Starfield Shattered Space

Best Ships

Starfield - Best Ships
Find out the best ships you can use in Starfield. Read on to learn where and how to get the best ships for different aspects and more!

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Best Ships

Best Ships for Storage

Ship Explanation
Kepler R ・High cargo capacity for early and midgame.
・ Obtain for free after completing Overdesigned side quest.
Silent Runner ・Provides 6060 cargo capacity and 30 lightyear jump.

Kepler R

Starfield - Kepler R
Kepler R has a cargo capacity of 3550, making it one of the best ships to use to store items in the cargo hold. You can get the ship for free when you complete the Overdesigned side quest.

How to Get the Kepler R Ship

Silent Runner

Starfield - Silent Runner

If you prefer double the cargo capacity, you can purchase the Silent Runner ship from a ship vendor. This ship has 6060 cargo capacity and a 30 lightyear jump, making it the best ship for transporting cargo around star systems

How to Get Silent Runner Ship

Best Ships for Combat

Ship Explanation
(Early Game)
・Can be obtained early as part of the Mantis side quest.
・Comes with a shielded cargo hold for smuggling contraband.
Star Eagle
(Mid Game)
・Well-rounded mid game ship for transporting cargo and combat.
・Obtain for free after completing The Hammer Falls faction quest.
Starborn Guardian
(Late/Post Game)
・Extremely powerful weapons make ship combat easy.
・Comes with its own shielded cargo hold
・Requires completing New Game Plus multiple times to upgrade the ship.

Razorleaf for Early Game Ship

Starfield - Razorleaf

Razorleaf is one of the best early game ships that you can get when you complete the Mantis side quest. It also comes with its own shielded cargo hold, allowing you to get a chance to smuggle contraband in certain star systems.

How to Get Razorleaf Ship

Star Eagle for Mid Game Ship

Starfield - Star Eagle
The Star Eagle is a balanced ship that you can obtain for free after completing The Hammer Falls faction quest. It has a cargo capacity of 2280, allowing you to transport cargo and weapons to defend yourself from pirate and spacer attacks.
How to Get Star Eagle Ship

Starborn Guardian for Late Game Ship

Starfield - Starborn Guardianmode:show

Starborn Guardian is a late game ship that you obtain once you complete the main quest and start a New Game Plus. Its solar flare and gravity torpedo makes it extremely powerful in combat and can also store contraband in a shielded capacity.

Note that unlike other ships, you cannot customize the Starborn Guardian and the only way to obtain upgraded versions is to complete the main quest multiple times.

How to Get Starborn Guardian Ship

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