Starfield Shattered Space

Shattered Space Guide and All New Content

Starfield Shattered Space

This is a full guide to the Starfield DLC Shattered Space. Learn everything you need to know about the Starfield DLC, such as Shattered Space quests, weapons, length and size, and locations.

Shattered Space DLC Guide

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Overview Quests Weapons
Armor Apparel Companions
Vortex Grenades

All DLC New Additions Overview

New Content Summary
Starfield House VaruunHouse Va'ruun
Shattered Space introduces the House Va'ruun Faction. Its faction questline is comrpised of 8 quests that make up the main story of the DLC.
▶︎ Shattered Space Walkthrough
Starfield DLC VaruunkaiVa'ruun'kai All of the quests take place on the moon of Va'ruun'kai. There are 50 locations and points of interest on Va'ruun'kai, including its capital: Dazra City.
▶︎ Va'ruun'kai Interactive Map
Starfield DLC Side Quests Side Quests Shattered Space has 11 Side Quests and 2 Activities. They can be found both in and out of Dazra City.
▶︎ All Shattered Space Quests
Starfield New WeaponsNew Weapons There are 6 new Va'ruun weapons and 2 new unique weapons introduced in Shattered Space.
▶︎ All Shattered Space New Weapons
Starfield DLC EquipmentNew Armor and Apparel Shattered Space added 19 new armor pieces and 40 new apparel.
▶︎ All Shattered Space DLC Armor
▶︎ All Shattered Space DLC Apparel
Starfield Shattered Space Companions2 Companions Shattered Space adds 2 new companions that can follow you around or be assigned to your ship/outpost. These companions are Tane Salavea and Sahima Ka'dic.
▶︎ All Shattered Space Companions
Vortex GrenadeVortex Grenades There are 5 new grenades you can craft and obtain, each with unique effects.
▶︎ All Vortex Grenade Types

Other DLC Guides

Shattered Space Guides
Shattered Space Best Weapons Shattered Space IDs
How to Remove Dazra Bounty Where to Find Redeemed
DLC Achievements -
Shattered Space Choices
Release the Phantoms or Terminate Pod Life Support? Should You Kill Vaeric?
Should You Kill Sahima? -

How to Start Starfield Shattered Space

All Shattered Space Quests

Main Quests

# DLC Main Quest
1 What Remains
2 The Promised, Broken
3 Aligning the Houses
- House Dul'kehf House Veth'aal House Ka'dic
4-6 Exhuming the Past Conflict in Conviction Zealous Overreach
7 The Other Side
8 The Scaled Citadel

DLC Walkthrough

Side Quests

Side Quests
The Duel Scientific Method
A House Divided The Courier
Twice Reformed Path of Redemption
The Missing Groats Legacy of the Fang
Lost and Found Sympathy for the Living
Fallen Footsteps -
Hide and Seek Misthaze Cavern

List of All DLC Quests

Shattered Space Weapons

Starfield -  Va
Va'ruun Starstorm
Starfield -  Va
Va'ruun Penumbra
Starfield -  Va
Va'ruun Quickstrike
Starfield -  Va
Va'ruun Schimaz
Starfield -  Va
Va'ruun Starlash
Starfield -  Va
Va'ruun Longfang
Starfield -  The Fang
The Fang's Rifle
Starfield -  Speaker
Speaker's Judgment

All Shattered Space New Weapons

Shattered Space Armor

Fang's Spacesuit

Va'ruun Assault Spacesuit

Va'ruun Heavy Assault Spacesuit

Va'ruun Mining Spacesuit

Zealot Assault Spacesuit

Zealot Heavy Assault Spacesuit

Zealot Spacesuit

Fang's Pack

Va'ruun Assault Pack

Va'ruun Mining Pack

Zealot Assault Pack

Zealot Pack

Fang's Helmet

Va'ruun Assault Helmet

Va'ruun Memorial Helmet

Va'ruun Mining Space Helmet

Valrak's Battle Helmet

Zealot Assault Helmet

Zealot Helmet

All Shattered Space DLC Armor

Shattered Space Outfits

All Shattered Space DLC Apparel

Shattered Space Companions

Companion When Unlocked Skills
Starfield Tane SalaveaTane Salavea After Conflict in Conviction
(at the Herald's Rest)
★★ Stealth
Pistol Certification
Starfield Sahima KadicSahima Ka'dic After Zealous Overreach
(at House Ka'dic)
★★ EM Weapon Systems
Aneutronic Fusion
Sniper Certification

All Shattered Space Companions

Vortex Grenades

Grenade Effect and Materials
Vortex Grenade - BindingVortex Grenade - Binding Effect: Explodes and freezes enemies in place.
Crafting Materials Needed:
Vortex Shard (x1)
Dark Vortex Cyst (x1)
Vortex Grenade - ChargedVortex Grenade - Charged Effect: Explodes and does damage like a conventional grenade.
Crafting Materials Needed:
Vortex Shard (x1)
Glowing Vortex Cyst (x1)
Vortex Grenade - LureVortex Grenade - Lure Effect: Summons a Vortex Horror.
Crafting Materials Needed:
Vortex Shard (x1)
Dark Vortex Cyst (x1)
Vortex Cyst (x1)
Vortex Grenade - PhasingVortex Grenade - Phasing Effect: Phases out targets in the explosion.
Crafting Materials Needed:
Vortex Shard (x1)
Glowing Vortex Cyst (x1)
Vortex Cyst (x1)
Vortex Grenade - UnstableVortex Grenade - Unstable Effect: Has unpredictable effects.
Crafting Materials Needed:
Vortex Shard (x1)
Vortex Cyst (x1)

All Shattered Space New Items

Shattered Space DLC Length and Size

Around 5 Hours for Main Story

Main Story 5 Hours
Main Story + Side Content 12 Hours

The main story of Shattered Space takes about 5 hours to beat. It should take an additional 5 to 7 hours to get through all the side content, since there's roughly the same amount of side quests in Shattered Space.

How Many DLCs Will Starfield Have?

Will Starfield Have DLC After Shattered Space?

First Story Expansion
Shattered Space is marketed as Starfield's "First Story Expansion", which could mean that more expansions are being planned.

There has been no official word on DLCs after Shattered Space but it is very likely that Starfield will have more DLCs to come, as Bethesda titles in the past have received anywhere from three to even more add-ons.

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Wiki
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Starfield - Main QuestsMain Quests Starfield - Side QuestsSide Quests
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Armor and Gear Partial BannerArmor Starfield - WeaponsWeapons
Starfield - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Console Commands Partial BannerConsole Commands
Starfield - Ship PartsShip Parts Starfield - Ship ManufacturersShip Manufacturers
Starfield - PlanetsPlanets Starfield - Star SystemsStar Systems
Starfield - Cities and Points of InterestCities and POIs Starfield - Choices and Consequences Partial BannerChoices
Starfield - SkillsSkills Starfield - TraitsTraits
Starfield - ResourcesResources and Materials Starfield - OutpostsOutposts
Starfield - List of Companions and Crew MembersCompanions Starfield - Builds Partial BannerBuilds
Ship DesignsShip Designs Starfield - List of All ShipsShips
Starfield - Starborn PowersStarborn Powers Starfield - CollectiblesCollectibles
Starfield - ShopsShops Starfield - ItemsItems
Starfield - HousesHouses Starfield - Mission BoardMission Board
Starfield - PuzzlesPuzzle Solutions Starfield - BackgroundsBackgrounds
Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
Starfield - List of All AchievementsAchievements Starfield - Bugs and ErrorsBugs
Starfield - Weapon ModsWeapon Mods Starfield - Armor ModsArmor Mods
Starfield - Fauna and Alien CreaturesFauna and Alien Creatures Starfield - Flora and PlantsFlora and Plants
Starfield - News and UpdatesNews and Updates -


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