Starfield Shattered Space

No Sudden Moves Walkthrough and Choices

Starfield - No Sudden Moves

No Sudden Moves is a main quest in Starfield. See if you should persuade or attack Petrov, how to unlock No Sudden Moves, rewards, and how to complete it.

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Short Sighted High Price to Pay

No Sudden Moves Rewards and Unlock Condition

How to Unlock and Rewards

Starting Location The Eye, Jemison
Recommended Level 10
Prerequisites None
Previous Quest Short Sighted
Next Quest High Price to Pay
Rewards EXP: 750
Credits: N/A
The Collector's Outfit (x1)

No Sudden Moves Walkthrough and Objectives

No Sudden Moves Objectives ▼
1 Talk to Vladimir
2 Travel to the Scow
3 Board the Scow
4 Find Captain Petrov
5 Follow Petrov
6 Steal the Artifact
7 Leave the Scow
8 Add the Artifact to the Collection

1-2. Travel to the Scow

Starfield - Approach the Scow

Talk to Vladimir in the Eye and he'll ask you to head over to the Scow to meet with Captain Petrov. The ship is located on the orbit of Procyon V-B in the Procyon A system.

3. Board the Scow

Starfield - Hail the Scow

Approach the Scow flying in the airspace and hail it. To board the ship, you can talk your way in or attack the spacecraft and disable the engines.

Talk Your Way In (Optional)

You can persuade the Scow to let you in the ship by successfully filling up 4 persuasion meters within 3 turns.

Persuasion Guide - How to Build Persuasion Meter

Disable the Engines (Optional)

If you decide to go the violent route, you'll have to disable the engines. You can easily destroy them if you have the Targeting Control Systems skill as this lets you lock on a ship's parts individually.

Targeting Control Systems Skill Rank Up Guide

4. Find Captain Petrov

Starfield - Two Guards Outside Captain

Proceed through the hallway until you run into a guard named Tau Xun. You can exit the conversation as he won't really play a key role in the quest.

Make your way to the upper levels of the Scow until you find two guards standing watch by the entrance of the captain's quarters. Head inside and talk to Captain Petrov.

Starfield - Talk to Captain Petrov

When talking to Petrov, you can persuade him or let Barrett talk to him so he can lead you to the vault where the Artifact is located.

If you fail the Persuasion check, you can pickpocket the key from him or lockpick the vault door to gain access inside. You can also attack and deal damage to him until he surrenders the vault key to you.

5-6. Follow Petrov and Steal the Artifact

Starfield - Grab the Artifact on the Display

If you successfully persuaded Captain Petrov, follow him to the vault and quickly grab the Artifact Phi mounted on the display. This will make Petrov and everyone aboard the Scow hostile!

You can knock Petrov down by damaging him, then ask him to order his crew to stand down and let you leave peacefully.

Find the Thin Walls (Optional)

Starfield - Erin September, Raptor, and Bull

Another way to steal the Artifact is to talk to Erin September, Raptor, and Bull in the captain's quarters and pay them 1000 Credits. They'll reveal that the back end of the vault is beside the conveyor belt system.

Additionally, you can pay them an extra 2500 Credits to help you fight Petrov's men during your escape.

Before heading there, release the Zoo aliens located one floor below you, so they could fight the Scow soldiers as a distraction when you make your escape later on.

Starfield - Conveyor Belt Thin Wall

At the conveyor belt's thin wall, use the cutter to remove the safety pins. Kill all the hostiles inside and there will be another thin wall. Again, remove the pins and you'll find yourself inside Captain Petrov's vault. Grab the Artifact and leave the ship while fighting hordes of Scow soldiers!

7-8. Leave the Scow

Starfield - The Lodge Artifact Collection

With the Artifact in your possession, head back to your ship and return to the Lodge at Jemison. Add the Artifact to the collection to end the quest.

No Sudden Moves Choice Guide

Damage Petrov, But Keep Him Alive

Starfield - Petrov Surrender

At any point from meeting Petrov, you can attack him, but make sure he stays alive. Dealing damage to Petrov causes him to cower and surrender, where he will allow you to take the artifact without any further problems.

Killing Petrov and His Crew Makes You a Wanted Criminal

Starfield - UC Navy

Killing Petrov and his Security Detail will result in you becoming a Wanted Criminal, where you will be hunted down by the UC Navy.

How to Get the Artifact from Petrov

No Sudden Moves Previous and Next Quest

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Short Sighted High Price to Pay

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Main Quests

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quest Walkthroughs

# Main Quest Unlockables
1 One Small Step ・The Lodge
2 The Old Neighborhood ・Unlock Sarah Morgan as companion
3 The Empty Nest ・Unlock Sam Coe as companion
4 Back to Vectera ・Unlock Barrett as companion
5 Into the Unknown ・Unlock Andreja as companion
・Anti-Gravity Field
6 All That Money Can Buy None
7 Starborn ・Artifact
8 Further Into the Unknown None
9 Short Sighted None
10 No Sudden Moves None
11 High Price to Pay ・Armillary
12 Unity None
13 In Their Footsteps None
14 Final Glimpses ・Artifact
15 Entangled None
16 Unearthed None
17 Missed Beyond Measure None
18 Revelation ・Artifact
19 One Giant Leap ・New Game Plus
20 Among the Stars None
21 Foreknowledge None


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