Starfield Shattered Space

Update 1.7.33 Patch Notes and Fixes

Starfield - Update 1.7.33 Patch Notes.png

The 1.7.33 update for Starfield was released on September 25 for PC and Xbox and it includes performance improvements and reduces crashes. Check out this guide for a full list of the 1.7.33 update patch notes, as well as the patch file size for all platforms!

1.7.33 Update Patch Notes and Fixes

Update 1.7.33 Patch Notes


  • Characters: Fixed an issue that could cause some characters to not be in their proper location.
  • Star Stations: Fixed an issue where Star Stations would be labeled as a player-owned ship.
  • Vendors: Addressed an issue that allowed for a vendor’s full inventory to be accessible.


  • AMD (PC): Resolved an issue that caused star lens flares not to appear correctly AMD GPUs.
  • Graphics: Addressed an upscaling issue that could cause textures to become blurry.
  • Graphics: Resolved an issue that could cause photosensitivity issues when scrolling through the inventory menu.

Performance and Stability

  • Hand Scanner: Addressed an issue where the Hand Scanner caused hitching.
  • Various stability and performance improvements to address crashing and freezes.


  • Displays: Fixed an issue that would cause displayed items to disappear when applied to in-ship mannequins.
  • Displays: Fixed an issue that would cause items stored in Razorleaf Storage Containers and Weapon Racks to disappear after commandeering another ship.

Source: Starfield | Official Website

Update 1.7.33 Fixes and Improvements

Removes Vendor's Chests

Starfield - Removes Vendor
One of the notable points is that the fix “Addressed an issue that allowed for a vendor’s full inventory to be accessible” which removes vendor's chests in the game's world.

This means that exploits that let you access vendor's chests such as the Puddle Glitch, Boost Pack Glitch in New Atlantis, and Stroud-Eklund Staryard glitch no longer work as of Version 1.7.33

List of Exploits

Fixes a Few Minor Bugs

The Update 1.7.33 Patch contains just a few minor bug fixes, none of which have really been significantly reported by players to our knowledge.

On the page containing the patch, the developers again state that they “are continuing to work on a larger update that will add features and improvements”, so fans should look forward to larger patches coming soon which will address quality-of-life issues directly.

Starfield Related News

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Updates and Version History

Update Release Date
Update 1.7.36 Patch Notes Oct. 9, 2023
Update 1.7.33 Patch Notes Sept. 25, 2023
Update 1.7.29 Patch Notes Sept. 13, 2023
Day One Patch Sept. 1, 2023

All Patch Notes and Updates


4 Anonymousover 1 year

They removed the vendor chests (or hid them further outnof map) for Akila and New Atlantis. I checked them just today. All gone

3 Anonymous77over 1 year

Did they just patch akila city or did they get new jemison and stroud ekland also?


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