Starfield Shattered Space

All Peak Performance Locations

Peak Performances are collectible Skill Magazines you can find in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Peak Performances, their locations, their perks, and how to use them!

Peak Performance Locations

Peak Performance 01

Jump to a Peak Performance!
Performance 01 Performance 03
Performance 04 Performance 05
Peak Performance 01 Location
Facilities Room Peak Performance 01
Location The Eye - Jemison
How to Get
Peak Performance 01 is found resting beside the water dispenser inside the Physical Training room aboard The Eye. To get there, players need to board The Eye, which orbits the planet Jemison.

Once aboard, simply go straight until you see the Scanning Control room, and turn right to see the Facilities room. Head into the facilities room and enter the first room on your right. Peak Performance should be sitting beside the water dispenser, towards the foot of the weights bench.

Peak Performance 03

Jump to a Peak Performance!
Performance 01 Performance 03
Performance 04 Performance 05
Peak Performance 03 Location
Greenhouse Peak Performance 03
Location Reliant Medical Organics Lab - Beta Ternion I
How to Get
Peak Performance 03 can be found inside the greenhouse in the center of the Reliant Medical Organics Lab located on the planet Beta Ternion I in the Beta Ternion System.

The lab's power has to be activated first to access the greenhouse. The power switch is in a room overlooking the greenhouse in the center of the lab. From the lab's atrium, continue to the path with the flooded section of the lab to get to the power switch.

Peak Performance 04

Jump to a Peak Performance!
Performance 01 Performance 03
Performance 04 Performance 05
Peak Performance 04 Location
Sonny Di Falco's Estate Peak Performance 04
Location Sonny Di Falco's Island - Maheo I
How to Get
Peak Performance 04 is located in Sonny Di Falco's Estate on his own private island located in Maheo I. Sonny Di Falco's Island will be labeld as a "Structure" as you check the planet for points-of-interest.

The skill magazine is on top of a small table in the very room where Sonny Di Falco's body can be found. This room is beside the bar that overlooks the indoor swimming pool.

There are multiple ways of getting to this room. You can enter the second floor entrance from the outside and go straight the hall to reach the room, or enter through the front door. Note that you may have to go through the vents if you enter through the front door.

Peak Performance 05

Jump to a Peak Performance!
Performance 01 Performance 03
Performance 04 Performance 05
Peak Performance 05 Location
Reckoner's Core Peak Performance 05
Location The Key - Suvorov
How to Get
Peak Performance 05 is found on a table inside the Gym Room aboard The Key spacestation orbiting the planet Suvorov in the Kryx system.

To get there, players need to head to the Reckoner's Core room and walk towards the “Reckoner's Chair”. From there, turn left to see the entrance to the Gym. The skill magazine should be on the narrow table beside some dumbells underneath the RANGE sign.

All Skill Magazine Locations

Peak Performance Perks

Peak Performance Bonus Effects

Number of Magazines Collected Bonus Effect
1 Magazine Permanently increases carrying capacity by 5kg.
2 Magazines Permanently adds 5% to melee weapon critical damage.
3 Magazines Permanenelty adds 5% to unarmed damage.
4 Magazines Pharmaceuticals are permanently 2% less addictive.
5 Magazines Basic and Advanced Physical skills are permanently unlocked 2% faster (on top of any other bonuses).

Collecting certain numbers of Peak Performances will give you corresponding permanent buffs. These buffs focus on providing utility, close-range combat damage, and a boost to unlocking Physical skills.

Novice and Advance Physical Skills

The list of Physical skills that will benefit from the Peak Performances buff is as follows:

Novice Physical Skills
Starfield -  Boxing Skill
Starfield -  Fitness Skill
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
Starfield -  Weight Lifting Skill
Weight Lifting
Starfield -  Wellness Skill
Advance Physical Skills
Starfield -  Energy Weapon Dissipation Skill
Energy Weapon Dissipation
Starfield -  Environmental Conditioning Skill
Environmental Conditioning
Starfield -  Gymnastics Skill
Starfield -  Nutrition Skill
Starfield -  Pain Tolerance Skill
Pain Tolerance

List of All Physical Skills

How to Use Skill Magazines

Collect for Permanent Bonus Effects

Starfield - Peak Performance 02
Obtaining Skill Magazines will automatically give you permanent bonus effects based on the number of magazines you've collected in a certain category. Whether you decide to sell or drop the magazine after getting it will not affect the buffs you've received.

Effects Carry Over to New Game Plus

Starfield - New Game Plus Skill Magazine
Bonus effects from collecting Skill Magazines will remain in your New Game Plus playthrough. This will also allow you to gain new effects after obtaining similar magazines you've gathered in different universes.

After activating all bonus effects, the Skill Magazines will no longer have any bonus descriptions and are only good for selling.

Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

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List of All Skill Magazines

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