Deserted Robotics Lab
Abandoned Biochem Laboratory Abandoned Weapon Station Abandoned Farm
Ancient Ruins Processing Plant Buried Temple
Bindi Mining Outpost Deserted Ecliptic Garrison Abandoned Mining Platform
Forgotten Mech Graveyard Autonomous Staryard Abandoned Deimos Scrapyard
Deserted UC Garrison Abandoned Mining Rig Deserted Biotics Lab
Safe House Gamma


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