Starfield Shattered Space

Automated Weapon Systems Skill Rank Up Guide

Automated Weapon Systems is a Master Tech skill that improves your ship's automated weapons in Starfield. Read on to learn the effects of the Automated Weapon Systems skill, how to unlock and rank up the Automated Weapon Systems skill, and the backgrounds that know it.

Automated Weapon Systems How to Unlock and Overview

Automated Weapon Systems Skill Overview

Automated Weapon Systems Skill
Starfield - Automated Weapon Systems Skill Skill Tree:
Turret weapons are known for their easy-to-use, autonomous nature, but they can be made even deadlier with some specific technical adjustments.

How to Unlock Automated Weapon Systems

Spend 12 Skill Points in the Tech Tree

As Automated Weapon Systems is a higher-tier Master skill, it is unlocked by spending a total of 12 skill points in the Tech skill tree before it can be learned.

How to Farm Skill Points Fast

Backgrounds with the Automated Weapon Systems Skill

There are no backgrounds that start with the Automated Weapon Systems skill.

List of All Backgrounds

How to Rank Up Automated Weapon Systems Skill

All Rank Challenges and Effects

Rank Challenge Effects
1 Spend a total of 12 Skill Points in the Tech tree. Automated ship weapons do 10% more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 20%.
2 Deal 1,000 damage to enemy ships with automated turret weapons. Automated ship weapons do 20% more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 30%. Your ship takes 20% less damage while in targeting mode.
3 Deal 4,000 damage to enemy ships with automated turret weapons. Automated ship weapons do 30% more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 40%. Increases crit chance against targeted subsystems by 20%.
4 Deal 10,000 damage to enemy ships with automated turret weapons. Ship turret weapons recharge 40% faster and do 20% more damage to targeted sub-systems.

Install Turrets on Your Ship

Starfield - Install Turrets on Your Ship
Turrets can only be installed on Class B or Class C ships. This means you should have at least Rank 3 of the Piloting and a B-Class Reactor on your ship.

As ship parts have level unlocks, the earliest turret you can install on your ship is the Scorch-S 80MW Pulse Laser Turret, which is unlocked at level 16. Unfortunately, this turret requires Starship Design at Rank 4.

Alternatively, the earliest turret you can install on your ship that does not require Starship Design is the Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Turret, which is a Class B turret that is unlocked at level 19.

While in Ship Customization, orient your turrets in the right direction by flipping them with the Z key.

How to Get and Fire Turrets

Look for Enemy Ship Encounters

Starfield - Look for Enemy Ship Encounters
To progress the challenge, you must encounter enemy ships to shoot down with your turrets. Enemy ship encounters are random within the galaxy. However, some systems have a higher likelihood of having an enemy encounter.

Farm Enemy Ships in Systems Under a Hostile Faction

One way to guarantee, or at least increase the likelihood, of an enemy encounter is to go to a system controlled by an enemy Faction. The system Kryx is controlled by the Crimson Fleet and is a location where you can farm Crimson Fleet ship encounters to complete the challenge. The location The Key will have multiple Crimson Fleet ships that can overwhelm you, so prepare accordingly for this encounter.

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3 Anonymous4 months

Description vague. Do parts of this skill apply when not using auto turrets? (Dmg reduction... crit chance...)

2 Anonymousover 1 year

How I do 1000 damage with turrets to rank up skill


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