Starfield Shattered Space

Low FPS Performance Issue Bug and How to Fix

Low FPS Performance Issue occurs when your graphics settings are high for your PC to handle in Starfield. Read on to learn how to prevent the bug from occurring, an explanation of this bug, and more!

How to Fix Low FPS Performance Issues

Set All Graphic Options to Low

Starfield - Graphics Setting Screen

Setting all of the possible graphic options to low will increase your FPS drastically. Open Settings and select Display to see the full list of options and set them to low.

Best Settings for PC and Console

Install Starfield to an SSD

Install your game to an SSD, as SSDs are faster than HDDs. A lot of people do this method to reduce the load times of their games.

Update Graphics Card Drivers

Open your respective graphics card driver manager, and update it to the driver's latest version. Since Starfield released recently, it might have graphical issues. Updating your graphics driver might help resolve these issues.

Disable V-Sync

Disable V-Sync to help increase FPS and reduce input lag. Disabling this option might cause screen tearing though!

Low FPS Performance Issue Causes

Graphics Card Cannot Handle Graphics

A likely cause to this issue is that your graphics card cannot handle the heavy graphics Starfield offers. Consider lowering your graphics settings to reduce the workload of your graphics card.

Starfield PC System Requirements

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