Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Factions and Faction Questlines

Starfield - List of All Factions

This is a list of all factions and faction quests in Starfield. Read on for a full list of all factions, their location, whether you can join all factions, all faction questlines, and brief explanations and backgrounds for each.

All Factions

Faction and Location No. of Main Quests Rewards
UC VanguardUC Vanguard
(Jemison, Alpha Centauri)
Crimson FleetCrimson Fleet
(Suvorov, Kryx)
250,000 Credits
Pirate Swashbuckler Gear
Freestar CollectiveFreestar Collective
(Akila, Cheyenne)
Ryujin IndustriesRyujin Industries
(Volii Alpha, Volii)
(Jemison, Alpha Centauri)
House VaHouse Va'ruun
(Va'ruun'kai, Kazynk)
Ebbside Strikers
(Volii Alpha, Volii)

There are seven major factions you can join in Starfield (with House Va'ruun, who you can join in the Shattered Space DLC).

Best Faction to Join

All Faction Quests

※ Search for a specific quest below or select one of the factions then press Search to filter the data.

Note: On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll.
No. Quest Faction Location Rewards
1 ConstellationOne Small Step Constellation Vectera, Moon of Anselon, EXP: 400
2 ConstellationThe Old Neighborhood Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 400
3 ConstellationThe Empty Nest Constellation Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 350
4 ConstellationBack to Vectera Constellation Vectera, Moon of Anselon, Narion System EXP: 350
5 ConstellationInto the Unknown Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 400
6 ConstellationAll That Money Can Buy Constellation Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 400
7 ConstellationStarborn Constellation Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 300
Calibrated Constellation Space Helmet
8 ConstellationFurther Into the Unknown Constellation Random Planet, Random System EXP: 750
Med Pack (x2)
9 ConstellationShort Sighted Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 700
10 ConstellationNo Sudden Moves Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 750
The Collector's Outfit (x1)
11 ConstellationHigh Price to Pay Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 800
12 ConstellationUnity Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 800
13 ConstellationIn Their Footsteps Constellation Oborum III, Oborum Prime System EXP: 750
14 ConstellationFinal Glimpses Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 800
Refined Constellation Spacesuit
15 ConstellationEntangled Constellation Freya III, Freya System EXP: 800
Experimental Nishina Helmet (x1)
Experimental Nishina Spacesuit (x1)
16 ConstellationUnearthed Constellation Oborum III, Oborum Prime System EXP: 4500
17 ConstellationMissed Beyond Measure Constellation Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 750
18 ConstellationRevelation Constellation Earth, Sol System EXP: 5100
1 Crimson FleetDeep Cover Crimson Fleet Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 250
2 Crimson FleetRook Meets King Crimson Fleet Mars, Sol System EXP: 250
Pirate Swashbuckler Gear (x1)
3 Crimson FleetEchoes of the Past Crimson Fleet Suvorov, Kryx EXP: 350
Keelhauler (x1)
UC Prison Shuttle
4 Crimson FleetBreaking the Bank Crimson Fleet Deimos, Sol System EXP: 350
5 Crimson FleetThe Best There Is Crimson Fleet Suvorov, Kryx EXP: 250
6 Crimson FleetAbsolute Power Crimson Fleet Deimos, Sol System EXP: 350
7 Crimson FleetEye of the Storm Crimson Fleet Suvorov, Kryx EXP: 350
Revenant (x1)
8 Crimson FleetLegacy's End Crimson Fleet Suvorov, Kryx EXP: 350
1 The Audition Ebbside Strikers Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 50
2 Display of Power Ebbside Strikers Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 75
3 The Showdown Ebbside Strikers Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 100
Street Sweeper
1 Freestar RangersJob Gone Wrong Freestar Rangers Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 150
2 Freestar RangersDeputized Freestar Rangers Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 250
3 Freestar RangersWhere Hope is Built Freestar Rangers Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 250
4 Freestar RangersShadows In Neon Freestar Rangers Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 250
5 Freestar RangersSurgical Strike Freestar Rangers Deepala, Narion System EXP: 350
6 Freestar RangersOn The Run Freestar Rangers Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 350
7 Freestar RangersFirst to Fight, First to Die Freestar Rangers Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 250
8 Freestar RangersThe Hammer Falls Freestar Rangers Arcturus II, Arcturus EXP: 150
Star Eagle Ship
1 House VaWhat Remains
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 250
2 House VaThe Promised, Broken
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 350
Va'ruun Schimaz (x1)
3 House VaAligning the Houses
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: -
4 House VaConflict in Conviction
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 350
5 House VaZealous Overreach
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 350
Va'ruun Starstorm (x1)
6 House VaExhuming the Past
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 350
Va'ruun Penumbra (x1)
7 House VaThe Other Side
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 300
8 House VaThe Scaled Citadel
House Va'ruun Va'ruun'kai, Kavnyk EXP: 350
Dazra Vacant House
1 Ryujin IndustriesBack to the Grind Ryujin Industries Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 250
2 Ryujin IndustriesOne Step Ahead Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 100
3 Ryujin IndustriesA New Narrative Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 110
4 Ryujin IndustriesAccess is Key Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 100
5 Ryujin IndustriesSowing Discord Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 250
6 Ryujin IndustriesAccidents Happen Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 100
7 Ryujin IndustriesMaintaining the Edge Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 100
8 Ryujin IndustriesTop Secrets Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 250
Ember (x1)
9 Ryujin IndustriesBackground Checks Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 250
10 Ryujin IndustriesGuilty Parties Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 250
11 Ryujin IndustriesThe Key Ingredient Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 250
12 Ryujin IndustriesSabotage Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 350
Operative Helmet (x1)
Operative Suit (x1)
Med Pack (x3)
CQB-X (x1)
13 Ryujin IndustriesExecutive Level Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 350
14 Ryujin IndustriesThe Power of Persuasion Ryujin Industries Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 100
1 UC VanguardSupra Et Ultra UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 275
2 UC VanguardGrunt Work UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 250
UC Vanguard Spacesuit (x1)
UC Vanguard Space Helmet (x1)
UC Vanguard Pilot Pack (x1)
3 UC VanguardDelivering Devils UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 250
4 UC VanguardEyewitness UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 350
5 UC VanguardFriends Like These UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 350
・UC Citizen ID
6 UC VanguardThe Devils You Know UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 150
7 UC VanguardWar Relics UC Vanguard Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 250
8 UC VanguardHostile Intelligence UC Vanguard Niira, Narion System EXP: 350
9 UC VanguardA Legacy Forged UC Vanguard Londinion, Alpha Centauri EXP: 350

List of All Side Quests and Rewards

All Factions Explained

List of Major Factions
UC Vanguard Crimson Fleet Freestar Rangers
Ryujin Industries Constellation House Va'ruun
Ebbside Strikers - -

UC Vanguard

Starfield - United Colonies Faction

The UC Vanguard is a division of the United Colonies, the largest faction in the Settled Systems, and represents the ideal space republic of the future. They have the largest military and its citizens value law, discipline, and the legacy of humanity.

They are located in New Atlantis of Planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system.

UC Vanguard Questline

Crimson Fleet

Starfield - Crimson Fleet Faction

The Crimson Fleet are a group of pirates that have their way in the Settled Systems by pillaging from others and antagonizing anyone who stands in their way. They are located in The Key of Planet Kryx.

Crimson Fleet Questline

Freestar Collective

Starfield - Freestar Collective Faction

The Freestar Collective is the second largest faction in the Settled Systems. Peacekeepers out of the frontiers of space, they rely on judgment and intuition to do what is best for their people.

They are located in Akila City of planet Akila in the Cheyenne system.

Freestar Rangers Questline

Ryujin Industries

Starfield - Ryujin Industries Faction

Ryujin Industries is a gigantic mega-corporation found of Neon, where morality is gray, and where you can climb the ladder to success.

They are located in Neon of Planet Volii Alpha in the Volii system.

Ryujin Industries Questline


Starfield - Constellation Faction

Constellation is a group of the last true explorers of the galaxy, a team of adventurers and scientists who seek to unlock the mysteries of the galaxy.

They are located in New Atlantis of Planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system.

Constellation Faction Quests and Location

House Va'ruun

House Va

House Va'ruun is a technologically-advanced religious faction in the base game and a major story faction in the Shattered Space DLC. They are devoted to serving the Great Serpent and are currently lead by Anasko Va'ruun.

House Va'ruun is mainly based in the city of Dazra of Va'ruun'kai within the Kavnyk system. This city is only accessible once you have completed the quest What Remains in the Shattered Space DLC.

House Va'ruun Faction Guide

Ebbside Strikers

Ebbside Strikers

The Ebbside Strikers is a small faction that can be found in Madame Savauge's Place, Neon of the Volii Alpha planet in the Volii System. This faction offers quests, but it is signifcantly smaller compared to other factions.

Ebbside Strikers Questline

Can You Join All Factions?

All Playable Faction Questlines Can be Completed

In the base game, you can join all of the six factions in Starfield (seven, which includes House Va'ruun, if you have the Shattered Space DLC). All playable faction questlines can be completed in a single playthrough, as they are independent of one another.

The Crimson Fleet's questline will involve you acting as a double agent within the UC SysDef, where you'll have the choice of betraying them or not. This will not affect UC Vanguard quest progression in any way and will only affect your reputation.

Reputation System Explained

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Wiki
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Starfield - ShopsShops Starfield - ItemsItems
Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
Starfield - PuzzlesPuzzle Solutions Starfield - BackgroundsBackgrounds
Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
Starfield - List of All AchievementsAchievements Starfield - Bugs and ErrorsBugs
Starfield - Weapon ModsWeapon Mods Starfield - Armor ModsArmor Mods
Starfield - Fauna and Alien CreaturesFauna and Alien Creatures Starfield - Flora and PlantsFlora and Plants
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